Girth excersises
Hi folks, finally got an account here. I wonder as I am 6,8 x 4,4 right now for the moment if you have any girth tips for me… So far I have searched on lots of free webpages, as well as I sent money in an e-mail to BUT they seem to be impossibe to reach, and they have not sent me the account nor been in touch with me at all as a costumer! Feels like throwing away 40$ to the river. Any way, thats not what I asked for =)… For girth, tell if I´m wrong I have found out that these excersises will be good:
1. Jelquing, especially when almost fully erect like 70-80% and quite slow? For how long I wonder, about a quater or so?
2. The Ulis, like you have explained here trapping blood holding one of your hands around the base and there after jelquing to the head with light pressure for head expanding.
3. Like no.2 but you squeeze the dick on several places for expanding…
Okey… I think I´m into stretching and these above written exercises… I firstly saw these PEing as a bluff, but it really works… I looked for it as my girlfriend quite often looses the feeling of haveing me inside if you understand =)