Originally Posted by adun111
Feel free to correct me since I’m probably wrong, but I’m under the impression that 5.5-6.5 BPEL x 4.75-5” EG is considered average on this site.Of course that puts me at average length and under-average girth so believe me I’m not happy.
Sounds reasonable enough to me. Even if 5.5-6.5 inches BPEL is average.. or even let’s say exactly 6 inches BPEL is average, we still know very little about deviation from this mean value.
Furthermore, the national/worldwide/universal phallus length is meaningless when it comes to being sexual with a partner. The average as far as they are concerned is the average of the ones they have experienced. As a consequence of this, we have threads that discuss whether or not it’s true that large dicked guys get more girls and subsequently shift the “average experienced” away from the actual average.
In all reality, average in The Land of the Penis is a mythical beast that only a serious study can tame. The odds of an entirely non-biased, definitive medical study on penis size being performed are terribly low.