Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

DMSO and Collagen softening.

Originally Posted by Logg
This sounds interesting. Can you suggest a recipe for the muscle/nerve relaxers and warming herbs lube?

The shorter list of herbs I gave is a good start.

1) rosemary.. Works typically & locally
2) peppermint.. Same as rosemary
3) safflower
4) turmeric this one
5) Angelica root
6) cattail pollen
7) Ginko biloba
8) licorice root
9) astragulus root

1) thyme
2) chamomile
3) catnip
4) lavender
5) California poppy [leaves]
6) Valerian [root]
7) oat seed
8) passionflower [flower]
9) skullcap [root]

1) Ginger root
2) Cayenne pepper
3) fennel seed (via increased energy levels)
4) ginseng (same as #3)
.Among others.

I actually have a good list in my eBook, “Copulation: Intensifying the Bond.” It lists materia medica for 1) blood circulation, 2) relaxing/calming, 3) libido increasing, 4) testosterone increasing, and 5) energy. It’s basically a book about increasing the intensity and passion in a relationship, sex manual and alternative lifestyles guide. (Available on Amazon. Com and Lulu. Com for any interested).

Originally Posted by Walter5169
Why would you do that? I wouldn’t..
You can rub essential oils with strong anti inflammatory or anti coagulant properties, it won’t help you gain, but may help with injuries.

I’m not “doing that” just simply asking for intelligent advice and opinions of knowledgeable people. I use the infused olive oil though. And I’m not looking to create my own market scam by “creating” another miracle product that will sprout growth just by waxing on and off to the infused oil.

I use the infused oil with the application of Traditional Chinese Medicine to aid in the process during PE sessions. And yes the application of this will also aid in the recovery process.. So it’s safe to say there are only benefits to be had (unless allergic to any of the materials used). I also do regular warm water soaking of my penis and testicles in Epson salt.. To help regenerate and rejuvenate the nerves (for maximum sensitivity.. Doubling as a skin rejuvenation treatment). I have quite a bit of knowledge in such things and not just simply mixing and matching.

I don’t recommend to mix with herbs or oils with DMSO. Because I’m afraid of contaminations by germs and unknown chemicals.

I’m Japanese and I’m beginner of DMSO. I’ve taken supplement and I got 1inch in last 6 months. BPL 13cm to 15.5cm.

I have some question about DMSO. Would you mind ask you guys?
1. Can dick keep hardness of erection after using DMSO? Or Is there any possibility of becoming soft? I’m really scare about it, because I think DMSO will effect all tissue of penis.
2. What is your recommend?
Only 50-70% DMSO
DMSO+some chemicals
Ex. Iodine? Trimix? PABA? Vitamin C?
L-citrulline? L-arginine? Are these too large molecule to absorb?

Hi there

I am gaining about 5mm BPEL with DMSO.
I have started to use DMSO since 2015/1/28. And now 2015/2/12 almost for 2weeks, my chopstic became 16.3cm from 15.5cm.
See my pics in Japanese blog if you can read it.

Originally Posted by hilarious_bunny
Hi there

I am gaining about 5mm BPEL with DMSO.
I have started to use DMSO since 2015/1/28. And now 2015/2/12 almost for 2weeks, my chopstic became 16.3cm from 15.5cm.
See my pics in Japanese blog if you can read it.

Were you stalled before?

I’m sorry.

I’m not good at

What do you mean? I couldn’t understand “stall”.

You mean

“Is there someone try to prevent me using DMSO?”

If so, what do you mean? Why?
Is DMSO harmful for me?

DMSO is Ok if used in a safe and clean enviroment.
I use it on skin and a white cloth strip(cut bed sheet) around it and a SAFE plastic around that.()

Originally Posted by hilarious_bunny
Hi there

I am gaining about 5mm BPEL with DMSO.
I have started to use DMSO since 2015/1/28. And now 2015/2/12 almost for 2weeks, my chopstic became 16.3cm from 15.5cm.
See my pics in Japanese blog if you can read it.

Congrats for gaining chopstic lol. Keep on doing more fo the same until you stop gaining.
DMSO is softening and fighting inflammation on its own.

Originally Posted by hilarious_bunny
I don’t recommend to mix with herbs or oils with DMSO. Because I’m afraid of contaminations by germs and unknown chemicals.

I’m Japanese and I’m beginner of DMSO. I’ve taken supplement and I got 1inch in last 6 months. BPL 13cm to 15.5cm.

I have some question about DMSO. Would you mind ask you guys?
1. Can dick keep hardness of erection after using DMSO? Or Is there any possibility of becoming soft? I’m really scare about it, because I think DMSO will effect all tissue of penis.
2. What is your recommend?
Only 50-70% DMSO
DMSO+some chemicals
Ex. Iodine? Trimix? PABA? Vitamin C?
L-citrulline? L-arginine? Are these too large molecule to absorb?

Sorry for late answer! Probably you solved them already..
1. No influence on erection directly. But mostly better erections.
2. Iodine, paba, vit C are very good with it. Saturated solution in 70-80%DMSO
Citrulline arginine, No too big molecule. trimix dont know.

Thanks sooo much!

Although I cared about urethritis, I got it unfortunately. ToT
Because I treated devices in dirtiness. I know it was my fault. Orz

Originally Posted by hilarious_bunny
I’m sorry.
I’m not good at
What do you mean? I couldn’t understand “stall”.

It means where your PE gains stopped and DMSO got it going?

Originally Posted by djrobins
It means where your PE gains stopped and DMSO got it going?

You mean where was my plateau in PE, right?

This is my history.

2014/08 BPEL 13.0cm, EG 10cm severe ED
I have taken a supplement (Mega max ultra of EyeFive) for 3 months. Also I did exercise once or twice a week.
2014/10 BPEL15.5cm EG 12cm
I reached plateau in 2 months.
So I tried L-citrulin, L-arginine, or Yohimbe Plus of Irwin before sex.
But no change.
2015/01 BPEL 15.5cm, EG 12cm moderate ED (4 months plateau)
2015/01/28 My PE program started again.
80%DMSO spray + Penis Extender + Exercise + penis ring and TestoJack100 1cap/day for ED
2015/02/12 BPEL16cm, EG12cm
I think I easily broke my plateau with DMSO.

Hi there

Do you guys know MSM?
How do you think about MSM?
This is similar to DMSO.
A lot of supplement for joint problem is added MSM.
DMSO metabolize to MSM in our body.

So, how do you guys think about MSM and DMSO in PE. Which is better? Which is more effective, more useful, more safe, more convinient?

Originally Posted by hilarious_bunny
Hi there

Do you guys know MSM?
How do you think about MSM?
This is similar to DMSO.
A lot of supplement for joint problem is added MSM.
DMSO metabolize to MSM in our body.

So, how do you guys think about MSM and DMSO in PE. Which is better? Which is more effective, more useful, more safe, more convinient?

MSM alone wont penetrate the skin and issue. Its usefuill for healthy collagen structure. I cant say anything about imemdiate impact.

It seems possible to use MSM with DMSO and thus move it transdermal.
Which is kind of interestng in terms of it beeing a metabolite of dmso. So It sounds like the collagen important part of dmso multiplied.

MSM is often used in combo with vit c as both interact in the collagen pathways.

So its not an either or but a both!.

Thanks soo much!

Very interesting and helpful.

I’ve experienced the effect of DMSO. And I think DMSO is useful for daily exercise.
One day I used DMSO before penis extender. The other day, I did not use DMSO before penis extender.
Because I got urethritis as I mentioned before and DMSO made urethritis worse, so I stop using DMSO temporarily.
When I did not use DMSO before extender, I felt stiffness, pain and I couldn’t feel softness. But size did not shorten. Of course I couldn’t reach maximum size as I used DMSO, but BPEL and EG did not shortened.
So I concluded that DMSO effects temporarily on penis, but tissue enlarge changes are permanent.

By the way, MSM is often used for oral supplement. I do not think that I mix MSM with DMSO and put them on penis.
I could not find any article that MSM effects penile collagen like DMSO soften it. Most articles cite MSM changes the metabolism and makes collagen tissue healthy, something like that.
These articles are so vague for me. I want any evidence that MSM effect penis collagen like “To take MSM orally softens (penile) collagen tissue”.
So I need more information about MSM.

If I find the evidence as above, I want to take MSM daily, and I do not want to use DMSO as possible because of its difficult handling.

Do you know any information?

Hi there!! Yeah baby!!

I am trying MSM.
MSM is the metabolized DMSO in body.
I can feel the similar effect of MSM and DMSO.
MSM is a oral supplement, more safer easier than DMSO.
But DMSO is stronger than oral MSM.
When I pinch flaccid shaft, I can feel the difference of thickness of my corpus spongiosum penis.

DMSO is the thinnest. Almost 5mm thickness
MSM is thinner than normal. About 8mm thickness
Normal is the thickest. About 11mm thickness

In addition, there was no difference between “just spray DMSO to shaft and glans” and “inject to urethritis.”
These 2 method were same effects.
But later method has risk of infection though the other don’t have.

So I strongly recommend MSM at first.
If you want more power of sulfur, I recommend you only the spray method.

Is this already known knowledge for all?


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