Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I swear I stopped PE but.

I swear I stopped PE but.

Any reason why more veins are becoming visible, at lest 4-5 more visible veins have shown up since I stopped last year. I find it annoying as I don’t like the new look of it. It’s becoming a boner killer, since It does not look like my anymore.

Maybe it has became a killer boner! More veins means more vascularity and more tissue to feed.. Unless they are thrombosed ones or you have a venous leak.

Start (october 2010) : BPEL 18,5 cm ; EL 17,5 cm ; MSEG 13,75 cm ,BEG 14,25 cm ;FL 12 cm ; FG 10,75 cm ; BPFSL 18,5 cm

3 months later ( January 2011) : BPEL 19 cm ; EL 18 cm ; MSEG 14 cm ; BEG 14,5 cm FL (hard to say if it grows due to size shifting of the soft state.. The same as before or bigger!) ; FG 11 cm ; BPFSL 19 cm***all hard sizes taken @ my hardest and doing a kegel***Goal: cementing a round 18 x 14 hard coupled with a good EQ.

Wow, I think more visible veins makes your member look like it’s on rage! I think from a women’s perspective it looks like the vein-popping appearance of a body-builders arms - bulging so hard that the veins are getting pushed out.

Jan 2011 --- Bpfsl 5-1/2" ---Bpel 6-1/8" --- Mseg 5-3/8"

Aug 2011 --- Bpfsl 6-1/8" ---Bpel 6-1/8" ---

Goal 1 : BPEL: 7.5" Goal 2 : MSEG: 6"

Sounds like better EQ to me.

Left but back, just don't feel right without it.

NEW GOAL - 7 Length / 6 Girth

Originally Posted by Deckker
Wow, I think more visible veins makes your member look like it’s on rage! I think from a women’s perspective it looks like the vein-popping appearance of a body-builders arms - bulging so hard that the veins are getting pushed out.

Yeah but the new ones are becoming a turn off.

It looks like google maps in a city area

I liked the look of it when it look like google maps of a rural area

Originally Posted by fat_cock
Yeah but the new ones are becoming a turn off.

It looks like google maps in a city area

I liked the look of it when it look like google maps of a rural area

:rolling: :rolling: :rolling: @ google map city area!!

It’s turning you off or is it turning her off?

I agree with the other posters, more veins = better EQ = great all around.

A vascular penis looks more ‘powerful’ :)

Started: 10-18-08 BPEL: 6.3 inches; BPEG: 4.8 inches.

Currently: BPEL 7.4 inches; BPEG: 5.2 inches

Goal: BPEL:8-8.5 inches; BPEG: 6 inches.

Originally Posted by headstrong
:rolling: :rolling: :rolling: @ google map city area!!

It’s turning you off or is it turning her off?

I agree with the other posters, more veins = better EQ = great all around.

A vascular penis looks more ‘powerful’ :)

A turn off for me. The only veins that are bugging me is a thin red one on to, the blue ones do not bother me at all.

Originally Posted by fat_cock
A turn off for me. The only veins that are bugging me is a thin red one on to, the blue ones do not bother me at all.

Oh well that’s good that it’s just you who it turns off. You can learn to get over it hopefully. I checked your pics thread and I couldn’t make out any red veins and I like I figured your unit looks pretty powerful.

Started: 10-18-08 BPEL: 6.3 inches; BPEG: 4.8 inches.

Currently: BPEL 7.4 inches; BPEG: 5.2 inches

Goal: BPEL:8-8.5 inches; BPEG: 6 inches.

Originally Posted by headstrong

Oh well that’s good that it’s just you who it turns off. You can learn to get over it hopefully. I checked your pics thread and I couldn’t make out any red veins and I like I figured your unit looks pretty powerful.

That’s because it’s covered with my finger.

I read your other thread, did you ever find someone you are attracted to? Sounds like maybe you did, or you are speaking of a turn off to your own self??

Either way, dude, I would like some veins on my unit! I have girth, but I want some veins too!

So, do not be worried about veins, chicks dig them as they make your unit look Healthy!
If your bi or gay, I am sure guys like them too and for the same reason.

12/10, Bpel-7", Mseg-6", Beg-6.3"

07/11, Bpel-7.85, Mseg-6.5", Beg-6.9" My routine and pics here

Must have used too much pressure man, it’s easy to do I have thousands of spider veins on my weiner

Originally Posted by ESPNSports

Must have used too much pressure man, it’s easy to do I have thousands of spider veins on my weiner

They do not look like spider veins as these look like fresh veins, with no damage to them what so ever.

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