Thunder's Place

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DLD Blasters...Un-Real Length Gains

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Im glad youve all gotten such good gains with these! I tryed for a week but had no gain at all. Im goona contenue my routine integrated with my self made p-jelqels for a month and see if I get anymore gains. If not ill try the dlds for a month and see how that does. One thing though, I feel no diffrence when i do dld blasters from a regular strech. I thought my pc muscle may be weak but I can blow pretty good loads(sometimes to my neck). now im gonna ask everyone whos used this tecnique to post there gains in the time theve used them(IE gained .5 in girth and 1inch lenth in 2 months)

Originally posted by mrCow
In step four:
4.) In a laying position grab penis in a two handed type stretch (ie. DLD “A” Stretch, DLD Dual Fulcrum Stretch, 7-ups “V” Stretch) Now do 50 sets of these: PC squeeze (Keggle) for 5 seconds being very aware of the pc muscle then push out (Reverse Keggle), releasing the pc muscle for 5 seconds. Ex-hale during this and increase the tension. You will feel an immediate increase in length on the push. This is where you will be hitting the ligs 100%

Do you mean 50 sets each of the stretches (“A” stretches, DLD´s and “V” stretches)? And then, I wonder how the DLD stretch works with kegeling?

Okey, a lot of questions from me :-)

These are choices of stretches to use with the DLD Blaster. I like the “A” stretch best. Choose a stretch you are most comfortable with and do 50 sets of that. I only recommend 3 stretches that work best for me which are:

1.) “A’ Stretch
2.) Dual Fulcrum
3.) Hanging using a bib hanger or the equivelent.

I find that I am able to get the extra stretch on the reverse keggle using one of these stretches. Any other stretch I have tried does NOT produce the same results. I am continuing to make gains with this exercise.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

I do both “v” stretches and “a” stretches, that seems to stretch both the upper part and the opposite side of the dick… So I have tried 25 of each… tnx for your reply doublelongdaddy .

Restarting everything.

DLD, when you first started did you grow anything with traditional static stretching and jelqing?

Originally posted by mike2002
DLD, when you first started did you grow anything with traditional static stretching and jelqing?

mike that is all I did in the beginning of my pe. I spent alot of time jelqing, my routine at one point was 1000 jelqs in the am and 1500 jelqs in the pm. I am not sure if this was such a great thing because now with my current routine I am gaining just as well.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

DLD Blaster Question...


I understand the premise of the exercise, but I have a question: when doing the stretch toward the floor, can’t you incorporate the “fowfer” method? (stretching the shaft then putting in to the ass cheeks, then closing the legs to “hold it” in place?

what are your thoughts on this??



Re: DLD Blaster Question...

Originally posted by Antonio

I understand the premise of the exercise, but I have a question: when doing the stretch toward the floor, can't you incorporate the “fowfer” method? (stretching the shaft then putting in to the ass cheeks, then closing the legs to “hold it” in place?

what are your thoughts on this??



I really like the feeling of a second stretching me angle when reverse keggling. I am also a huge fowfer fan. I suppose if you shift yourself during the reverse it may be adaquate. Whoever does fowfers knows what the shift is…if you don’t please ask.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

DLD question


when doing the dld blaster, can I put my penis between my legs and stretch it to my rear end and then hold it their by closing my legs? (i think this was called the fowfer on an earlier post)

can this method work as well?
thanks for your help dld,


DLD.....The Shift??

Hello again DLD,

I am new to the board and I do not know what “The shift” is (regarding fowfers) can you please explain??

thanks so much,


Re: DLD.....The Shift??

Originally posted by Antonio
Hello again DLD,

I am new to the board and I do not know what “The shift” is (regarding fowfers) can you please explain??

thanks so much,


No problem Antonio. When I do a Fowfer stretch I pull my penis either to the right and sit on it with my right butt cheek or the left and sit on it with my left. After I am seated and the stretch is in place I can lean backand shifty my legs around a bit to create more tension.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

DLD.....Fowfer question


regarding the FowFer, how long do you sit on your penis when doing this, and is it safe to actually be sitting on the shaft?



What gains have you all gotten with this? I am going to start my dld’s tonight as I need to inscrease my lenth before my girth gets bigger.

Originally posted by Antonio

regarding the FowFer, how long do you sit on your penis when doing this, and is it safe to actually be sitting on the shaft?



I do 15 Minute sessions. Every 15 Minutes I really shake it out, masage blood flow and do standing swings. Then I reset my fowfer for more. I do these during my whole workday.

Originally posted by Doc
What gains have you all gotten with this? I am going to start my dld's tonight as I need to inscrease my lenth before my girth gets bigger.

Doc so cool your going to start these. I wish you the best of luck. I gained about 1.5” and climbing!!! I would love to hear what othr have gotten.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Try This

WOW…I just added a little twist to the Blasters over the past few days and I am feeling extra length. When I do the reverse keggle in the A stretch I really concentrate on breathing out and I am able to extend the stretch further than ever. It feels incredible after too, a very thorough lig workout. I thought I would pass that on.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple


Do you think it’s important to do these everyday to keep the ligs loose, or do you think that this will work well with a 1-on,1-off schedule? I’ve just started PE again, and I’m going to try DLD Blasters. And I’m wondering if doing them everyday for several weeks would produce some good initial gains because mr.happy hasn’t adapted to them?

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