Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Girth Gains WITHOUT Jelqing


Girth Gains WITHOUT Jelqing

Is it possible? I know, it’s blasphemy to even ask the question but…does anyone out their have experience gaining girth WITHOUT the jelq? Any kind of girth, be it base girth from hanging, magical mysterious girth increases from manual stretches, or girth gained from pumping (without jelqing). Has ANYBODY accomplished this?

I know I know, the question you’re asking is: why would you avoid the jelq if you want girth???
The truth is, I’m scared to jelq. I’ve been out of the game for 8-9 months now with an injury I got from jelqing (too many reps too early on). I feel I would be injury free if I had been much more conservative, but at this point I feel that the jelq is just not for me (maybe years down the road).
But I desperately need girth (4.75” BEG, 4.5” MEG).

MY PLAN: In January 2014 I plan to begin manual stretching, and in June of 2014 I plan to finally incorporate pumping for the first time, along with my manual stretches.

Think I’ll see any girth gains by January 2015?? Without the jelq it doesn’t look too promising in my opinion, but maybe you guys have experiences that can lift my hopes a little. Please respond if you have any advice to throw my way! I desperately need every ounce of it!

Hanging is known to give base girth gains

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Originally Posted by a-unit
Hanging is known to give base girth gains

Hello a-unit.

I want to add girth to lower shaft (first 2-3 inches). Did your lower shaft became thicker with hanging or just the very base? If yes was it CC, CS or both?

Hope you don’t mind me asking.

Start: 8 BPEL- 7.5 NBPEL - 5.5 midEG

Current: 8.6 BPEL - 8 NBPEL - 5.8 midEG

I wish You all kinds of gains!

I jelq very little, maybe once a week twice a week is a good week. Anyway with that being said I’m seeing great result with pumping in the girth department however it appears it has affected me in the length department. Gained some girth lost some length.

Starting Measurements 03/03/2012: BPEL: 7.30" MSEG: 5.100"

Previous Measurement 11/19/2012: BPEL: 7.90" MSEG: 5.250"

Current Measurements 01/08/2013: BPEL: 8.0" MSEG: 5.250"

Goal: BPEL: 8.25" MSEG: 6.250" <-- Just a bit above the magic | How I'm getting there --> Routine and progress with pics

Originally Posted by MrJacobo
Hello a-unit.

I want to add girth to lower shaft (first 2-3 inches). Did your lower shaft became thicker with hanging or just the very base? If yes was it CC, CS or both?

Hope you don’t mind me asking.

It seems that the lower two inches or so of the base became thicker due to hanging and oddly, since I’ve been on decon, base girth has gone crazy during jelq sessions ballooning to over 7” when fully erect.

I have no answer to why that is, but why question a good thing.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

I was a hanger and gained over .5 inch or base girth. I did zero jelqing while hanging.


How is your injury recovery progressing? Have you tried jelqing recently? Do you still have the pain, or has it resolved and now you’re just waiting until 2014 for good measure?

Go see a urologist if you’re still having pain. Don’t live in chronic pain, especially a pain in the penis, without consulting a medical professional. A jelqing injury should not take 9+ months to heal, there could be something else going on. I had knee pain and I kept waiting and waiting to go in because I thought it would go away on its own. I finally went in after 9 months and the physical therapist said that if I had come in right away, this kind of problem only takes about 1 month of rehab to fix. Instead it took me 6 months of rehab to resolve the pain, and I still have more work to do to get my legs back up to their full activity levels without pain. He also said the longer I waited, like if I had waited another year, the higher the chance that I would never fully recover from it. Scary stuff. Needless to say I wish I had spent the money and gone in right away. Ironically I was concerned about spending $200 bucks to go in to get it checked back then, and in the end I spent about $2,000 on physical therapy and other treatment attempts. And I would have been willing to pay ten times that amount for anything that fixed the pain.

You can’t put a price tag on living a pain free life. Our health is taken for granted when we have it, and invaluable when it fails us. And if your condition is preventing a healthy sex life, then it’s worth every penny to explore every possible treatment option until it’s fixed. If there’s even a 1% chance that you have something with a simple cure, like an infection, then you should go in and get it checked. Who knows, they could find an infection, and one month and a bottle of antibiotics from now you could be pain free and jelqing like a champ.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Inverted V’s gave me 1/8 in mid girth with no Jelqing or traditional girth exercises.

I think any fulcrum exercise has potential to give girth. I would prefer to gain girth this way, I struggle with blood filled exercises.

Inverted v’s, Fulcrums to the side, marinera’s spiral, wants more stretches and the Bib hanger. Even stretching hard seems to have given some guys girth if I’m not mistaken.

Originally Posted by BeardedDragon

How is your injury recovery progressing? Have you tried jelqing recently? Do you still have the pain, or has it resolved and now you’re just waiting until 2014 for good measure?

Hey Bearded,

Thank you for asking. Unfortunately, it’s been 9 months and my injury still lingers. One slightly silverish lining is that the pains have noticeably improved, albeit slowly. They are still definitely here though. The hardest part has been abstaining from ejaculation and playing w/ my unit too much, as these seem to inflame it. I try my best and go as many days as possible without masterbating, but many times I don’t get passed day 2 or 3 (lol), so the way I figure it, if I can make 8 days without touching my junk, I’ve done a good job, and that’s how I feel I’ve progressed to this point (less frequent pains, less intense pains even after multiple ejaculations - at least so far).

You are very wise in your suggestion. I spoke to an online urologist on an AskExperts website. It’s interesting to note that you can look through the records of everyone else who has asked questions, and that there were many, many, MANY instances of people complaining of jelqing injuries (like mine was).

Do a search for ‘jelq’ and you’ll see what I mean - pages and pages of complaints, some of them very terrifying to read lol. There weren’t complaints of other PE techniques that I could find - just the jelq. While some people admitted to gripping to hard or doing too much too fast, others did not. Not trying to bash the jelq, I feel it’s important for many people to gain. But when I saw all these fresh, new complaints about jelqing (I’ve already read every jelqing injury post on Thunder’s), it really shocked me as to the sheer volume of people hurt by this technique.

The urologist I wrote to was surprisingly versed in PE, and made a point of letting me know how often he receives injury complaints related to the jelq. He understands that jelqing does increase size, but he feels it is due to swelling caused by damaging arteries and the valves in the veins - he feels very strongly that it is not healthy for the penis in the long term, and risky . He also posted that it (in his opinion) it was possible to increase the size of the penis through things like stretching, etc, but that it was ‘dangerous’ and you ‘will probably only gain .25” at most. I’m sure some of the vets here would have something to say about that, but his experience has to count for something. Maybe we should all take the jelq more seriously, and look into the fact that so many guys get hurt from it early on. It seems to be great for some people in high doses, but pretty dangerous for other, more sensitive units, ESPECIALLY when done improperly.

I digress - your point about the urologist is very wise. This urologist actually suggested just that, and said he suspects it’s something like Prostatitis (pain after ejaculation is a common symptom). He said that compared to his usual complaints of jelqing injuries, mine was very unusual and could be something totally unrelated. Bacterial Prostatitis is indeed stifled by antibiotics, so your suggestion is a good one. If my symptoms don’t continue to improve this summer, I’ll likely see a urologist in a couple of months. Just really really nervous too as most lab assistants are female, and my cock loves to shrivel up to ridiculous baby sizes when I go to the doctor.

One thing about this injury is that it’s given me lots of time to sit, read/post here on Thunder’s, and plan my next mode of attack. This will likely come in the form of a manual stretching only routine in January 2014, with pumping thrown in around July 2014. I hope I can be successful at gaining girth without the jelq, but feel that in the end I will need to reincorperate the jelq (at much, much less reps) if I am to reach anywhere near my maximum end goal of .75” to 1” girth gains (I also feel that I might have to experiment with clamping somewhere down the line - which I never thought I’d do. But after much reading on these forums on the gains it has produced, and after realizing exactly how precious and rare good girth gains are, I feel it’s worth looking into if pumping fails/stops giving gains.

I’m babbling at this point, but I hope this gives you a good idea of where I’m at. Thank you for your post very much, I appreciate you looking out for me. It’s been a long, hard nine months…only seven months and a few days until I can resume PE! Honestly, if the pains aren’t gone at that point, I’ll consider them permanent and PE through them. I can’t waste any more of my life sitting around waiting to PE! (that’s literally how I’m spending my days…fun stuff I know). Thank god for Xbox is all I can say lmao. Best of luck to you brother,


Jelqing is probably the most misunderstood exercise in PE. It’s misunderstood because there really is no definitive way to judge the exact grip and pressure needed: too hard and you end up in injury; too light and it’s nothing more than rubbing skin - you get no benefits.

As others have said, you can gain girth by other means than jelqing but by far it’s the most effective when used in combination with other means. Exercises such as bends (flaccid and erect) and Uli’s are good for gaining girth. I haven’t experienced it myself but I’ve read where some guys have gained girth from fowfers (I have only experienced gain in flaccid length personally but it won’t hurt to add that in).

You said you were going to start pumping soon - you’re definitely going to need to incorporate jelqing into your pumping routine in order to maximize your sessins. During your breaks, it’s a common practice, as well as just a plain good idea, to jelq and massage your unit to aide in tissue expansion and bringing in fresh blood. You CAN gain without jelqing with pumping, but jelqing does greatly enhance the effectiveness of it.

While it can be done without jelqing, the road gets a narrower without it. Relax your grip more and don’t do as many reps. There’s always something to be gain in minimalism.

Starting stats: 7.5" BPEL x 6.2" MEG

Current Stats BPEL: 8.2" [NBPEL: 7.6"] EG: 6.8" - Goal: 9x7 and beyond

My Progress Thread/Log

If you spend any time in gym or on a sports field you will see people doing things poorly and getting injured.

It doesn’t mean those activities are bad.

Same with PE.

Best of luck with your “sports” injury.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

But the jelq has by far the most injury complaints it seems. I abstain. My injury was from jelqing between pumping. And jelqs gave me a scare before my real injury, which seemed to be a rare busted vein that scared the hell out of me, fluid build up in base at one side unlike any normal donut, turning to harder decayed pieces, weakened erections, tendency to gather fluid in same spot. That was october 2012.
I quit hanging and did light stretches. Gingerly masturbated. Tried ballooning and edging. Very slowly reintroduced pumping. And HERE is the most important part. I still wore the extender, always, though at low tension. Think of the horrid consequences otherwise! A bunched up, retracted, injured dick. Traction heals, it creates new tissue.
I leaned into PE, actually. I knew exactly what went wrong and was reassured by urologist quoted on medical sites and a big girth dude on this site who saw a woman urologist about various PE injuries. His dick came through the stronger because of his work. Though I would definitely stay away from clamping, or even ulis for awhile.

Don’t buy into jelqs if they’re not for you. Edging and introducing pumping at gentle levels down the road will give you girth like crazy. If you can ejaculate, than you can heal the rest of the way. BUT your body must absorb tissue that is dead and create new dick matter. The extender is perfect for this. if you aren’t so scared for your dick that you ran to Urgent Care or a urologist asap, than you know you can heal and you must be the one to do it. Massage, kegel, escalate. And change your name to Huge-ya when you get to 6.75 by 5.5. All the best.

Start: 5.75 x 4.5 Current: 7 x 5.25

Such Spartan training is for the champ. -Bruce Lee

Originally Posted by Devotion9
Don’t buy into jelqs if they’re not for you. Edging and introducing pumping at gentle levels down the road will give you girth like crazy. If you can ejaculate, than you can heal the rest of the way. BUT your body must absorb tissue that is dead and create new dick matter. The extender is perfect for this. if you aren’t so scared for your dick that you ran to Urgent Care or a urologist asap, than you know you can heal and you must be the one to do it. Massage, kegel, escalate. And change your name to Huge-ya when you get to 6.75 by 5.5. All the best.

Thanks for that, Devotion. Always enjoy reading your posts since you started out my current size and built up to where you are now, using (for the most part) the methods that I plan to use.

I came to a realization to myself recently that perhaps the most girth gain I could hope for is an additional .25” - .5” (judging from the statistics of this site, these seem to be the most common end girth gains, although often I do see higher, such as yourself with a gain of .75”). An additional .5” would leave me at 5” MEG, 5.25” BEG. I felt sad at first, that this is not an automatic 5.5” (what my ultimate end goal would be). But then realized I don’t have any idea what it’s like to be these sizes so I shouldn’t pre-emptively be depressed about possibly not reaching a number higher than this.
I was wondering if you could tell me what it’s like to go from my penis (literally the same size as your starting stats), to your new penis. Even intermittently, before you reached your current state, what was it like at 4.75” MEG? 5” MEG? How much improvement was it over your original cock, I’m sure like night and day, right? Happy with the end product? (I already know the answer to this - I just want to read your own words about it to make myself feel better, lol).
I sure feel skinny @ 4.5” MEG…hoping the pump works for me as well as it has for you, Sta-Kool, PEforeal, GPrent, Avocet, Sparyx and many others.


Jelqing or Uli’s are excellent for girth to a point but once you reach that point its difficult or nearly impossible to gain uniform girth increases beyond the limits of your cc I do a variation while hanging that has helped me to increase girth. I take a neoprene strip (8 x 1.5 ) just cut up a wetsuit or something, and than I wrap the strip at the base. This provides a great deal of compression and you can vary it by adjusting how tightly you wrap. From this point I hang 25lbs and you will get excellent expansion in a static way that will promote girth gains all along the shaft. .

Take anything and everything that DutyQuest has posted with a large grain of salt.

Yeah well, time is money. It doesn’t seem like the returns disappear, but they diminish. Considering this is not a race, I hear many more decade plus guys that enjoy a porno-dick than others.

It is illogical as I sit here to think about 8.5 inches in length. But the longer my dick gets, the more probable that actually seems. (GIVEN A DECADE.) And so for girth, there is no reason to think of upper limits. Especially when you could be fattening yourself up with some erect-ish hand-clamp thingies. Yeah ,and those suck compared to a Bathmate.

So anyways, there are some porno guys who are tell tale pumpers. It’s not a bad thing, they just have that recently pumped look that I know too well. That, and they got a FAAAT cock. So did they add to themselves through pumping? Hell yeah dude. I mean most probably these guys are experts. You’re on to their secrets, so relax and gain. I plan on getting a lot fatter once I get closer to my length goal. Boy did the Bathmate deliver this past year. HEE HEE. Gotta go put my BIB on.

Start: 5.75 x 4.5 Current: 7 x 5.25

Such Spartan training is for the champ. -Bruce Lee

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