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DLD Blaster Stretch Direction

View Poll Results:

In which direction do you stretch when performing DLD Blasters?

Primarily Up, and gaining.


Primarily Down, and gaining.


Primarily Up, and not gaining.


Primarily Down, and not gaining.


Up and Down equally, and gaining.


Up and Down equally, and not gaining.


Up, Down, Left, Right, and gaining.


Up, Down, Left, Right, and not gaining.

Total Votes: 9. You may not vote on this poll

DLD Blaster Stretch Direction

Mods please feel free to delete this thread if it´s a pointless poll.

When performing DLD Blasters, in which direction do you stretch?

I ask this because it doesn´t say specifically which direction to stretch in DLD´s instructions, and was wondering what the relation between forum members, direction and gains were.

I know that the options above are not all encompassing, and some have been left out, basically because they do not fit in with Bib´s LOT theory, and because no one would stretch only to the left or right.


I pull mostly straight out, not up or down.

Now: 8.5" bpel 6" eg Goal: 9.5" nbpel 6" eg (maybe more)

DLD Blasters and style of stretch method could have many different variables from hanging to manual methods. I only use the “A-Stretch” where in a seated position I pull out draped over my wrist with the glans pointing at the floor. They can also be done “Dual Fulcrum” where it would be an entirely different stretching angle. I think that Bib’s Lot Theory needs to be closely studied to determine which Blaster style best suits each user.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

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