Thunder's Place

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DMSO and Collagen softening.

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
Yes. Always work with white cotton material.
I wouldn’t spray it. Rather have it in cremes or droppers(thats how I do it.)
You can’t also keep it in every plastic sprayer. If there is some shit in the plastic that the dmso can push out it might get onto you.(there isnt much stuff going through though)
The plastic it is sold in is most the times safe.(not sure about the label right now)

Thanks for the reply. Yes I have it in cream form, just rub it on with a q-tip and let it sit there for 10 minutes, tonight I wrapped in plastic wrap (cling wrap), not tight at all and unlike the white gauze, doesn’t aborb which means more
Gets through to your member. So far so good, I’m holding the plastic wrap with a small piece of tape, can’t even feel that it’s there.

I believe I have fibrosis from fat graft implants from 20 years ago plus several years of on/off usage of caverject injections (which at the time was unknown to me), I’m optimistic that a consistent regimen of dmso combined with heavy hanging should break up the fibrous tissue and allow for growth.. And of course no more injections.

Originally Posted by aminofuel400
Thanks for the reply. Yes I have it in cream form, just rub it on with a q-tip and let it sit there for 10 minutes, tonight I wrapped in plastic wrap (cling wrap), not tight at all and unlike the white gauze, doesn’t aborb which means more
Gets through to your member. So far so good, I’m holding the plastic wrap with a small piece of tape, can’t even feel that it’s there.

I believe I have fibrosis from fat graft implants from 20 years ago plus several years of on/off usage of caverject injections (which at the time was unknown to me), I’m optimistic that a consistent regimen of dmso combined with heavy hanging should break up the fibrous tissue and allow for growth.. And of course no more injections.

Yeah plastic wrap is good. jsut take care!
My experience is that one shouldnt do much breaks if aiming to break up stuff in the penis through DMSO. If you dont do it for some weeks it might harden again.

Also you should very slowly ramp up any hanging intensity. More time instead of intensity will be much better for breaking up stuff WITHOUT getting injured/inflammed again.

Not saying heavy hanging wont work but you should ramp it up to that point slowly or it might get worse.

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
Yeah plastic wrap is good. Jsut take care!
My experience is that one shouldn’t do much breaks if aiming to break up stuff in the penis through DMSO. If you don’t do it for some weeks it might harden again.

Also you should very slowly ramp up any hanging intensity. More time instead of intensity will be much better for breaking up stuff WITHOUT getting injured/inflammed again.

Not saying heavy hanging won’t work but you should ramp it up to that point slowly or it might get worse.

Thanks for that; just saw on that list that cling wrap is not compatible with dmso ( Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) - Flexible and rigid) , will probably go back to the gauze then.

Regarding hanging, not sure if OK to post routine here.. Started with 5lbs for 20 minutes, did that for a few weeks now I’m up to 5 lbs for 15 min and 8 lbs for 15 min, so yes have been ramping up.
At first I was able to only tolerate 5 minutes of 8 lbs but building up slowly. I do 2 routines on some days, 1 routine on others depending on if the skin is agitated from the hanger ( like it is today).

Was doing 20 min pump sessions for 7-8 months now with no discernible growth, and my theory is the lack of progress must be due to fibrosis, hence switching to hanging for 90 days and
Seeing the results.

Originally Posted by aminofuel400
Thanks for that; just saw on that list that cling wrap is not compatible with dmso ( Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) - Flexible and rigid) , will probably go back to the gauze then.

Regarding hanging, not sure if OK to post routine here.. Started with 5lbs for 20 minutes, did that for a few weeks now I’m up to 5 lbs for 15 min and 8 lbs for 15 min, so yes have been ramping up.
At first I was able to only tolerate 5 minutes of 8 lbs but building up slowly. I do 2 routines on some days, 1 routine on others depending on if the skin is agitated from the hanger ( like it is today).

Was doing 20 min pump sessions for 7-8 months now with no discernible growth, and my theory is the lack of progress must be due to fibrosis, hence switching to hanging for 90 days and
Seeing the results.

Yeah you need the Polyethylene one short: PE.

Try the hanging. It makes sense. I would use a silicone sleeve, extender or some other ADS rest of the day.
You really have to take care to not overdo it or yo uend up wose if you are prone to scar tissue or calcification.

DMSO + magnesium oil(also on its own) might help here too as it vs. calcium deposits.

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
Yeah you need the Polyethylene one short: PE.

Try the hanging. It makes sense. I would use a silicone sleeve, extender or some other ADS rest of the day.
You really have to take care to not overdo it or yo uend up wose if you are prone to scar tissue or calcification.

DMSO + magnesium oil(also on its own) might help here too as it vs. Calcium deposits.

Question; what aspect of the environment I am trying to create would contribute to scar tissue or calcification? I am operating under the assumption that hanging and dmso are both conducive
To the opposite result. And what tissue could be prone to calcification in the penis?

Originally Posted by aminofuel400
Question; what aspect of the environment I am trying to create would contribute to scar tissue or calcification? I am operating under the assumption that hanging and dmso are both conducive
To the opposite result. And what tissue could be prone to calcification in the penis?

Calcification could happen wherever Inflamamtion is present. Veins, the smooth muscle. Its surounded by collagenous tissue.
So If you create an injury in whatever way and thus inflammation and it doesnt heal right then calcification fo that tissue can happen = basicly scar tissue.

This happens, IMO; mostly cause the penis is rather unique in its position and the low blood flow through out most of the time. (vs.for example a shoulder muscles/cartilage).
So Inflammation herds are more prone to be surounded by calcification which encloses the inflammation to stop it instead of dissolving it/healing it.

So DMSO might help the cause but hanging not necessarily as it obviously can induce inflammation.
Of course I understand what you try to do and I think it makes theoreticly sense if you hit the right intensity that you need to accomplish that.
But if you use too much intensity you will only become harder tissue.
The DMSO might help prevent that in case of the worst case..maybe..

But if you create a too large gap through hanging in some tissue the body will try to fill it and i nworst case with hardened calcified unelastic tissue.
So I would use first very low weights like with an extender and maximize the time under tension before going for heavier weights.
You are not only targeting “bad” tissue but also healthy tissue that might get strained and inflammed.

Originally Posted by dickerschwanz
Calcification could happen wherever Inflamamtion is present. Veins, the smooth muscle. Its surounded by collagenous tissue.
So If you create an injury in whatever way and thus inflammation and it doesnt heal right then calcification fo that tissue can happen = basicly scar tissue.

This happens, IMO; mostly cause the penis is rather unique in its position and the low blood flow through out most of the time. (Vs.for example a shoulder muscles/cartilage).
So Inflammation herds are more prone to be surounded by calcification which encloses the inflammation to stop it instead of dissolving it/healing it.

So DMSO might help the cause but hanging not necessarily as it obviously can induce inflammation.
Of course I understand what you try to do and I think it makes theoreticly sense if you hit the right intensity that you need to accomplish that.
But if you use too much intensity you will only become harder tissue.
The DMSO might help prevent that in case of the worst case.maybe..

But if you create a too large gap through hanging in some tissue the body will try to fill it and I nworst case with hardened calcified unelastic tissue.
So I would use first very low weights like with an extender and maximize the time under tension before going for heavier weights.
You are not only targeting “bad” tissue but also healthy tissue that might get strained and inflammed.

Got it, thank you. So far so good.. Tried 99.9% pure dmso last night (liquid form), started with 4 little dabs with a q-tip to check for skin reaction, no issues.. Then applied a more generous amount
Throughout, stood around about 10 minutes to absorb and went to sleep. This morning I tried a variation of hilarious_bunny’s routine:

-Washed member without soap
-Applied 99% dmso with a q-tip
-Waited 10-15 minutes to absorb then washed off without soap
-30 minute hang session; 10 minutes at 5 lbs and 14 minutes at 8 lbs.

That’s it for now, all seems OK. Nothing positive or negative to report. Tonight I will decide if I do another hang session with dmso prior, or just hang session with no dmso. I will also apply again topically like last night before sleeping.

So did we conclude that DMSO will allow a toughened penis to become softer and more plyable and once again able to gain?

Originally Posted by djrobins
So did we conclude that DMSO will allow a toughened penis to become softer and more plyable and once again able to gain?

I’m still on it; I’ve adjusted the routine to only 1 hang session in the morning - 20 min with 5 lbs and 15 minutes with 8 lbs, this is after applying dmso and washing off after 10 minutes of absorption.
At night I rub on dmso and leave on overnight.

Still too soon to tell, it’s only been 3-4 days. I will have to keep with it for a good few weeks as to break up the fibrosis (I’m also talking Neprinol for that). Now I’m contemplating trying the dmso
With a few drops in the urethra either with the morning hang session or at night, still toying with that idea. I’ve read on another board that a guy started seeing positive indicators after 3 days of dmso
Via the urethra, after he admittedly had no results from topical administration. So it’s something I have to entertain at some point once I’m absolutely certain topical is not delivering what is needed.

I forgot to mention that I have mixed the 99.8% pure dmso with the peptide GHK-CU, a copper peptide known to promote FGF (fibroblast growth factor) . I’ve ordered PABA and a couple of other
Elements I will add with to the dmso. I also inject 10 IUs of -1 sub-q daily.

Last edited by aminofuel400 : 04-07-2015 at .

Originally Posted by aminofuel400

I forgot to mention that I have mixed the 99.8% pure dmso with the peptide GHK-CU, a copper peptide known to promote FGF (fibroblast growth factor) . I’ve ordered PABA and a couple of other
Elements I will add with to the dmso. I also inject 10 IUs of -1 sub-q daily.

That last line was supposed to say -1

I have lichen sclerosis and the doctor changed my ointment from clobetasol .05% to ultravate .05%.The clobetasol softened the skin enough to keep it from splitting around the head.The ultravate came with the tube of ointment and a tube of lotion.I used these twice a day for two weeks.When the weekend came around,my girlfriend gave me a good hour long blow job.My dick gained .25 inch in diameter and gained about .50 inch in length.I was able to maintain that for the couple hours while we were having sex.Unfortunately,it wasn’t a permanent gain.However,my dick is really soft.Even when it’s hard the skin has this silky texture,even the head.My girlfriend even made a comment about how good it felt in her hands,mouth,and pussy.Unfortunately,we never made it to anal that night.

What happened to a-unit?

Originally Posted by Risky

What happened to a-unit?

He got two weeks off for intentionally trolling threads, behavior conflicting with forum guidelines. He was free to come back after those two weeks and follow the same guidelines as everyone else, but appears to have decided not to.

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

I asked this question to dickershawnz in a pm but am going to post it on here because I am kind of desperate for some help. Copy and pasted below this paragraph.

Hey there. I basically read the whole thread about DMSO application to reduce scar tissue and make the penis malleable once again.

I feel like I have to give you a bit of background on my situation. I was using the LG vacuum hanger for about a month doing 1 hour long sets in the morning and one at night followed with a bathmate session. Got up to hanging 6.50 pounds and the chamber when hanging the weight would get to 11 gs of pressure. I tape of course and have worked up to this routine. In the beginning I would get a pretty hard forming vein, some sort of tissue it could have been an artery IDK, right underneath my glans after my sets during the first three weeks. Thought nothing of it. In the 4th week worked up to the routine I stated above with 11 gs in the chamber and 6.25 lbs. My glans were losing expansion in the dome and my base was very irritated.

I tried to hang again but the same problem persists. I put the dome on and pump to 8 gs and leave it there to buildup the necessary lymph and blood to keep the friction on the dome and have expanded glands while hanging. This is usually the case. But three days after using this routine the glans just kept on getting deflated.

I do not know if there is a technical issue with my hanger by leaking vacuum, I am sending it back to Marlon to check it out. Or if my penis is too fatigued and or injured by having constantly being exposed to vacuum and the traction. Maybe now the tissues that allowed the penis to hold on the blood and or lymph fluid are being closed off.

I am also questioning my diet, I have been doing keto for about a month and a half. My thoughts are because the body’s cells don’t hold on to water as well, this may have an affect on my vascular system and affect the penis ability to use and hold on to lymphatic fluid from pump based exercises. It looks like I may get off keto because I want to optimize my PE above everything else at the moment. I wasn’t having issues throughout my hanging experience and I was doing keto. Only up to this point are there complications. What are your thoughts?

Also, just wanted to ask how you use and make your concoction of the DMSO+magnesium chloride? How much and how you apply? That sort of stuff. From what I read in the thread it seemed like everyone had experience and this was the first time I have read any of this.

I hope it is just a technical issue with my vac hanger but I do have negative pi’s. I’ve had negative pi’s but did not have this issue in the early stages and after a session I would be good to go. My penis has shrunk and is kind of tough to the feel. The girth is also thinner. Yet I do get boners and still have high libido. I have recently started taking 3 g of l-citrulline in the morning as of today and am contemplating on taking two doses a day to help the recovery process. The DMSO application seems more effective for alleviating my symptoms. Thoughts?

Have only been using the LG hanger, bathmate and light jelqs after hanging sessions.

One more thing. You seem very knowledgeable about chemistry. I took a year of organic chemistry last year and aced it but never really payer attention to the scientific applications in real life. I just knew how to do problems. Glad to have guys like you and I will be doing my research.

I apologize for all this but I am a newb and these are the things I really would like help for. Thanks man.


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