Should PE be public The debate
Well folks, I’ve been reading up, and apparently Big Girtha is writing a book on PE, and ticktickticker posted the following in a thread:
”.. Unfortunately, PE is not a science.
Unlike some procedures in medical therapy PE has not been under rigorous scientific examination.
Impression (from my personal experience): PE works.
Problem: it is quite difficult to find out which procedures, or combinations thereof, are most beneficial to reach specific individual goals (length and or girth gains).
Proposed solution: a systematic study, which we should design TOGETHER and perform in this forum.
Input very welcome.”
Later - ttt
PE is not a science . But has the potential.
I’ve also read that many of the thunders place members want to keep it private, which raises the question in the thread.
Should PE be public? Should everyone know of the benefits of PE? Pros and cons?
In my opinion PE should be as public as it can get because I believe that PE is not only a way to increase the size of your penis, but also a very beneficial exercise in terms of health. Just like sports, fitness, bodybuilding, stretching, have their benefits on the male body, so does PE.
I understand that alot of people here have insecurities and believe this activity to be sacred, but on the other hand, why should it be? If people with huge penises start PEing, I don’t think that it would be the end of the world. Why? Well the size debate has been going on since the vets here can remember I’m sure, and in my opinion the steady conclusion is that size matters, but there is a limit to it as well.
A few days ago I had a female friend over, and we were discussing penis size. And she second the debate, but then said that she feels sorry for people with small penises because they can’t do anything about it(emphasis on “can’t do anything about it” not “sorry for people with small penises”).
I then decided to call her on that theory and showed her the forum. Needless to say she was shocked at the before and after pics posted here, and begged me to spread the word to everyone I know and stated:
“If men knew about this, us females would never complain again about penis size, and we would all be much happier”. I second her statement, I consider PE a vital part of my full body work out and think that we should knock the secrecy bullshit off and start considering the fact that PE is benefits to everyone.
In my opinion, doctors should start testing this because with science on our side, we could better the techniques, and make PE much safer then it is right now.
I would love to read every ones opinion on this!
Wishing and hoping for the best - yup your doing it wrong.