Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

DLD Blasters...Un-Real Length Gains

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First, DLD you are my idol with these gains and great attitude :)

Got a question about DLD blasters, tried them today, and ohhh, what a great stretch. I feel my pc worn out already even before doing specific sets of kegels. So my question is-

Is it possible to do DLD blasters in any other position other than lying? (e.g. sitting ) What would be possible adv and disadv of such position?

Thanks in advance,


DLD, when you do your JAI stretches are you pulling with all your might every 2 seconds, or is it a medium stretch?

I read the first three pages and perhaps you may have asked on the two second last pages but anyway, what is a reversed kegel? I am thinking how to do it in an opposite way, but can’t figure it out! :D

Restarting everything.

Originally posted by Gromoboi
First, DLD you are my idol with these gains and great attitude :)

Got a question about DLD blasters, tried them today, and ohhh, what a great stretch. I feel my pc worn out already even before doing specific sets of kegels. So my question is-

Is it possible to do DLD blasters in any other position other than lying? (e.g. sitting ) What would be possible adv and disadv of such position?

Thanks in advance,


Hey Gromoboi, I have been experimenting with different positions too. I really don’t think it makes too much of a difference as long as you are comfortable and getting a good lig workout. I find myself wanting to do mine seated on the floor against a wall…I feel very comfortable and my concentration seems to be best like this. I have to also say that while it is very important to master all physical parts of this exercise to maximize gains I also find my mind playing a huge roll in this exercise. I try to keep my eyes closed and really focus on the pc muscle and trying to pull longer and longer with every reverse.

Originally posted by mike2002
DLD, when you do your JAI stretches are you pulling with all your might every 2 seconds, or is it a medium stretch?

medium to light mike. I will finish my DLD Blasters with a JAI stretch as this is the best time IMO to do this stretch as my PC muscles just had a really good workout and I think the effectiveness is better.

Originally posted by mrCow
I read the first three pages and perhaps you may have asked on the two second last pages but anyway, what is a reversed kegel? I am thinking how to do it in an opposite way, but can't figure it out! :D

Stopping the flow of urine is a keggle.
Urinating as hard as you can is a reverse keggle.

To find these type of flexes is best performed on the toilet. Once you become more familiar with the exercise “accidents” will not be an issue. I still sometimes do my Blaster routine during my morning shit *gross* yes but very effective.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Re: DLD Blasters...Un-Real Length Gains

Originally posted by doublelongdaddy
This is a thread I have over at . I would like everyone to know about it because the gains I have gotten and the gains others are reporting are trully amazing. This is the exercise:

I have found the ultimate in lig stretch…ULTIMATE…

This routine combines my PC exercises with my stretching routine…Nothing has ever hit my ligs like this…NOTHING.

First I think it is very important that the PC muscle is completely understood. Try this exercise to locate your PC muscle and the proper way to do a keggle and a reverse keggle. Next time you take a pee stop the flow of urine by sqeezing…this is a keggle, that muscle that stops the pee is your PC. Now to correctly do a reverse keggle pee as hard as you can, that motion is a reverse keggle. I think this is so important to understand.

DLD Blaster

1.) While laying down pull penis up towards the chest. Create a very good tension.

2.) Do 100 pc squeezes while holding this stretch. This will completely isolate the pc muscle while making you aware of the feeling when it is releasing.

3.) let go and do a 20 second hard pc squeeze.

4.) In a laying position grab penis in a two handed type stretch (ie. DLD “A” Stretch, DLD Dual Fulcrum Stretch, 7-ups “V” Stretch) Now do 50 sets of these: PC squeeze (Keggle) for 5 seconds being very aware of the pc muscle then push out (Reverse Keggle), releasing the pc muscle for 5 seconds. Ex-hale during this and increase the tension. You will feel an immediate increase in length on the push. This is where you will be hitting the ligs 100%

5.) Finish this routine with a 1 minute squeeze followed by a 1 minute push.

Side note for vets and hangers: This exercise is ideal to do when hanging too. I personally do my “A” stretch when doing the Blaster.

Please everyone try this…I am sure you will be very happy.

Please ask any questions.

Another Side Note: The reason I thought of this exercise is it seemed that many people where having trouble with length gains due to an over strong PC muscle. In doing this exercise you will be further strengthening your pc muscle on the Keggle but on the reverse keggle all of the stress of the stretch will be supported by your ligs as a reverse keggle is a total relaxation of the PC muscle.

are we suposed to perform it with flaccid or erect penis ?

Re: Re: DLD Blasters...Un-Real Length Gains

Originally posted by nitro

are we suposed to perform it with flaccid or erect penis ?

Sorry Nitro…flacid.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Re: Re: Re: DLD Blasters...Un-Real Length Gains

Originally posted by doublelongdaddy

Sorry Nitro…flacid.

thanks, Im excited to try it ! I hope to get bigger than you as son as possible :D

Originally posted by doublelongdaddy
Keep us updated :)

You wont belive me but I will tell you anyways….

Did the DLD blasters for the first time today… as you said… UNREAL LENGHT GAINS. Damn I cant belive it, seems like my penis gained 0.2 inches in lenght. The effect was so good that I felt that my penis had already done his homework so I skiped the pumping session. Incredible, I could see the difference right after the streching session.

My penis is very weird. It grows in shorts periods of time. I achieved 7 inches very quickly but then I got stucked at this mark for a somewhat long time with no gains at all. Then I did the DLD Blasters today and BAMM.

Thanks to doublelongdaddy Im reviving my goal to reach the 8 inches mark up to the new years eve !! 0.2 inche gained today, more 0.8 to go !!! I will continue to strech piece of meat like a motherfucker !!! :D

Originally posted by nitro
Thanks to doublelongdaddy Im reviving my goal to reach the 8 inches mark up to the new years eve !! 0.2 inche gained today, more 0.8 to go !!! I will continue to strech piece of meat like a motherfucker !!! :D

Good Job NITRO…I know you will get there

on a side note:
I have been throwing a little twist into the “Dual Fulcrum Stretch” to hit the side ligs left and right. On the reverse keggle while using the DF stretch the hand closest to my body pulls to the left for a set and to the right for a set. This seems to really hit those hard to reach areas.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Now has been 6 days that I did that exercise and my ligs are still sore. Im starting to get worried. See, I dont think the exercise itself overtrained my ligs, the problem is that I got so happy with the speed of light gains that last week I masturbated every other two hours ehehe. So I think my ligs didnt have enough resting time. Im gonna wait more 5 days and see what happen.

Originally posted by nitro
Now has been 6 days that I did that exercise and my ligs are still sore. Im starting to get worried. See, I dont think the exercise itself overtrained my ligs, the problem is that I got so happy with the speed of light gains that last week I masturbated every other two hours ehehe. So I think my ligs didnt have enough resting time. Im gonna wait more 5 days and see what happen.

The bigger it gets…The harder it is to keep your hands off it :D

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Hopefully the Blasters will allow me to sing this song soon.
The Blaster’s continue to be good to me so this morning I broke into song….This is something I want to sing so badly!

(Sang to the tune of Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door)

Baby, take these pants off of me
they don’t fit anymore.
It’s gettin’ big, too long for me to hide
I feel like I’m knockin’ on Eleven’s door.

Knock, knock, knockin’ on Eleven’s door
Knock, knock, knockin’ on Eleven’s door
Knock, knock, knockin’ on Eleven’s door
Knock, knock, knockin’ on Eleven’s door

Baby, put my cock in to your mouth
Oh Shit, I can’t fit anymore.
That long white cock is comin’ now
I feel like I’m knockin’ on Eleven’s door.

Knock, knock, knockin’ on Eleven’s door
Knock, knock, knockin’ on Eleven’s door
Knock, knock, knockin’ on Eleven’s door
Knock, knock, knockin’ on Eleven’s door

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Originally posted by doublelongdaddy

The bigger it gets…The harder it is to keep your hands off it :D

That is SOOOOOOOOO true.

In step four:
4.) In a laying position grab penis in a two handed type stretch (ie. DLD “A” Stretch, DLD Dual Fulcrum Stretch, 7-ups “V” Stretch) Now do 50 sets of these: PC squeeze (Keggle) for 5 seconds being very aware of the pc muscle then push out (Reverse Keggle), releasing the pc muscle for 5 seconds. Ex-hale during this and increase the tension. You will feel an immediate increase in length on the push. This is where you will be hitting the ligs 100%

Do you mean 50 sets each of the stretches (“A” stretches, DLD´s and “V” stretches)? And then, I wonder how the DLD stretch works with kegeling?

Okey, a lot of questions from me :-)

Restarting everything.

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