I discovered I had hpv 8 1/2 years ago. Its difficult to say who I may have gotten it from, but I do have suspicions about how I got it.
The warts appeared on areas where I had suffered mild skin abrasions from sex.
Meaning, at the time, I was having regular sex with a particular woman, and each time we had intercourse the friction of pubic hair in contact with my skin started to wear me raw in spots. The warts only appeared on these spots.
I suspect the virus will take hold on broken skin. This is not a clinically proven or confirmed fact, just my own notion. I only wonder if the transfer of the virus would be inhibited by maintaining sufficient lubrication during unprotected sex? Probably not.
Anyway, it took me a long time to finally get rid of the recurring warts. I had to get tough and used regular wart medicine. My dermatologist said thats ok, whatever works. I haven’t seen a wart for several years.
Oddly, that coincides with the beginning of my PE endevors. I wonder if regular jelking helps recycle and rejuvinate the skin cells and keeps the warts from forming? I also use Johnsons mineral oil with aloe and vitamin E . (?)
I ‘ve read that the virus can remain in the skin in “microwarts”, but if the warts are gone and never come back, can the virus still be transmitted? What is there to transmit if you don’t have any warts?