Nice to hear from you. ..
First off, alloderm is essentially dead tissue that they take off dead people and they freeze it and preserve it.
In some cases, some doctors will use the tissue off your ass as another tissue but that is not called alloderm.
Now follow my logic, In PE the girth gains we experienced are caused by two things , some of it is caused by actually tissue being created , but the majority of it is caused because the CC is expanded to incoporate more blood in the cavities. In the surgery however you experience those same girth gains with dead tissues..
Now tell me, Which is more heavier pound for pound …blood or dead tissues ? Which penis is more flexible and can suit more positions , perhaps a blood-majority-filled one ?
Now may I also add, when that dead tissue is incorporated into your penis, no nerves actually ever grow into it . That is right, there is no sensation that you will feel coming from the incorporated tissue.
Perhaps, you might not have notice the ‘heavy-bat-effect’ , I have talked to some when this surgery was new and perhaps they have make some improvements to it. But perhaps maybe you have noticed a reduced erection level , or does the penis still hang straight out ? Do you ever notice , erection strength decreasing ?
If you are intersted in the surgery, I have to also remind you, once you do the surgery is is irreversible once after six months and the tissue becomes incorporated into your penis.Also in the above , I didn’t exactly say that it will automatically cause penis desensitization, I said that there is a possibility for that occuring. Ever doctor will tell you that just in case he accidently cuts one of your nerves, he can save his own ass from ligitation.