Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Gain Master PE Software Release!!!


Gain Master PE Software Release!!!

At long last Gain Master 1.0 PE Software is finished and is available for download!!!

If you are interested in using the software it is FREE. This is my way of saying thanks to Thunder and all you guys who have helped
me with your wisdom and experience. Remember, this is version 1.0 and it is along way from what I envision it will be.
As of now, I haven’t finished the help file, so I hope it is intuitive and user-friendly. And, there is no error coding so if you find bugs please let me know. If you think of other useful features I am always open to suggestions for improvement.

If you are new here and are interested, the link to the original thread Coming Soon… Gain Master - PE Software!!

Installation instructions:

Step 1

To use the software you MUST download and install Microsoft Access Runtime Version from Microsoft's web site.
The software will not install without it.

Here is the address: http://msdn2.mi … e/bb229700.aspx Just click on the link at the bottom of the page.

Step 2 Once the Access install completes click on the attachment below. Save this zip file on the hard drive of your PC.

Step 3 Extract the zip file to a temporary location and run the setup file. An icon will be placed on your desktop and start menu.

Step 4 Start inputting your routine and stats!

I will try to get the help file finished as soon as possible but until then this should get you started…

Getting Started

The software has 3 primary functions:

1. To help construct and store your routines
2. To store your stats and record progress
3. To provide statistical reports on your goals and progress

Set Up

1. Start off by entering your Starting Stats
The software uses the same terminology for measuring as we do here (i.e. BPEL, FG, etc.)
At this time there is no glossary so you need to become familiar with these acronyms.

In the RoutineID box, just start with the number 1. This will increment with each new routine.
Be sure to give your routine a name in the routine name box.

2. Enter your Goals
Some of the reports will help you track your progress to your goal so be sure to have clear goals in mind.
And since there limited error coding these reports will not function properly with out goals.

3. Design you Routine
Use the drop down boxes to add exercises, supplements, and notes. If there is a device, exercise, or supplement
that is not in the list go to “Tools” to add it.

4. Enter your New Stats (Gains)
By this time a few weeks will have passed and hopefully you will have some great gains! You will record these
with “Enter New Stats.” Click on the “Add Stats” button to start. This will move your Ending stats to your Current Stats leaving
room for you to enter your new data. Once it is entered, click on “Refresh” to update and see your gains.

Your Ending Stats are entered on the top line, your Starting stats will show on middle line
and your Gains will be calculated for you on the bottom line.

Once you have a few months data in you can begin using the reports. If you have a record of your past routines and gains it
it would be advantageous to enter it.

I hope this short tutorial is enough to get you going. Feel free to post questions if you have them. I will do my best to answer
in a timely manner.

I hope everyone enjoys and benefits from this new tool.

Happy PEing!!!

Updated file here:
Iguana - Gain Master PE Software Release!!!


Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal: my strength lies solely in my tenacity.

Louis Pasteur

Do you need Office 2007? I need to wait to get my laptop back to try it out if that is the case. But thanks Iguana, I can’t wait to try it. This may be what I need to get my ass in gear!

Thanks Iguana. We have been waiting for this for a while now.:)

Obsession is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated.

My Pics

AOM's training log

Thank you for all your hard work!

You guy’s are very welcome. It has been a valuable tool for me. I’m glad to share it with others.

Originally Posted by illist22
Do you need Office 2007?

No, you do not need Office 2007. Just down load MS Access Runtime (it’s free) from Microsoft’s website, install Gain Master and go!

Feedback is appreciated!

Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal: my strength lies solely in my tenacity.

Louis Pasteur

Awesome man! I’ll check it out!

Looks like about 29 people have downloaded the software so far. Anyone got it up and running yet?

Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal: my strength lies solely in my tenacity.

Louis Pasteur

Thank you so much. I completely appreciate all the effort that went into this! I will be downloading it later on tonight :) .


Start: May 12, 2007 BPEL: 5.551" EG: 4.646" FL: 3.051" FG: 3.858" Please Fill Out My Survey: Click Me!

Now: July 13, 2007 BPEL: 6.250" EG: 5.500" FL: 3.346" FG: 4.488"

Goal: BPEL: 7.000" EG: 6.000" FL: 5.000" FG: 4.750"

Here are some screen shots from the final product…

#1 Main Routine Window - Set up your routine.
#2 Starting Stats - Enter your starting measurments.
#3 Enter your new measurements, calculate your gains.
#4 View your gain history
#5 Tools

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Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal: my strength lies solely in my tenacity.

Louis Pasteur

#6 Print Reports
#7 Project date you will hit your goal
#8 Gains Average Report
#9 Import and Export your routine - share with others.

Feel free to post your ideas of helpful features!

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Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal: my strength lies solely in my tenacity.

Louis Pasteur

Haven’t had a chance to checkout the software yet (still at work) but only have a few more hours left then speeding home to test it out I can’t wait!!

Wow, this seems awesome Iguana! Nice work!

I’m going to try it out on my PC and tell you how it went ;)

Started: BPEL: 13 cm / EG: 10.5 cm // 27-06-07

Now: BPEL: 14.1 cm / EG: 10.7 cm // 18-10-07

Goal: BPEL: 17 cm / EG: 13 cm // Soon ;)

Wow, thanks great work Iguana. This will work much better for writing down my routine! One question though, on the protocol where it shows the “id” tag, what information should be put there? Also should one bar represent one day training time, or one week?

I would suggest maybe adding a good spell checker. Overall, I’ll give you an A+. Keep up the good work!

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