Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hidden effect of PE....anemia?


Oh, I see I missed a few questions.

- I made my mallet myself. Handpolished birch.

- I do my malletting session whenever I have time. Preferably when no one else is home (they might misunderstand the grunts and whacking sounds).

- I believe it is most effective to keep sessions together, not spread them out. If nothing else, for ease of cleaning up.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Impact is not the only way to damage RBC’s in blood vessels. Turbulent or accelerated blood flow can also cause it.

The penis is the only place on the body where one would intentionally trap blood and repeatedly squeeze the vasculature with relatively high force. There are zero studies on the effect of PE on peniile blood flow, vascular effect, and effects on blood elements that I could find.

I did a quick search to find studies that may clear-up the hemolysis hypothesis, but most studies are in vitro and relate to heart valves and hemodialysis machines that use rollers (or a jelqing motion :) ) to push blood along. The problem is the tubes are synthetic and do not have the same properties as real blood vessels.

In my brief search I found an in vivo study that links free hemoglobin (i.e. from lysed RBC’s) to nitric oxide inactivation. http://www.jci. org/cgi/content … ull/115/12/3409 I actually found this study very interesting since NO plays such a key role in erections.

Originally Posted by suziesun12
Pudendum, would you really say it is impossible to verify that jelqing damages RBC’s? For example, couldn’t you have someone get a baseline indirect(unconjugated) bilirubin level then jelq vigorously for a few days, then get another bilirubin level and compare the results?

suziesun12 - You need to give the readers a thumbnail sketch of what your trying to say:

When red blood cells are broken down, mainly in the spleen, the substance in them that carries oxygen (hemoglobin) is converted to bilirubin. It is toxic and must be eliminated from the body. It is be transported to the liver in the blood. This bilirubin (known as unconjugated bilirubin) does not mix with water so it must be carried by a protein in the blood (albumin). In the liver (where it is concentrated over time), it is prepared for excretion by binding it with two sugar molecules. This conjugated bilirubin (as it is known) is dumped from the body through bile released by the gall bladder into the intestines where it goes out the normal way, making the out going “material” brown (to be less than crass).

Do you propose your damage with jelqing causes the red blood cells to breakup in the penis or just damages them enough to have them filtered out by the spleen? It makes a difference.

If you believe that red cells are blown up by the pressure stroke, then hemoglobin would be released and would be pissed out, making it darkish/reddish, much like with your example with march hemolysis. It would not cause a rise in bilirubin.

By the way, it is estimated that only 6 - 40 mls of blood cells are damaged in the feet in march hemolysis. It doesn’t take much blood cell breakup to cause a very disturbing change in urine color; to say the least. I haven’t heard anyone complain of reddish urine after jelqing, have you? 6 mls. is not a lot of blood, so if you think a significant amount of cells are completely destroyed at the penis, where is the hemoglobin in the urine?

If you believe that red blood cells are damaged in the penis and are culled out of the blood stream in the spleen then broken down to unconjugated bilirubin, you will be hard pressed to prove it. 20% of the bilirubin made by the spleen that is released into the blood is taken out by the liver with every pass through it keeping blood levels of bilirubin remarkably stable.

It takes a fairly serious red blood cell breakdown to make significant rises in bilirubin (caused by either bad diseases or serious injury with big bruises). If your not breaking enough cells in the penis to cause hemoglobin to be dumped into the urine, how many red cells do you believe are damaged enough to have to be removed and broken down? It would take a lot to make significantly changes for you to detect.

Originally Posted by suziesun12
Also, I realize edema is caused by a different mechanism, but my point was that if people are applying enough force to cause these type of injuries, maybe RBC’s are being damaged along the way.

I explain the reasons for edema formation in posts #4 and #6 in this thread:

Boo-Ya - Fluid Build Up/Anti-Turtle Sleeve/Misc.

The pressures necessary for this fluid build up just have to be enough to over come the bloods ability to hold onto fluid. Far less than you think.

Originally Posted by suziesun12
And I am not denying the vasculature of the foot, but per unit area there are more blood vessels in the penis than the foot.

Again you haven’t seen the amount of capillaries in a typical muscle to keep it working. Muscle is a very vital tissue requiring significant blood flow, for oxygen, not erection. A piece of muscle with a volume equal to the flaccid penis has far more vessels. I’m not talking about blood volume. Yea, the erect penis has more blood in it, but its because some of the major veins of the cavernosa and spongiosum dilate to hold a lot more blood (sinusoids).

Originally Posted by suziesun12
Also, I’m not getting “worked up”. I never once claimed PE or jelqing causes anemia or RBC damage.

Then why did you even start this thread when even you don’t believe the premise in your opening post.

Originally Posted by suziesun12
It is an unverified QUESTION, yet I believe able to be tested. I know you believe it cannot. I just don’t understand the desire to vigorously deny the idea when there is mechanical force being applied to the penis and PE is well outside the range of force the penis would normally sustain during sex/use in nature. At least the way I do it.

I thought you said that jelqing doesn’t cause red blood cell damage. If its not damaging red blood cells, then what are you talking about? In your first paragraph, you say you want to see if bilirubin levels rise, but if it’s not damaging red cells, then why look at it?

I’m not denying the idea, I’m just disputing your premise using facts.

Originally Posted by suziesun12
It kinda makes me want to test the idea myself. I have a feeling though that if the results did come out to be in support of damage to RBC’s, no matter how insignificant, the results would be dismissed as biased. :) But in reality I doesn’t even affect me because I don’t even jelq often.

I’ll be interested in the design of your experiment. Closed end silicon tube, with a firm cover to simulate the tunica? What pressure? How will you measure it? What kind of blood? Fresh or frozen? Where will you get your supply? How will you detect damage, with a microscope? Good luck. How will you measure hemoglobin? And, and and…

Having performed some very elaborate lab studies to prove proposed hypotheses (and they have been published in national and international medical journals), I’ll tell you unless you do it right, it won’t be bias that will be used to dispute you.

Good luck.

I don’t think suziesun was necessarily saying that strenuous PE’ing was a definitive cause of anemia, or even damage to red blood cells. I think that she was postulating that it might.

As far as I’m concerned, there’s a significant difference between riffing on an idea and claiming to know what's what. i.e. it seems that the tone of backlash is a little misplaced. O.K., if she was saying, “This shit causes anemia! I know it does!” Then I could see some reason behind the Thundersplace M.D. militia dropping the hammer on her. However, I don’t really see her as doing that. More exploring an idea than anyting else.

That said, whether PE can cause anemia or not (I personally doubt it) the Biology lessons have been great.

When we’ve beaten the RBC/spleen/liver/albumin to a pulp could we move on to the kidney/adrenal complex? And then maybe use that as a springboard to the glandular system in general?

Originally Posted by westla90069
Uh, WM, "suzie" has a penis: This is my penis. There are many like it, but this one is mine. So it’s "he" not "she."

Since I’m here I’ll join the majority: jelqing, even if it damages a few red cells, won’t cause, nay, couldn't cause, anemia (IMO).

oop! :rolling: Sorry amigo!

Jelq on my brothers!

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

I have been having problems in this area. But my question is more what effect does anemia and similiar conditions have on pe not the other way around. I had my doctor test me for anemia. It came back negative. I wondered if there were more than one anemia and he didn’t test for all of them. I’ve also been thinking about what effects hypothyroidism and blood pressure/platelets has on pe. I read you can have subclinical low thyroid. My thyroid test came back ok.

I was getting overtraining symptoms within the first week every time I tried to PE. I do take Zyprexa which I’m getting ready to stop. Also I’m going to get tested for celiac disease eventually. But basically I’m way colder than normal and I get loss of size from a less than newbie routine. (With proper warm up and jelqing technique, etc.) I gained pretty good awhile back, but I’ve been trying to figure out what’s going on with this for years now. I have done a bit of reading on here but without any great ideas. And I’m sorry to post in someone else’s thread, but if someone has any new ideas please help me.

I think you could better as the question if pe could cause’s std’s.

I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..


While this theory has been debunked, at least it’s something different. :) In my short time here, I’ve noticed topics can sometimes get a bit repititive. Respect to the moderators for their patience with that.

Were the last 2 posts responses to my post? If so what are you talking about?

Originally Posted by reasonable
I have been having problems in this area. But my question is more what effect does anemia and similiar conditions have on pe not the other way around. I had my doctor test me for anemia. It came back negative. I wondered if there were more than one anemia and he didn’t test for all of them. I’ve also been thinking about what effects hypothyroidism and blood pressure/platelets has on pe. I read you can have subclinical low thyroid. My thyroid test came back ok.

I was getting overtraining symptoms within the first week every time I tried to PE. I do take Zyprexa which I’m getting ready to stop. Also I’m going to get tested for celiac disease eventually. But basically I’m way colder than normal and I get loss of size from a less than newbie routine. (With proper warm up and jelqing technique, etc.) I gained pretty good awhile back, but I’ve been trying to figure out what’s going on with this for years now. I have done a bit of reading on here but without any great ideas. And I’m sorry to post in someone else’s thread, but if someone has any new ideas please help me.

Coeliac disease. is something you are normally born with.. It is where the microvilli in the stomach is reduced in size and can virtually disappear. Thus stopping the digestive system working. As un-processed (Bodywise) food enters the belly and causes severe diarrhoea.

It is mainly brought on by consuming Gluten in bread/flour. And is something you are born with

I was diagnosed with it when I was 50. but nothing seemed to cure or stop it. Eventually I found the cause. - The heater in my car was leaking anti-freeze, and I was breathing in the fumes. And that was the cause of the problem

You say you are cold

It would seem that if you are ‘way colder than normal’ you have a circulation problem. Have you tried something like Nifedipine.

And what is your pulse rate. Mine is 60 per minute when at rest, and I get very cold hands and feet. and need to keep on the move.

So you need to look at what you are eating/drinking. (Chlorinated water?). You could try leaving out one item of food every week to see if that has any good effect. as that may identify the cause. (or leave several items out for a week, and if there is a lack of reaction then test those individually, by bringing them into your diet one at a time and see if there is any result.

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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

I understand you’re born with it. So that about the car heater is strange. I thought it was just from the gluten. From what I’ve read it goes undiagnosed a lot. And the symptoms vary. But eventually I’m going to get tested. I have been testing my food and medicine like that though. If Nifedipine is prescription my doctor probably won’t want to prescribe it. I’ve been acting like a hypochondriac mainly because of pe lol.

Thanks for the input.


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