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Flaccid Measurement Standard

Flaccid Measurement Standard

I just posted this on the PE forum, but I am going to post it here too because I am really curious, and it seems to me that this forum has a MUCH higher traffic flow than PEForum.

I’ve always wondered what the standard procedure is for measuring the flaccid state.

Do most people:

A) Gently raise their penis so as to measure it exactly as it was resting under their pants a moment ago.


B) Give a very light pull before measuring. I am not talking about anything hard enough stretch the ligs at all, just a gentle pull (and release) to uncoil it before measuring.

I know it doesn’t really matter that much as long as you are consistent in your measuring practices, BUT it does matter in terms of being able to make comparisons. What procedure did most of the published studies use? What do most of the members here mean when they state “flaccid length.”

If I measure using procedure A, I measure 4.5”.
If I measure using procedure B, I measure 4.75”-5”.

To complicate matters further, there is also normal fluctuation throughout the day. That is a separate issue. I deal with that issue by just using my daily minimum values (excluding extreme conditions like being out in the cold). In any case, this normal intra-day variation does not really effect what I am talking about, because despite this type of variation, Method B ALWAY yields me a measurement .25-.5” longer than method A.

I just raise it up and measure, no pull (thats cheating). For official measurements I take 3 measurements during the day and average the results. I don’t see this as markedly different from size’s description and provides a more consistent result than using a tailors tape (for me at least).

After months of measuring I still think that a non bone pressed flaccid is the hardest to measure. I have to sneak up on it to prevent an unwanted reaction :)

This would make a good poll, imo.

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