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HPV messing with my life


Perhaps you would like to try the following, There is a nil risk as the two items are both available without prescription and are ‘food qaulity’

1 Get yourself a lime (fruit) from a supermarket.
2,Buy some Betadine 10% solution. NOT the type that has citric acid in it.

Take some of the lime juice on a cotton wool bud and dab it on the wart. Leave it for about 15 minutes

Then use some Betadine the same way with a cotton wool bud. They can be put on together but they dilute each other.

How it works.

The lime juice gets absorbed by the skin and strips the lipid covering from the virus which is its protection.

Then the betadine kills the virus, which it can’t do while the lipid covering is in place.

Do NOT use the lime juice on broken skin. It will take many days to heal as the acid -mild as it is, stops the healing process temporarily, but it’s perfectly ok on unbroken skin.

I have not tried it on genital warts as I don’t have them But I know it works on Herpes virus. It first of all kills the virus; then the body’s immune sytem can examine and immunise against them happening.

As I say it has not been triedd on warts, so first of all make sure you don’t react to the lime juice by trying it on an area of skin likethe inside of youe elbow to see if there is any reaction if not then the only trouble could be if you are allergic to iodine.

Good luck


There is an English Magazine - Everyday Practical electronics - which , in the September issue had an article on building a Wart Zapper for gettiing rid of warts,

It would not have mentioned Genital Warts as that is in the ‘unmentionabale’ class

I haven’t the article in front of me now but basically it zapped the wart by burning it out with a low to medium audio frequency at low power. It gave the circuit which only had about 10 parts mainly resistors capacitors and two or three ic’s and of course a small battery

A printed circuit is apparently available from them

I think the total cost excluding the battery was something in the region of £8 excluding the battery. approx $14 excluding the battery but this includes our VAT so should be less in the States.

Obviously I cannot give details as the article is copyright but if any one is interested I should be able to give brief details without infringment If I can find the magazine which in my chaotic house can prove difficult at times.


Originally Posted by petitfaun
There is an English Magazine - Everyday Practical electronics - which , in the September issue had an article on building a Wart Zapper for gettiing rid of warts,

Should that be ?

Originally Posted by Shiver
Should that be ?

My humble apologies, Thanks for the correction Shiver. I must confess I did it from memory having gone to the site from the address given on an older magazine. And didn’t double check.

So it’s a hair shirt and self flaggelation while repeatin OH! Ooooh 2000 times.

Are you a regular reader of the mag Shiver, or like me only get one when there is something of interest?

Thanks again,


You could also do a search on the interet under genital warts. Aquick look there suggests there are some cures, but one I noticed has a warning about salicylic acid and pregnent women.

I have some cream for hard skin on my feet. This contains salicylic acid and carries a warning that it might cause dermatitis.

So if you go that route check the ingredients carefully.

Firstly, please excuse me if this isn’t all 100% accurate, it has been several months since I originally read much of this information. Though it is very common to contract HPV as mentioned before, I don’t think that many of these people have grossly over-reacted.

Not to scare you, but this is what I learned while researching it. Though it poses no threat to the general health of a man, HPV has been linked to cervical cancer in women, which makes it an important subject to bring up to them. The incidence rate is fairly low for this cause, but it none-the-less exists. I agree with the statements about some ridiculously high percentage of people having it, many of whom never see a symptom. However, I have read online about a so-called cure which I have been considering getting. The product, the name of which I do not recall, claims to work very well for women with HPV. It said that 90 or so percent of women who used it after having abnormal pap smears returned to normal within a reasonable time(it takes a while , but in months, not years). You should be able to come across this product quickly by way of google, as I did months ago.

Also, I would like to address the curability issue. Although it is possible to have the HPV virus in your body indefinitely, the human immune system can be very adept at ridding itself of foreign beings, such as viruses. I agree that it can be cured, as most viruses tend to be much stronger at the beginning of their life inside the body and the immune system can gradually weaken and kill them, sometimes eliminating them completely. Also, I haven’t heard the idea about the lime juice and benzadine?, but it makes perfect sense to me. A virus are just another complex little system that has strengths and weaknesses, both of which can be exploited. They are not invincible, except HIV so far, but they will eventually crack that one too. It ultimately depends on the person and their immune system strength.

Lastly, I would like to say that I am not a doctor, but a very analytical engineer that knows how to research. I wish that I had more precise information for you, but I didn’t feel like looking all this info up again, but it’s out there for you to find. Of course, this was all done online, so …. well, most of the medical stuff was from reputed sites, but the cure thing, that could be endorsed, I don’t know what the FDA says about it.

cletus 141,

>Also, I haven’t heard the idea about the lime juice and benzadine?,<

Forgive the correction, but the ingredient is Betadine, which is a Povidone-Iodine.

Betadine originally had a reputation as a virucide, but this seems to have been a test tube thing . In the body was not so successful, Presumably because of the difficulty of stripping the lipid protection from the virus without harming the tissues. Something in the juice of a lime (as distinct from bottled lime juice) seems to do the job rather well.

You would not have heard of it before because the first ‘hearing’ was a couple of days ago on this thread!

It’s believed that nearly 100% of cervical cancer is caused by HPV. Nearly 100% of penis cancer too.

Chit MDC is that right. My next question is does ALL HPV lead to cervical cancer or is their a greater risk of getting it with HPV or HSV?

BPEL: 6.20" BPEG: 4.55" 9/1/2004

Currently 6.95" x 4.75" (5" at base)

Originally Posted by petitfaun
My humble apologies, Thanks for the correction Shiver. I must confess I did it from memory having gone to the site from the address given on an older magazine. And didn’t double check.

So it’s a hair shirt and self flaggelation while repeatin OH! Ooooh 2000 times.

Are you a regular reader of the mag Shiver, or like me only get one when there is something of interest?

Thanks again,


I’d never heard of it before. I was just interested in the link so searched it out.

What I meant when I said people are seriously over-reacting was that as the majority of the population on planet earth has the virus, you worrying about it and cutting your dick off won’t change a thing. It’s pretty much like death; why worry about it when you can’t do anything about it? Ofcourse the visible warts and their treatment is another thing. Also I do know that HPV increases the risk of getting a cervical cancer, according to the statistics, but I have never heard of anyone saying that it causes it. Also I have never heard of it being linked to penile cancer. Makes a good scary story to tell the kids with hyper-active sex life, though.

reywdsuyt, are you being completely serious here?

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."

I had a regular wart on my forearm one time. Somebody close to me told me their home-remedy cure for warts…

So, I painted some of my sister’s nail polish over the top of that wart, completely covering it, for a few weeks/months (I forget because it was so long ago)
Eventually, it shrank and then dissapeared altogether. I have had no recurrances of it ever since.

Have no idea how relevant this is, although I thought I would throw it in :)

I got HPV from an ex girlfriend a couple years ago. By the time I decided there was something I should do about all the little weird bumps on my penis, I had something like 30 warts. Most were the size of strawberry seeds. None ever developed on my glans or near it, all on the shaft and near the base area. Some on the scrotum. The doctor I was used cryo-treatment (freezing). Doesnt hurt, just feels like a slight ‘pinch’. I had to go back 3 times over the course of about a month before they were all gone. I havent really had any re-occur since. Just one every few months or so that might pop up. I still examine myself monthly. I shave all pubic hair on the shaft/scrotum and check. If I find one, which like I said rarely happens now, I just treat it myself with some condylox gel (a concentrated prescription acid) for a few days, and it’s gone.

Having HPV is really not the crippling thing that some people make it out to be. As said above, most people already have it and dont know it. I consider myself lucky to not have gotten something like Herpes or worse. I wrap it up EVERY time now.

HPV and Wrappin' "It" Up

Unfortunately, condyloma acuminata is small enough to travel through the membrane of a condom. Also, since it is so highly contagious, contact between scrotum and vulva is enough to spread the virus. However, HPV is, for the most part, harmless. Psychologically it can be devastating. Only two types of the wart cause cervical cancer. Around 70% of sexually active college/university females have the virus, and many are asymptomatic. Ah, the pleasures of sex in the 21st century!

Age: 42 Start date: July 14, 2004 Non-BPEL 5 5/8"; Erect girth, mid shaft, 5", base 5 1/4"

Current stats: BPEL 7.5"; Erect girth, mid-shaft (MSG) 5.25", base (BG) 5.5"

I heard the Aids virus can also travel through the membrane of a condom. Is that possible or is it not a similar size


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