Originally posted by mrCow
In step four:
4.) In a laying position grab penis in a two handed type stretch (ie. DLD “A” Stretch, DLD Dual Fulcrum Stretch, 7-ups “V” Stretch) Now do 50 sets of these: PC squeeze (Keggle) for 5 seconds being very aware of the pc muscle then push out (Reverse Keggle), releasing the pc muscle for 5 seconds. Ex-hale during this and increase the tension. You will feel an immediate increase in length on the push. This is where you will be hitting the ligs 100%
———————————————->Do you mean 50 sets each of the stretches (“A” stretches, DLD´s and “V” stretches)? And then, I wonder how the DLD stretch works with kegeling?
Okey, a lot of questions from me :-)
These are choices of stretches to use with the DLD Blaster. I like the “A” stretch best. Choose a stretch you are most comfortable with and do 50 sets of that. I only recommend 3 stretches that work best for me which are:
1.) “A’ Stretch
2.) Dual Fulcrum
3.) Hanging using a bib hanger or the equivelent.
I find that I am able to get the extra stretch on the reverse keggle using one of these stretches. Any other stretch I have tried does NOT produce the same results. I am continuing to make gains with this exercise.