Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

DLD Blasters...Un-Real Length Gains

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Belated Question... lol

I’m asking you this a long time after I should have so sorry about that…

I don’t understand the Dual Fulcrum idea… I though this exercise is about stretching the Suspensory Ligaments… But the Dual Fulcrum actually illustrates stretching the SKIN… Or am I just seeing that wrong…?

‘preciate it.

DLD—brilliant (the think of “my hairy ass” quote).

I’ve lurked, but been busy.

However, my routine is basically, 20 minutes of jelqs, followed by the DLD.


6-22-08: 7.5' BPEL, 7' NBPEL, 7.75' BPSFL, 5.25' EG

Goals: 8' NBPEL, 6' EG, 21' NBPSFL

Originally posted by nitro

Thanks to doublelongdaddy Im reviving my goal to reach the 8 inches mark up to the new years eve !! 0.2 inche gained today, more 0.8 to go !!! I will continue to strech piece of meat like a motherfucker !!! :D

damn I failed. Im stucked at a 7.4 bone pressed. The thought that I may never reach Mandingo makes me depressed.

Don't get the Dual Fulcrum stretch!

DLD, not sure if this has been awnsered but this thread is totally flooded! (probably the biggest thread on the board :D ) but I don’t get the illustration of the dual fulcrum stretch.

Which hand do you pull up and which hand do you pull down?
Seems that either way you are either squashing your dick together or pulling it apart. (and getting no stretch at all)

I understand the ‘A stretch’ but can’t do this because I am 6 1/2 ELNBP so i’ll have to wait ‘till i’m bigger for that one.

Oh, and finally when you do the 50 reps of 5 secs, do you follow each 5 secs kegel with a rev-keg for 5 secs?
Or do you do the 5 sec rev-kegs on a less frequent basis to the 5 sec kegs?

Just needed this cleared up. :)

BTW, I think that a section of Thunders should be kept just for the blasters when the description is cleaned up so that people don’t have to go through tons of posts to get the “nitty-gritty” of the exercise.
And then update the page as the Blasters are touched up from the discussion in this thread, because as I said before, this thread is REALLY flooded!, and this makes it tough to read all the key elements of what looks to be one of the best excercises for gains in length in PE EVER!

Loved going to Cuba! :)

I'm surprised that Americans can't go because their government says they can't!

Last edited by cascade : 01-16-2003 at .

Re: Don't get the Dual Fulcrum stretch!

Originally posted by cascade
DLD, not sure if this has been awnsered but this thread is totally flooded! (probably the biggest thread on the board :D ) but I don't get the illustration of the dual fulcrum stretch.

Which hand do you pull up and which hand do you pull down?
Seems that either way you are either squashing your dick together or pulling it apart. (and getting no stretch at all)

Dual Fulcrum is done stretching apart. Grab your flacid penis with the left hand right below the base and your right hand right under the glan. Now in a seated position pull upward with the left hand and straight down with the right. This allows two stretching positions “dual” I also like to do this. As I am stretching I do a sort of rolling motion with my left hand or a rotary motion.

Originally posted by cascade
I understand the 'A stretch' but can't do this because I am 6 1/2 ELNBP so i'll have to wait 'till i'm bigger for that one.

Cascade and anyone not doing the “A” stretch yet please continue to try it until you finally get it. This stretch is the ultimate manual stretch and I continue to grow using it. I only do Dual Fulcrum stretches in practice, I exclusively do the “A” stretch for gains. The second you are able to do this make it the only stretch you use with DLD Blasters. The “A” stretch should be your goal, once you hit this goal the gains start to come at crazy speeds.

Originally posted by cascade
Oh, and finally when you do the 50 reps of 5 secs, do you follow each 5 secs kegel with a rev-keg for 5 secs?
Or do you do the 5 sec rev-kegs on a less frequent basis to the 5 sec kegs?

Yes, 5 second keggle followed by a 5 second reverse keggle. On the reverse keggle pull with everything you got. The 5 second keggle is there to mentally feel the release into the reverse. The benefit of length gains will be in the revrse keggle pull.

Originally posted by cascade
BTW, I think that a section of Thunders should be kept just for the blasters when the description is cleaned up so that people don't have to go through tons of posts to get the “nitty-gritty” of the exercise.
And then update the page as the Blasters are touched up from the discussion in this thread, because as I said before, this thread is REALLY flooded!, and this makes it tough to read all the key elements of what looks to be one of the best excercises for gains in length in PE EVER!

I agree with clearing this exercise up. The benefit for me and some of the prople I work with is incredible. I think that anyone who is doing this exercise and NOT gaining may be doing something wrong. I will try to clear anything up I can, please just ask here.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Congrats on having the blasters on a pay site. You should charge to have them there ;)

Originally posted by Doc
Congrats on having the blasters on a pay site. You should charge to have them there ;)

I would love to have my own pe site where I could live off of helping men grow there penis. :) I am so poor that it would not even have to be successful and I would be doing ok. :D

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

DLD, I have big hands, wrists and forearms, all of which hinder my ability to properly perform the A-stretch. I’ve tried using inanimate objects, most recently a childs plastic bowling pin (the grooved neck area), but everything I tried pulls too much on the skin, not allowing me to get a proper stretch. I’d thought about using some lotion or something on the object, so my skin slides over it freely, but I imagine the lubricant would eventually work it’s way up my shaft, preventing me from getting a good grip. Do you find a sever shaft skin stretch when you use your arm for an A-stretch?

Due to this, I’ve been using a ring formed by my thumb and fingers to pull up on my shaft, more in line with your dual fulcrum example, but I’d love to do the A-stretch…

Originally posted by RB
DLD, I have big hands, wrists and forearms, all of which hinder my ability to properly perform the A-stretch. I've tried using inanimate objects, most recently a childs plastic bowling pin (the grooved neck area), but everything I tried pulls too much on the skin, not allowing me to get a proper stretch. I'd thought about using some lotion or something on the object, so my skin slides over it freely, but I imagine the lubricant would eventually work it's way up my shaft, preventing me from getting a good grip. Do you find a sever shaft skin stretch when you use your arm for an A-stretch?

Due to this, I've been using a ring formed by my thumb and fingers to pull up on my shaft, more in line with your dual fulcrum example, but I'd love to do the A-stretch…

And you will eventually. I was not always able to do the “A” stretch but the day I could I have done it ever since. I think I was at around 8.5” when I started them but I think the factor of wrist size is a critical player. Keep working it and use the “A” stretch as your goal…I think this is a cool thing to work towards and when you reach it the buzz you feel is great.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

I’m a tad over 8” now, but with the size of my wrists and hands, it looks like I’m gonna have to be 9.5” before the A-stretch will work for me…

Oh well, I’ll get there one day… :)

I use an empty bottle of “Stacker 2” for those dual fulcrum stretches. It was there, so I just grabbed it. Works good to get that last bit of stretching done after my manual stretching. I place it under my stretched cock at different locations, then maybe press down with it as well. It’s cool because it’s small enough to handle, and I can roll it up or down my shaft while stretching. Not bad. I can really feel the pull at the base when I use this technique.

Ok, I know DLD mentioned in another thread he is experimenting with a new stretch method, and the A-stretch is currently his preferred stretch, but I assume many are like me and don’t have the stretch options his python affords him :)

So, not wanting to miss out on the stretch potential of the A-stretch for best gains, I’ve been racking my brain, and it dawned on me, I need a fake arm. I went back to take a piss here at work, and lo and behold, there was a fake arm. So I picked it up and proceeded to the pisser…

I grabbed a piece of paper towel (my stealth pe grip enhancer of choice), grabbed my dick and pulled straight out. I positioned the fake arm under my prick and on top of one thigh, holding on the other end. I proceed to pull my prick straight downward, and with the hand holding the fake arm pushed straight up, mimicing the A-stretch. Unbelieveable! I was able to get a ton of leverage with the fake arm, and was rewarded with a tremendous stretch. Furthermore, the tunica was squashed flat and around the fake arm, and I could really feel it stretching in addition to the ligs. After a few minutes of blasting this way, I switched hands, and repeated the process. Same result. I then got cocky and pulling my prick straight out and slightly to one side, slipped the fake arm between my prick and thigh and pushed out with it, while pulling my prick sideways around it. Felt really intense. Did the other side, then snuck the fake arm back to where I found it…

Chances are you have a fake arm lying around your place as well. It was a hard plastic tube vacuum cleaner hose extender! Works like a fricking charm. Give it a try and let me know what you think.

This is great news RB. Hopefully others will understand and try. My newest stretch is still in the experimental stages (may be dangerous) I want to try for awhile…but so far…WOW

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Originally posted by doublelongdaddy

I would love to have my own pe site where I could live off of helping men grow there penis. :) I am so poor that it would not even have to be successful and I would be doing ok. :D

If you ever decide to go for a pay site I can probobly help you out by making banners and finding cheap advertising. But just let me know. I dont charge for doing graphic work unless I am having major money problems. Your can register a top level domain (.com .net or .org) for 14 dollars and get very good hosting for ~6.50 a month

Ditto on the Doc, I’m in on helping you out DLD, hell you’ve helped more guys than most ever can… I’d like an opportunity to “pay you back” for all the work you’ve put into the community.

I can do graphic and some html work for nothing. :D

Anything you like mate, myself and I’m sure others will pitch in as much as possible to help you out with whatever you want to do…

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