Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

thoughtfulgold's Tips to Kickstart Gains

thoughtfulgold's Tips to Kickstart Gains

Hey there, TG here. Today I’m talking about the things we can do as people to up our rate of gains and actually see positive results faster. No, my PayPal isn’t in the body of this and I’m not about to sell you the secret after a lengthy spiel that tells you literal nothing. I do not do the swindler deal. Today…we talk about the lives we all have, how you live them and how this affects gains. More below, let’s get started.

1. A meaningful and positive sexual relationship
I do not mean any offense to the virgin Penis Enlargement demographic here when I say this. However, I’d be doing you a disservice if I didn’t tell you something I noticed over the years and this is for myself and through others.

People in relationships that are going well, especially good sexually, seem to gain more faster. They have a more positive outlook on their penis, sexuality and life in general. They bounce back from stalled gains faster. They overall aren’t as obsessed and sometimes as negative as those who are single at the time while in the midst of their PE careers.

My own experience indicates a positive sexual relationship, in particular one where your partner knows about and supports your Penis Enlargement endeavors, is downright like a shot of goodness right to the junk. One of my exes who I was with for 3 years off and on I told about PE and she started cheering me on. Marking the different milestones we experienced together. She was a really good sport when she tore (she had an incredibly small vagina that was not made for sex with a larger penis or more than 3 fingers at all) and she was very vocal in what she felt, how I was changing and my EQ changes (which were mostly positive with her). Her interest and my own ability to do PE without hiding it and with someone to talk about it with when it was frustrating me or making me very happy seemed to boost my gains. During the relationship I gained much more than I had in the last year before I met her and you could pick any one of the 3 years of the relationship and say that, being 100% truthful.

Other users here report similar. Ganesh10in is one of my favorite examples. His gains and EQ seem to be in tandem with his high spirits and his very fulfilling relationship with his partner. Titleist reports similar with his wife and many married practitioners experience less stress when they have shared this with their wives and also receive support.

Additionally, it simply is good for the psyche to have a partner that enjoys you sexually while you do PE. You build sexual confidence and sexual value. You feel potent and useful. Big and bad, even. You feel your penis is a good and useful part of your sex life. You will feel PE is assisting you in this as you find gains in size and Erection Quality or staying power. All of those things make future sessions more effective and these things are a lot harder to come by when you’re single or not seeing a partner that sincerely cares about your well-being.

2. Have a life and things to do constructive or fun outside of Penis Enlargement.
All too many times a lot of the people doing PE have so much spare time and this is more harmful than it is helpful. As what ends up happening is they up their routine times drastically to fill downtime. They almost automatically start tugging on themselves whenever they are alone or on the computer and they end up running themselves into a point where either gains stall or they hurt themselves. This is a pattern I’ve done more than once. So, I easily recognize it when I’m trying to give advice. Much love and respect to those who work from home, who have all the time in the world, who have privacy and leisure time to spare. But that combination usually ends up pushing you to push for results harder and faster instead of letting gains come naturally.

I gain my best when I have a busy life. Because by the time I actually measure, usually I see something positive. If you’re measuring daily it is nearly impossible to notate gains. Both physically (because we usually only grow a microscopic amount from day to day if at all) and mentally because your eyes aren’t sharp enough to see said difference and you incur your own measuring errors with such frequent measurements.

Furthermore, when you have a life with other things driving it you are not as phased when your gains stall. You bounce back, keep moving, find another way. But if you’re doing a routine and using an ADS 10+ hours a day you’re going to feel crushed when after 10 weeks you see no notable results despite dumping a lot of time and effort into your routine and your penis. You can substitute your routine of choice if you aren’t heavy into long use, low force devices. As spending more than 2 hours a day on an active PE routine is going to start to tell on your free time and your mood because of the amount of energy it takes in the same exact way that abusing an extender or ADS for 10+ hours will tell on you. Some of us make this work for the best. Most of us end up stalled, frustrated and starting back from square one (many times in my own personal case).

It literally is how you set yourself up mentally for failure by either feeling you haven’t done enough or that PE will not work for you because you couldn’t force results with a heavy regiment. Or in other words…damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

3. Treat your body like it is your partner, not your tool or a dog to be trained.
One of my most common issues with a lot of newbies…is they are gym rats. And they will sit there and tell me how they want to do their routines. They will tell me they’re going to do a 30 minute session of jelqs, clamp, stretch then do it all again before bed. And…my issue with this isn’t the insane injury profile they’re setting up for. Nor is it the ease in which a psychotic routine like this will stall their Newbie Gains, over condition the penis and probably screw up the rest of their PE career.

It’s the fact that none of that routine or that mindset acknowledges that you have to actually treat your body right to get results. Abusing your body to the maximum that it will withstand without breaking down is not how to get gains. It’s how you get hurt. That’s the equation for stalled gains, injuries, and erect losses. In that order. But you don’t have to be a fitness nut and overdoing it to ignore your body.

Your penis is more than what is on the ruler, the PIs that day and how much sex you had last night. Your penis is connected to your body and mind. Are you tired? Your penis probably doesn’t want to do PE. Have you been properly hydrating? If not, warming up is going to be a bitch. Have you been sleeping well? If not, your morning wood will likely suffer. Have you been sick? Don’t be surprised if your flaccid shrivels up like you do on the inside when you want to vomit. Are you sad or apprehensive about sex? Your erection will show it at the worst possible time. You can do 1000 jelqs but those can’t iron out the doubts in your mind. And those can affect your PE easily and repeatedly.

Your penis is a part of you. Your body needs to be respected if it is going to give you what you seek. You can’t train, trick or force your penis to get bigger. It has all been tried, patented and sold before. I’ve seen some interesting injuries. You don’t want to be the next one. Sleep like you value your rest. Eat regularly and right, a balanced diet not fast food daily. Think of PE like a fun activity, not like work or a quest to create a weapon of pussy destruction. Shape your routine around the free time you want to spend then adhere to that schedule, don’t go over it. Then look at your experience level and if you lack experience for a certain duration or intensity of an exercise or device use…skip it. Stop beating your body up. Do not abuse your penis and expect gains. Work with your body to reach your goals. Or fail when you injure your body trying to force them.

These things are the principle parts of the mindset any healthy PE Practictioner can use to better reach their goals. Gains are always just around the corner if you can remember these things.

We hinder ourselves more than any single trial ever can but the path to victory is always drawn facing away from any mirrors.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Thank you TG for your dedication and knowledge it is very helpful! Now I just have to follow your suggestions as I have been going a little too hard and not seeing any gains right now. Think I need a two week break.

Start 6.75X4.9

Now 7.5X5.1

Notable quotes:
o People in relationships that are going well, especially good sexually, seem to gain more faster. They have a more positive outlook on their penis, sexuality and life in general.

o Think of PE like a fun activity, not like work or a quest to create a weapon of pussy destruction.

o Abusing your body to the maximum that it will withstand without breaking down is not how to get gains. It’s how you get hurt. That’s the equation for stalled gains, injuries, and erect losses. In that order.

Bookmarking post. Great stuff.

- Saul

Bigger, Stronger, Thicker, Longer

2016-08-26: 6 1/8" x 5 ... 2017-02-28: 6 3/4" x 5... 2017-07-08: 6 7/8" x 5 1/8"

Originally Posted by Contender40
Thank you TG for your dedication and knowledge it is very helpful! Now I just have to follow your suggestions as I have been going a little too hard and not seeing any gains right now. Think I need a two week break.

A break is always a good place to start. Check your mindset. Look at what you’ve been doing honestly and why you’re doing it that way. 90% of your PE issues are right there in plain sight usually. That’s how I see it when I trip myself up.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Originally Posted by saulgoode45
Notable quotes:
o People in relationships that are going well, especially good sexually, seem to gain more faster. They have a more positive outlook on their penis, sexuality and life in general.

o Think of PE like a fun activity, not like work or a quest to create a weapon of pussy destruction.

o Abusing your body to the maximum that it will withstand without breaking down is not how to get gains. It’s how you get hurt. That’s the equation for stalled gains, injuries, and erect losses. In that order.

Bookmarking post. Great stuff.

- Saul

Glad you like it, Saul. This is the stuff we don’t talk about. But it’s the same reasons the biggest gainers are always busy, married and seldom heavy athletes. At least if you ask me.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

Wow definitely a good advice .

Hi TG i’ve been following the same routine and i wont increase it until my gains stop,between i feel my penis is growing plus my Pls are positive i checked it many times only last week when i saw my penis erection got very limp i took 4 days rest and now everything is back to normal

I’m on 4 on ,3 off or 3 on,4 off.

I wont abuse my penis for a whole week with no enough rest days.

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