Thunder's Place

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Girth expansion under infrared light....

Girth expansion under infrared light....

I was wondering if anyone tried this kinda thing?

I know I was one of the first to come up with the idea of using infrared heating lamps as a constant heat source while working out but never tried this excercise here:

Get a full erection, then clamp up with your hand right at the base to restrict bloodflow, do a ULI and hold, while keeping the infrared heat going, directed, obviously, toward the dick.

Shouldn’t the heat make the cells & tissue, while already in an expanded state, even more pliable?

Your thoughts.

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

I seriously doubted. And even if it does, wouldn’t just doing it in a hot bath have the same effect?

No, because infrared light penetrates the tissue deeper than any other heating device, as far as I know.

Docs and Chiros use it a lot.

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

Not sure, but it will definitely keep your french fries warm.

Seriously, there are some lights that are designed for medical use in the treatment of joint problems. These might be effective, but I don’t have any info on them right now. It was something I had thought about about 4 years ago and never really followed up on (the units are very expensive). If you were to do a google search on joint / problems/ treatment/ manipulation/ heat/ infared/ etc you might find more.


I bought an inexpensive heating bulb at Walgreens for about $10 and it heated up my dick and the entire region, incl. ligs, pretty good. I could feel the heat coming out of my johnson for about 2 hrs AFTER I was done with my workout.

So much for pre-heating and post-heating…lol

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

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