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Hand Length to Gripping Girth Ratio

Hand Length to Gripping Girth Ratio

Why? With a ratio of male hand length to gripping girth, we can then turn around apply that to the female populace (as we know their hand lengths).

How can I help out?

It’s easy, you don’t even have to whip out your dick, actually I recommend against that because there are easier things to measure. What you do want to do is to walk around and find a bottle that you can grip your hand around gently while your index finger to thumb just barely touches. Done that? Okay, now take a tape measure or a string and use that to measure the circumference (girth) of the bottle and measure again for good measure. Almost there! Now measure the length of your hand from the base of your palm to your middle finger (). Awesome, one more step. Take the circumference of the bottle and divide that by the length of your hand, post the results.

So to recap: circumference_of_bottle(that you can barely get your index and thumb to touch)/hand_length = ratio!

Bonus points if do the same as above, and find another bottle for your middle finger, so that would be two ratios. We all like ratios.

Oh PS. You will do this because you’re all a bunch of freakin’ crazies.

Size is little more than a controllable perception without an accurate means of measurement.

Example of my own:

Index to Thumb: 13.1cm
Middle to Thumb: 15.4cm
Hand length: 18cm

Ratio index->thumb = 13.1/18 = 0.728
Ratio middle->thumb = 15.4/18 = 0.839

Size is little more than a controllable perception without an accurate means of measurement.

Index to Thumb: 16.3cm (6.42”)
Middle to Thumb: 17.1cm (6.73”)
Hand length: 19.4cm (7.64”)

Ratio index->thumb = 0.840
Ratio middle->thumb = 0.881

Idx to Thumb: 14.9
Mid to Thumb: 16.7
Hand Length 18.2

Ratio Idx-Thb/Hand: 0.82
Ratio Mid-Thb/Hand: 0.92
I feel like there stats there might be somewhat off. Two out of first three guys are in the lower 10% of hand length? I know my hand is short, but almost 5th percentile short? Oh well, just glad my dick is almost in the upper 5th percentile by now :D

Also: Jawbone: Do you have like freakishly thick fingers? Your hand is about my length, but you’re gripping way less..
Serenity seems to be more in line with me, except he’s larger of course.
Thinking about it: maybe my thumb is long?

Originally Posted by SirKyle
I feel like there stats there might be somewhat off. Two out of first three guys are in the lower 10% of hand length? I know my hand is short, but almost 5th percentile short? Oh well, just glad my dick is almost in the upper 5th percentile by now :D

Also: Jawbone: Do you have like freakishly thick fingers? Your hand is about my length, but you’re gripping way less..
Serenity seems to be more in line with me, except he’s larger of course.
Thinking about it: maybe my thumb is long?

Well, I do have really small hands when compared to other males. Doesn’t mean I can’t open up jars any less effectively mind you (and some times - more effectively). So I’m an outlier and you likely are too, and maybe we’re compensating for something… You know what they say about guys with small hands eh? Their dicks look huge in them!

Ahem, what’s surprising to me is I thought the ratios would be more consistent right from the get go. Fingers aren’t thick, some would say thin. Maybe my thumb is short?

0.73, 0.82 and 0.84 for thumb to index… hoping for more results.

Still, from these results thus far, a 95th percentile hand length lady (19.7cm), combined with the largest grip (0.84) would come out to 16.5cm (6.5in) girth before her index and thumb begin to separate. While a 50th percentile woman with combined with the largest grip would be 15cm (6in). Concerning averages, a 50th percentile with the average grip (0.80) would be 14.4cm (5.7in)… too few results.

Size is little more than a controllable perception without an accurate means of measurement.

This is pretty interesting. Even with a very big hand (19.7 cm) the grip would be something like 6.5”. I have a friend who is naturally 6.5 and he told me that no girl was able to close the grip between index and thumb.

On the other hand. I cannot close the grip (without squeezing) on a 6.2” girth object.

Ahora:Longitud: 18 BP Grosor: :littleguy avanzado a los 14 EG.

Metas:Longitud: 20 BP Grosor: 15 EG.

Fotos y progresos avantasia

I don’t think you can quite expect a linear relationship between hand length and grip circumference. For instance, there’s the possibility that finger length varies more than the length of the rest of the hand. With more results it’d probably be fairly easy to find a function that fits, though.

Making a rough estimate of the uncertainty of measurements would help too. For instance, +-0.3cm would give you an uncertainty of just about +-0.02 on the ratios.

avantasia. Indeed it is interesting! I think with the information gathered, so long the ratios remain 2 deviations remain close to the median, can really help get a more stable picture of what people are likely to experience, as well as help with goal setting.

That said, Serenity73 is nailing my thoughts on digit variation, and this whole thing could be moot if the digit variation of females is significantly different than of males (thus soliciting a larger or smaller grip variation). However anecdotal, in all my years of placing my hands to anothers (throughout childhood to adulthood), there has been nothing that jumps out as “odd” between the two sexes, or perhaps I was too enamoured with their eyes to notice.

What’s nice to know at this point though, is that the median+’average’ (as useless as that word is) is actually right around what people tend to experience, that at 5.7” girth, women start to have trouble connecting their index and thumb around that lovely member of yours.

Now, get me that Data!

Size is little more than a controllable perception without an accurate means of measurement.

Why is no one else contributing? Come on guys, you have shaving cream cans and the such at home.

SirKyle, Can you give me a brief explanation of how should I measure?

Idx to Thumb: 14.9
Mid to Thumb: 16.7
Hand Length 18.2

A ruler, a tailor tape? should I measure in a straight line? how should I measure each of those?.

Ahora:Longitud: 18 BP Grosor: :littleguy avanzado a los 14 EG.

Metas:Longitud: 20 BP Grosor: 15 EG.

Fotos y progresos avantasia

I gripped a hairspray can that just about fit for mid to thumb then measured that with measuring tape.


The circumference of a can can be measured with fabric tape measure or a string & ruler. To measure a can with a string, you take that string and wrap it around the can until you reach the start of the string, then mark that point either with a marker or your finger (by holding it). Take that string and place it against a ruler and you’ll find the circumference.

I think you did well though (the numbers seem within range).

The next step is to divide everything to your hand length.

Idx to Thumb ratio: 14.9 / 18.2 = 0.818
Mid to Thumb ratio: 16.7/ 18.2 = 0.917

PS. Is anyone else having trouble here?

Size is little more than a controllable perception without an accurate means of measurement.

Last edited by Jawbone : 11-16-2011 at .

Hand length: 17.5 cm
Index to thumb: 14.5 cm -> ratio = 0.826
Middle to thumb: 16 cm -> ratio = 0.914

Damn Jawbone, and I thought I had small hands. :p

Interesting fact I just noticed… I can barely grip my girth goal with index finger and thumb (5.75” = 14.6 cm). Maybe I should increase it to 6.3” (16 cm)? :D

So far, all of us have midget hands apparently according to the wikipedia stats :>

@Jawbone: avantasia just copied my stats and asked how he should measure, that’s why they’re in range.

Oh hey guys. Uh, my tape measure is wrong by 1 cm. The end was cut off (I cut it off a while ago so the inches started at 0). The ruler measurement for hand length was fine.

I measured again with a string and got 14.2cm and 16.1cm, so 0.79 and 0.89 respectively.

Also, I put these in a spreadsheet. Only 4 results.

Size is little more than a controllable perception without an accurate means of measurement.

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