Fast and slow gainers
As we all know, some of us gain quickly, some of us do not. Some of us gain in different directions at different speeds - my length is relatively quick, whilst my girth is mighty slow.
However - saying “I’m a slow gainer” or “I’m a fast gainer” isn’t particularly specific, so there must be some way of measuring gain speed. The most obvious one is average growth rate.
This is calculated by taking the gains you’ve made (in inches), and dividing it by the number of weeks you’ve been PE’ing. This will give you a decimal figure, which when rounded to three decimal places gives your AGR.
There are a couple of inconsistencies though - if you’ve taken a long period off during your PE career, or you’ve had a slow period for whatever reasons; feel free to take two AGR measurements. One for each solid period of PE you’ve undertaken. You can then compare the two and see which routines gave you the best gain speed.
Another benfit of AGR is being able to predict (roughly) when you’ll hit a certain length if gains keep up at the same rate. While this is obviously not an exact science, it can be encouraging.
So - while I know most of what I’ve said so far is probably what you’re all doing already, I’d like to make it ‘official’: AGR = gains / time in weeks.
I’ll go first:
Length AGR: 0.055”
Girth AGR: 0.016”
I think I’d consider myself a relatively quick gainer on length - nearly an inch in 4 months, but I had a long period of rubbish PE in the middle somewhere. So - who’s next? :)