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Hypertrophy & PE


Hypertrophy & PE


I about crapped in my pants when I, for the first time ever, looked at the Pumper’s Forum. Modemmer (a damned inventive individual) and others were bantering about a theory which I have felt is a key to PE results, but never quite knew the science behind it. I have been trying to come up with some sort of ADS solution to use when not hanging. I totally subscribe to and agree with the cell repair theory. Today, I talked with my Urologist friend because I was so excited after reading about this. The bastard jokingly told me that he did continuous ADS when he wasn’t actively PEing. I asked him why he didn’t tell me and he said that he couldn’t divulge all his secrets. I just about cussed him out over the phone! What a prick!! In any case, he said that the Orthopaedic medical community has been actively using this approach for more and more problems.

If you look at Bigger’s achievements, he hung pretty much continuously. In addition, he always got in some sets before bed and was right back at it again by 8 in the morning. He kept the stress on the tissues and forced new cell growth rather than just repair. I think that we all need to put our heads together to come up with some ideas and tools. There are some damned inventive people on these forums and we need everyone to think about this. I have this growing suspicion that we are on the verge of a breakthrough that could lead to significant growth for EVERYONE. Bigger has some ideas about a possible ADS solution. LiLBig1 and P9 are trying something. Goingdeep has achieved great results by ADSing his ass off with the enlarger strap and a weight. Let’s bring this process to the main forum and see what we can do together!


Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

OK! Ready? BREAK!!! *clap*

Seriously, good stuff. I am ADS-challenged, but am awaiting further conversation.


that sounds good…I’ve been thinking about that alot lately…getting the best out of my time with PE…I’ve picked up a pump, but mainly I’ve been resting over the last couple of weeks… giving myself a well deserved break. My penis deserved it. I’ve has some decent gains, but I don’t think I’ve taken the best approach and I’ve been kind of lazy lately with the ADS, but when I used it consistenly, everday, that is when I made my best gains. I’m open for more discussion on this. Modemmer started an experiment testing some other theories. Maybe we can get a few guys together to aggressively and consistently do an ADS workout in conjunction with hanging and see how well it works for gains. Maybe over a four or five month period. I’m game!

"Building a weapon of mass destruction" Started: 5.81" x 3.88" Now: 8.5" x 5.0" Goal: 9" x 6"


Get ahold of your urologist and use whatever means necessary to find out his ADS method. Whips, chains, booze, truth serum - whatever.



"Sadly, however, seconds after its launch, it undergoes SMEF, or Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure,and disappears." Douglas Adams

Yes, that dam Doctor needs a good “talking” to. Selfish shit that he is. Always worrying about himself, first it is his reputation, then he is holding out with an ADS device.

What happened to the “betterment of mankind”??

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Hey Guys,

I’m beginning to see this bastard for what he really is. An asshole with an attitude. I realize now that he only told me about his PE because he was drunk at a party. He is more into money than he is into helping others. It’s always - I just got back from Rio and I bought my wife a Jag but she’s not happy. However, now that I am understanding him better, I know what to do. Believe me, I’ll play him like a fiddle. I’ll find out what he’s up to. I promise. In any case, while I’m still on the sidelines (my wife grabbed a hold of my unit and just about tore it off - (re-aggravating the nerve problem) I plan to make good use of my time and research this further and try to come back with some good solid information. I will be talking to Bigger to discuss an idea that I have. More to come later.

Keep after it!! ESPECIALLY YOU GOINGDEEP - QUIT SLACKING OFF! (If anyone can get close to Biggers gains I think it will be you!)


Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

Thunder, you’re right about that doctor! Bastard! First they tell us that it can’t be done and now they want to hide it from us! Just whose side are they on anyway! :leftie: j/k

I think ADS could be a key and the way I see it the trick is to get something that’s going to give us enough traction over a long enough period without stressing the penis too much - tall order! As I’ve stated before, after about 3 hours of medium traction we start to get fluid build up. It’s not very pretty and the long term effects are unknown. However, in my experience, wrapping can reduce it.


BPEL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | *20cm* (8")

MTSL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | *25cm* (10") MTSL = Maximum Traction Stretched Length

"Pertinaciously pursuing a penis of preposterously prodigious proportions." What a mouthful!

Thanks Jelktoid!!….that’s definately motivating…I’m going to step it up again. I really have been slacking.

"Building a weapon of mass destruction" Started: 5.81" x 3.88" Now: 8.5" x 5.0" Goal: 9" x 6"


Here are some of my views on the topic…

When we talk about cell repair and growth, we have several states…
1. trophy (repairing from injury)
2. hypertrophy (cell division and growth above normal)
3. hypotrophy (unhealthy cell growth)
4. atrophy (degenerating state or scaring)

Lets say your PE routine is very intense, you will have both trophy and hypertrophy activity going on after your workout as your body recuperates from the event and healthy cells are ether put into two states, repairing from injury or cell division and growth above normal. The bad part with trophy activity is if not kept in the rested state till full recovery they can slip into hypotrophy or atrophy states. One thing to note is that hypertrophy activity only occurs in normal healthy cells that are not injured!

When in hypotrophy or atrophy states you now have cells that are of less quality or scare tissue. Now, after you have rested and Henry feels great again, so you think, you workout again. Now the cells that are in the trophy state have a higher probability of switching over to hypotrophy and cells in the hypotrophy may switch to atrophy states, this is like a snowballing effect. Can this be one of the reasons some people suffer from softer erection or ED or diminished gains after PE’ing for long periods of time, less healthy cells for hypertrophy activity? Also, it shows how important rest and total recovery is in order to maintain any hypertrophy activity with minimizing the hypotrophy or atrophy states with an intense workout! Lets look at the odds here, with an intense workout what are your chances of hitting hypertrophy activity? As time goes on that activity on strong healthy cells will diminish as hypotrophy or atrophy states takes its toll on healthy cells. This to me seems like a big gamble!

Do you need injury for hypertrophy activity to occur? I believe that you do not, since hypertrophy activity only occurs in healthy cells that are not damaged and would be illogical to think you need cell damage for cell division and growth above normal to occur. So what I think we need to establish is the right amount of tension and frequency of training needed to put cells in the hypertrophy state and not the trophy state. This may slow gains, but it may also guarantee that our gains may never end.


Last edited by Modemmer : 07-20-2002 at .

Hey Modemmer!

Interesting concept, however it seems to be at odds with recent (and some not so recent) medical research. With any traction there must be damage - no damage=no growth. It may only be minute, but it’s damage nonetheless. The key is to finely control this damage to use it for growth.

Read this!

Just a few other things which I feel need clarification ………

-trophy - Is a suffix from the Greek trophia. It means to nourish - it doesn’t mean “repairing from injuries”.

Hypertrophy - Is a non-tumorous enlargement of an organ or a tissue as a result of an increase in the size rather than the number of constituent cells. There are no new cells being made here - hypertrophy is a tumescence or swelling.

Hypotrophy - Is the progressive degeneration of an organ or tissue caused by loss of cells. Once again, there is no cell growth, unhealthy or otherwise - hypotrophy is cell loss!

Atrophy - is the wasting away through lack of use - as in muscles in the limbs of people with paralysis. It has absolutely nothing to do with scar tissue although scar tissue may be the cause of atrophy in some instances.

It’s all very well spouting-off opinions and theories, but please, do your homework first! Uninformed debate only serves to muddy the waters.

lil1 :lep:

BPEL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | *20cm* (8")

MTSL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | *25cm* (10") MTSL = Maximum Traction Stretched Length

"Pertinaciously pursuing a penis of preposterously prodigious proportions." What a mouthful!

Please excuse my ignorance, but what does ADS acronym stand for?

Also, Lil12big1, I am not trying to copy your name, I didnt know a similar name existed till I read this thread.


Hey, welcome small12big1!

ADS stands for All Day Stretcher. It’s any device which keeps the penis stretched all day …. or all night!

If you want to change your name you can, just PM a request to ThunderSS. Although the similarity in names might cause a bit of confusion, I personally don’t have a problem with it ……. just so long as you don’t start calling yourself lil1! ;)

lil1 :littleguy

BPEL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | *20cm* (8")

MTSL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | *25cm* (10") MTSL = Maximum Traction Stretched Length

"Pertinaciously pursuing a penis of preposterously prodigious proportions." What a mouthful!

Re: Hey Modemmer!

Originally posted by lil12big1
Interesting concept, however it seems to be at odds with recent (and some not so recent) medical research. With any traction there must be damage - no damage=no growth. It may only be minute, but it's damage nonetheless. The key is to finely control this damage to use it for growth.
Read this!

Right, I made a bad choice of words there. You do need micro tears to force the body to repair itself. I should have said what leave of force is needed to cause the growth of new tissue cells while minimizing the damage to the cells!

Just a few other things which I feel need clarification ………
-trophy - Is a suffix from the Greek trophia. It means to nourish - it doesn't mean "repairing from injuries".

What is the meaning of nourish? Is "repairing from injuries" not one of the following?

1. to promote the growth of
2. to furnish or sustain with nutriment
3. To foster the development of; promote
4. To keep alive; maintain

All of them are, and is trophy or nourish! Is this not what happens after a workout?

I believe so, you must rest after a workout so your body can supply nourishment to maintain and promote the growth of the cells that have been damaged, This is trophy or repairing from injuries!

Hypertrophy - Is a non-tumorous enlargement of an organ or a tissue as a result of an increase in the size rather than the number of constituent cells. There are no new cells being made here - hypertrophy is a tumescence or swelling.

Yes I agree with you about that definition, but one thing is over looked!


hypertrophy | Infoplease

Here is a cut and past…

"In such cases hyperplasia, an increase in the number of cells, generally accompanies hypertrophy."

There is many studies going on now to determine when and how hyperplasia happens, but it seems related to hypertrophy and with mixed results! here is a link to read…

Fitness Health & Wellness Research Articles | AFPA Fitness

Here is a cut and past from that site…


"There are two primary mechanism in which new fibers can be formed. First, large fibers can split into two or more smaller fibers (i.e., fiber splitting) (6,25,39). Second satellite cells can be activated (11,16,17,43,44). Satellite cells are myogenic stem cells which are involved in skeletal muscle regeneration. When you injure, stretch, or severely exercise a muscle fiber, satellite cells are activated (16,43,44).
Satellite cells proliferate (i.e., undergo mitosis or cell division) and give rise to new myoblastic cells (i.e., immature muscle cells). These new myoblastic cells can either fuse with an existing muscle fiber causing that fiber to get bigger (i.e., hypertrophy) or these myoblastic cells can fuse with each other to form a new fiber (i.e., hyperplasia)."

As you can see, there is grounds to believe that new cell division and growth occurs with hypertrophy. But the questions is what brings it on, and what degree of damage is needed to archive it? It don't happen with all test that are done but it is present in others! This question is out there right now and there is no definitive answer to it as of yet.

Hypotrophy - Is the progressive degeneration of an organ or tissue caused by loss of cells. Once again, there is no cell growth, unhealthy or otherwise - hypotrophy is cell loss!]

This is what I said in my earlier post. I believe that when you exercise and damage cells, not every cell can be saved or trophied back, or nourish back to as healthy as the one that was there to start with. If so we would never have scare formations! So you now have progressive degeneration of an organ or tissue caused by loss of cells from damage in witch cases you can have atrophy, or in the case of hyperplasia you may have inferior cell growth or should I say damage to immature cells that may not grow to there full potential!

Atrophy - is the wasting away through lack of use - as in muscles in the limbs of people with paralysis. It has absolutely nothing to do with scar tissue although scar tissue may be the cause of atrophy in some instances.


Higher Education Support | McGraw Hill Higher Education

Here you can see that Atrophy can occur from injury, or severing nerves. Now how many PE'ers here have nerve damage in the back of there minds? I do for one, and most everyone on this board!

Here is a cut and past…

"If the muscle is reinnervated, muscle function is restored, and atrophy is stopped. However, if skeletal muscle is permanently denervated, it atrophies and exhibits permanent flaccid paralysis."

"Permanent flaccid paralysis." Could this be the cause of soft erection? And yes, atrophy can lead to scare formation!

It's all very well spouting-off opinions and theories, but please, do your homework first! Uninformed debate only serves to muddy the waters.
lil1 :lep:

As you can see I have been going my homework! We should all have open minds here being that PE is not a science. I just bring questions to this board with no real answers to them.


I do know that this discussion is mainly about muscle. And we all know that henry is no ordinary muscle! The most important part of this is the discussion of hyperplasia a post activity of hypertrophy, if it takes place! And I do believe that this is how new tissue is grown!

When we talk about stem cells, we think about fetal stem cells. But we as adults have stem cells also, and they reside in our bone marrow. They come out and swim around in the blood stream looking for a place to pick up residence. When in the blood stream they are referred to as satellite cells, and the amazing part is that they can become any type of tissue they need to be!

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These little gems come in full force to any location that needs healing. They are the only cell that can fill the gaps in them micro tears and not only bind with the original cell healing it and making it bigger "hypertrophy", but sometimes can bind with other stem cells and create a nuclei identical to the surrounding cells and filling the gap like it lived there all the time. It can become a muscle cell, a skin tissue cell, bone marrow cell, tissue in henry, etc…

The activation of them cells to bind and form new cells and not to bind with the damaged cell is the question, and should be the ultimate quest for us PE’ers.


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