Thunder's Place

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How did 'Ulistretch' do his routine TWICE a day??


How did 'Ulistretch' do his routine TWICE a day??

The guy must have some serious recuperative abilities. I have had good success with Ulistretch’s routine ONCE a day, but after a particularly good session, my penis is spent and needs to heal—I could not imagine doing it a.m. and p.m. as he suggests.

Do you think he was an exception to the rule?

"Look what your brother did to the door!"

What was his routine exactly? Everyones penis’ are different to one another.

I am interested in knowing this routine as well.

Ahora:Longitud: 18 BP Grosor: :littleguy avanzado a los 14 EG.

Metas:Longitud: 20 BP Grosor: 15 EG.

Fotos y progresos avantasia

His routine:

“My personal experience

I was fortunate enough not to be lacking in size when I began this episode. I began jelqing exactly
two years ago, partly as a dare from my girlfriend. No weights, not devices,
nothing other than the old well lubricated fingers.

I began with a length of 7 3/4 inches, circumference of 6 inches, and am
now at 9 1/4 inches with a circumference of 8 1/2 inches. Jelqing really does
work, particularly in thickness…and I do 3 stages:

1) Stretch the ol’ weenie while in a totally flaccid state, applying as much pulling
pressure as is not painful. After 15 pulls, you should begin to get a semi
2) Grease your son with a lubricant and jelq for at least 200 strokes, as instructed
elsewhere on this excellent web site.
3) Beginning at the base of your penis shaft, still while in a semi-erect state,
encircle the shaft in a tight OK finger grip and move your “finger ring” towards
the meatus, engorging the shaft and the penis head. Squeeze 5 times, let up
the pressure, and repeat this routine 10 times.
4) This final exercise will dramatically increase the size of your penis head and and
much girth to the penis, but you must do it without fail every AM and PM. My meatus is nearly 9 1/8 inches in circumference, so large my girlfriend sometimes
experiences pain during sex unless I keep it very slick with lubricant.

I have no personal experiences with weights, stretching devices, etc. so I will not be judgemental..they may and probably are effective. In fact, the other methods would probably enhance your progress. The above is just my personal

Do not judge your progress in terms of days or weeks…in the beginning, you
will see little change. Give it 6 months minimum. Your penis size can best be
ascertained by your lover…they always will feel the positive change!!”

"Look what your brother did to the door!"

Funny description lol

Currently 6.5 NBP 5.5EG.

Just to clarify I guess his ‘Step 4’ is just explaining step 3 and to do all of the 3 steps twice a day (in the AM and PM).

Leatherface if you can’t handle doing it twice only do it once. Some day your penis may become conditioned enough that you will want to do more. But no need to push it just because this guy did. Like I said everyone has a different penis with different limits.

I’ve always loved the idea of doing PE in the AM and PM. So essentially all waking hours your penis has been exercised.

Also is ulistretch a member here? I’ve never seen any post at all by him.

I call BS. I haven’t been around here too long but I’m developing a theory that there are guys who come here and completely fabricate everything-their stats, gains, and routine-in order to get attention. Anything for just a taste of validation, even if it’s in the form of guys saying “wow that’s amazing! What’s your routine?!” everyone follows it, gains nothing or injures themselves and figures “well I guess it just didn’t work for me.”

Don’t get me wrong there are plenty of legit people here, I’m just stating I’m beginning to get suspicious.

Ulistretch was quite the prolific AND helpful poster back in the day. He could have been lying for all we know, but he certainly spent enough time on here answering questions and seemingly trying to help people. He seemed like a good guy.

"Look what your brother did to the door!"

Originally Posted by Leatherface
now at 9 1/4 inches with a circumference of 8 1/2 inches.

Take a moment and think about that for a second. He already had a monster penis and now he’s gained nearly 2 inches in length and OVER two inches in girth. 8 1/2” MSEG has to be the thickest penis on the entire planet. All ya have to do is jelq 200 times, couple of squeezes, 2 sessions a day and BOOM, you’ve got a third leg.

Originally Posted by UM1991
I call BS. I haven’t been around here too long but I’m developing a theory that there are guys who come here and completely fabricate everything-their stats, gains, and routine-in order to get attention. Anything for just a taste of validation, even if it’s in the form of guys saying “wow that’s amazing! What’s your routine?!” everyone follows it, gains nothing or injures themselves and figures “well I guess it just didn’t work for me.”

Don’t get me wrong there are plenty of legit people here, I’m just stating I’m beginning to get suspicious.


Currently 6.5 NBP 5.5EG.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
He was gone before TP came into existence. Actually he was last century, give or take a day or two.

Ahhh…over the years many of the forums can get jumbled together

"Look what your brother did to the door!"

Well, whether or not his story is true, the Uli is a legit girth technique that has worked well for me, and I believe others.


"Look what your brother did to the door!"

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