Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

DLD says a sad goodbye to Thundersplace

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Originally posted by jaji
DLD is one of the main reasons I come to this site. Losing an asset like him will do much more harm than good. I've never ever felt like DLD was trying to sell us on his site. He is always more than willing to give sincere advise. Just my humble opinion.


Jeez bro, I’m speechless!

<------- You likey?

If you don't take the time to do the PE exercises how do you expect to gain? The fairy godmother of PE?

Originally posted by L born XXL buried

Ditto again!

<------- You likey?

If you don't take the time to do the PE exercises how do you expect to gain? The fairy godmother of PE?

This is all very confusing.

So where are all these conspiracy threads?

I think also DLD that you should provide some info regarding the things you have have spoken about in your post.

Also, just on a side note, I think your site is great, but a little on the expensive side.

Hope you will post more so people dont come away from this with the wrong idea, whatever idea that is.

Originally posted by avocet8

It is personally embarassing to me to tell readers this because I should never have to and wouldn't, had DLD not decided to make all this a public free-for-all today. I offered to help DLD edit his site for grammatical and other errors, with Thunder's encouragement. I happen to be good at editing, which DLD knows. If I did not want DLD to succeed, why would I make a gesture that for me would require a great deal of time and concentration? Others here made similar offers of help. (Btw, he never wrote back after a couple of PMs. I don't know what that was about.)

…and its getting more embarassing…

I dont know the whole story but maybe he was insulted by your offer? Like, you cant spell would you like me to help?


I just read this thread, and that is all I can say. I am not a mod and haven’t been extremely active here lately, so I didn’t even know there was a problem. All I can do is wish DLD the best and hope that things can somehow be resolved without the loss of the biggest contributer this forum has had and ever will have.

DLD: If you cannot work things out here, I’ll be the first to come to your forum because PE wouldn’t be the same without you.

"If you can conceive it, and you can believe it...then you can achieve it" What would twatteaser do? ---- Now known as 8-ball - *

The Truth Comes Out!!!

So you think I’m full of Shit?

The point here is not who gave me the info. It’s all about that the shit is true. You were making DLD specific rules. You were talking about banning his ass.

For what? Helpin out guys? Come on Thunder I am not here to Shout out people, I’m here to make certain DLD is not short changed.

I have all the Posts, and I’ll make sure DLD gets them. To Support him.

You guys are real Bad. DLD is very Kind hearted and if you don’t believe me ask the Thousands of People he helped out.

But anyways The Cat is Out The Bag…So Here You Go…

From Hobby:

Thunder, I agree with your action as well as your assessment of his site. I’ve remained silent until now on this issue, but here’s my $.02:

I don’t dislike DLD, but I think he’s gone about his venture the wrong way. I’ve been wondering if this is DLD’s Place. From the tone around here lately, one could easily think he invented PE. It’s clever marketing indeed, but this is a free site and is not meant to be used for swindling suckers into pay PE sites. Yet, this is exactly what has happened.

DLD’s exercises are a hodgepodge of what others have posted on the PE boards. He has added his own unique twists here and there, as we all do, but basically he’s bottling the ideas others gave freely, slapping on a well-hyped fancy DLD label, and selling them. No different than all the other schemers selling their “secret PE programs.”

Ferrari did something similar, but started a free board instead of a paysite. Otherwise there is little difference between them. One is praised here, and the other condemned. Go figure.


From: Thunder
Listen up. Post #1

What is discussed in the mod forum stays in the mod forum. What the fuck is
the sense of having a place for private discussions if they are going to be
posted about in the Main Member Forum?

Do we want to take this dld thing public?? If so, let me get my crash
helmet, because it will get really bloody, really fast.

And I am really not liking the idea that dld seems to be aware of what is
being said here.


So There You Have It, Well not even 1/100th of it But close. Read this while you can!!!


PeteysUncle is the MOS site designer, Lightning/Jaz. He was banned for two reasons.

1 Violating forum guidelines by promoting a commerical site in which he has a financial interest.

2 Being registered here under more than one username, PeteysUncle and Lurk.

How did you get that Petey?

I’m sad to see DLD leave, but as long as Thunder doesn’t post about “Free Beer” again I’m not getting mad at anyone ;)

<------- You likey?

If you don't take the time to do the PE exercises how do you expect to gain? The fairy godmother of PE?


>> So you think I’m full of Shit?>>


>>You were talking about banning his ass.>>

I don’t think the idea of banning him got very far.

Cosidering what you revealed in your post…
So that is what you got to claim that there was a conspiracy?
Like I said, there was discussion. Some were accusatory of DLD and some were defensive. A conspiracy of mods that you seem to be implying would not have the two or three different ways of looking at the situation. A good conspiracy requires unity of purpose, which was never arrived at as far as I know.

>>DLD is very Kind hearted and if you don’t believe me ask the Thousands of People he helped out.>>

I agree with that. I don’t think that this thread needed to happen. It’s just going to polarize the board. I think that starting this thread was not DLDs best idea.

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

Is there more?

Having spent almost a hour to finish reading this long thread.

My first reaction after reading DLD’s announcement was shocked. There was no sign at all even yesterday. When I was reading a thread yesterday, I recall ThunderSS was even trying to help DLD to make his email work in his signature. ThunderSS was surprised when he saw the link to Matter of Size disappeared. Then, DLD explained that it was done by himself because he thought it was not appropriate for posting a pay-site address there that made me respect DLD immediately. Meanwhile, it is clear to me that ThunderSS is always kind and supportive to DLD.

I’m not sure about other moderators’ opinions, but I do believe they were discussing this issue very sincerely since I can feel purely from the whole atmosphere of this forum.

PeteysUncle, as a new member, I don’t know how you had access to the content in Mod forum. Maybe you are a hacker, but your intention to do that is worth to be suspected.

DLD, I do love you, and I believe so are most of members here. You have made excellent contributions to this forum and was very inspirational to us. However, I felt something different in this post from your previous ones. Be careful and calm down, don’t let some unworthy affect your good judgement.

DLD, please reconsider your decision to leave this forum! Also, don’t do anything like opening a new forum to make your good moral down. I figure you said this because you were in a very angry status. No matter if you will stay in Thundersplace, this is the least thing you should consider. We support you, and wish you all the best for your own site, but Thundersplace is also always worth to be respected and loved. Even yourself gained a lot from Thundersplace after all.

DLD, like Anna said, being yourself! Moderator is just a title. We love you not just because you are a moderator but because of your personality and kindness. Whatever you decide, all the best for you!

So Petey, where is the conspiracy? You act as though I wrote something damning. It was my honest opinion, and I stand by it.

The Truth Comes Out!!!

Hobby Said…
“DLD’s exercises are a hodgepodge of what others have posted on the PE boards. He has added his own unique twists here and there, as we all do, but basically he’s bottling the ideas others gave freely, slapping on a well-hyped fancy DLD label, and selling them. No different than all the other schemers selling their “secret PE programs.”

Well You talked all this shit behind his back but asked him for his help in the past, Right?

I have lots more about the Banning issue and much other Bullshit.

So what can you Say Now?

Your a Phoney.


PeteysUncle is the MOS site designer, Lightning/Jaz. He was banned for two reasons.

1 Violating forum guidelines by promoting a commerical site in which he has a financial interest.

2 Being registered here under more than one username, PeteysUncle and Lurk.

It would appear to me as though DLD’s post was an overreaction. I hope he reconsiders, he comes across a very fine person and his loss from this forum will be immense.

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