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DLD Blasters...Un-Real Length Gains

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Originally posted by SuperStroker
Do you think it's important to do these everyday to keep the ligs loose, or do you think that this will work well with a 1-on,1-off schedule? I've just started PE again, and I'm going to try DLD Blasters. And I'm wondering if doing them everyday for several weeks would produce some good initial gains because mr.happy hasn't adapted to them?

I had a small injury last week and took a couple days off. When I got back to work things seemed to still be gaining. I think that 1 on 1 off is fine and I would love to hear of your experience going this route.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Re: Re: DLD

Originally posted by doublelongdaddy

I had a small injury last week and took a couple days off. When I got back to work things seemed to still be gaining. I think that 1 on 1 off is fine and I would love to hear of your experience going this route.

I started doing dld blasters in my cool down and last night in a very hot bath i Did the routine followed by about a 15min strech wich made it where i could acually feel each part of the lig.

Modified Blasters

I have modified the Blasters somewhat. I have eliminated the regular kegel and do 15 second reverse kegels while breathing out (like DLD does). I do these while hanging. About 6 sets per day. My ligs are so sore that I am constantly lowering my hanging weight. I am combining this with Fulcrum Hanging and I am getting unbelievable results.

Doublelongdaddy is a freaking PE genius!

Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

Tell me more about your results.

Am I correct that you do the DLD Blasters while hanging only? No stretching, right? What weight are you at my man?



I have a similar variation. I do 100 kegels followed by 5 min stretches switching hands as needed and RK about every ten or fifteen seconds.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

I can’t wait to start hanging doing Blasters..I still have 2 small injuries that I want to be fully rectified before attempting. I have my brand new Bib Hanger just staring at me everyday from the kitchen…antagonizing me….taunting me…:D

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

I can’t wait to start hanging doing Blasters..I still have 2 small injuries that I want to be fully rectified before attempting. I have my brand new Bib Hanger just staring at me everyday from the kitchen…antagonizing me….taunting me…:D

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

hmm, I didnt know you were a mod dld…. anyway I really considered hanging for a long time but the bib hangers are sooo expensive and im afraid that if I made my own it would be too dangerous. BTW nice double post ;)

Originally posted by Doc
hmm, I didnt know you were a mod dld…. anyway I really considered hanging for a long time but the bib hangers are sooo expensive and im afraid that if I made my own it would be too dangerous. BTW nice double post ;)

Hey Doc, they are worth every penny from what I have heard about the gains people have made. SO SAVE UP! Until you can afford it use one of the 2 suggested stretches with the Blaster. I have a Bib hanger but can’t use it yet because of that small injury I still have. Imagine how fustrated I am! I have to look at it everyday….

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

yea, I added the blasters to my cooldown. I can feel the strech alot more but I dont know how the erect gains are untill i measure again the 15th. Heres hopping. What was the nature of your injury?

Originally posted by Doc
yea, I added the blasters to my cooldown. I can feel the strech alot more but I dont know how the erect gains are untill i measure again the 15th. Heres hopping. What was the nature of your injury?

I have a small tear in the connective tissue that attaches the head to the shaft. I also have a small brush burn on my head I think I got that trying to get it into Jen last week :) Tight Fit=Oooouch

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple


This is for those who use the “A” stretch in conjunction with the DLD Blaster. I have found an even greater stretch on the ligs when the “A” stretch is performed this way:

In a stading position set up the “A” stretch. Do the keggle as normal but when doing the reverse keggle squat down towards the toilet seat. The stretch is amazing. I think it is due to the body position change but whatever it is WOW. I suggest those doing the “A” stretch give this a try. I have been doing this for 2 days and my ligs have never been more worked out.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Would these “DLD Blasters” be a good stretch to do before a jelq session? After warming up with a hot wrap, of course.

prickle, There good before or after a jelq. I do them after my jelq because I take a shower after my pj session and that fits perfect. DLD I didnt feel any diffrence with the squat thing.

Originally posted by Doc
prickle, There good before or after a jelq. I do them after my jelq because I take a shower after my pj session and that fits perfect. DLD I didnt feel any diffrence with the squat thing.

Doc, this interests me and anyone else who is doing more than 1 DLD Blaster set a day…I wanted to try it, just wondering if anyone notices any advantage to doing 2 sets a day?

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

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