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Girth Trials - Need Opinions


Girth Trials - Need Opinions

Unfortunately, I developed a sebaceous cyst on my dick over winter break which in turn has made it impossible for me to PE because it just gets worse every time I jelq or do a girth oriented exercise. I have been stretching though, but I don’t really care about length.

That is irrelevant though.

If I have caught your attention with my title, the reason is this:

As soon as I am able to PE again, which should be in the next week as the cyst is pretty much gone, I am wondering what you guys think will give me the most girth gains.

I will be back at college soon and have no privacy except for clamping in the AM and in the PM (probably 2 or 3 sets of 10 minutes each). Do you guys think I should:

A) wear a cock ring between sessions
B) wear an ADS between sessions

The cock ring does not cut off blood flow and it is much more stealthy than the ADS and much more comfortable but I am just curious if stretching out the length fibers will help gain girth.

Or you could give me your own opinion on a routine I should do. Thanks in advance. Just write A or B at the very least. Thoughts would be nice too.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

I’m not liking the cock ring thing to much. But, beings your going back to college you can make stealth PE your friend. Under your blankets in the dark f night you can do Tunica Tugs. This exercise is primarily for girth. You can also do your basic routine in the shower. Do some flaccid jelqing, and some squeezes. Wrap around your dick as many fingers as you can and squeeze about 50 times in slow pulses. Don’t squeeze to hard.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Could you ask to your Doc when you’ll be able to have sexual intercourses, TC? How many days you have to wait after the cyst is gone?

Thick, have you tried the girth-work I have been doing, it is a bit intense but I have done very well with it.

Sexually enlightening my generation one pussy at a time(sometimes 2 ;) ).

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Improvement, it is the goal of life's search-Carl "Reaper" Sheapards

I’ve decided on Clamping with ADS. Thanks guys.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Originally Posted by marinera

Could you ask to your Doc when you’ll be able to have sexual intercourses, TC? How many days you have to wait after the cyst is gone?

Haven’t seen a doc about it. What kind do you think I should see? It’s basically gone.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

I think you should ask to an urologist; cysts not completely gone could be turn worse with any kind of mechanic stress, I’ve heard. If the Doc says, in example, “You have to wait 1 week after the cyst is gone before having sexual intercourse”, then it would be wise to wait another 1-2 weeks before doing PE, since PE add more stress to the penis than sex.

Just my opinion.

Okay I’ll go tomorrow. Thanks. I didn’t plan on PEing for until another week at the least and I won’t be jelqing just stretching with ADS because jelqing makes it worse. Stretching doesn’t affect it.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

I went to the doc and he said “lets see what it looks like in a week”…some fuckin help.

I am also getting an std test tomorrow to be on the safe side.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Originally Posted by Thick Cock
I went to the doc and he said “lets see what it looks like in a week”.some fuckin help.

I am also getting an std test tomorrow to be on the safe side.

Better then my doctor. I had constant headaches and he poked and prodded my neck and shoulders then told me it was stress tension disorder and to get a massage.

I had a collapsed disc in my neck. The arsehole.

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

Yeah but overall he’s a great doctor I guess. Probably one of the better ones.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Is the cyst round or irregular shaped?

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

Round, about the size of the end of a needle. It’s pretty much gone though.

I mean, I know they are there forever, but it isn’t big and red anymore.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

The doctor probably just wants to see if it changed shape. Size of a pin head is pretty small, I’ve got one that’s the size of bottle cap.

I'm a big fan of 50 Cent, or as we call him in Zimbabwe, four hundred million dollars.

Yeah. Damn! That’s huge! On your penis? I hope not.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

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