Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Should PE be public The debate

Should PE be public The debate

Well folks, I’ve been reading up, and apparently Big Girtha is writing a book on PE, and ticktickticker posted the following in a thread:

”.. Unfortunately, PE is not a science.

Unlike some procedures in medical therapy PE has not been under rigorous scientific examination.

Impression (from my personal experience): PE works.

Problem: it is quite difficult to find out which procedures, or combinations thereof, are most beneficial to reach specific individual goals (length and or girth gains).

Proposed solution: a systematic study, which we should design TOGETHER and perform in this forum.

Input very welcome.”

Later - ttt
PE is not a science . But has the potential.

I’ve also read that many of the thunders place members want to keep it private, which raises the question in the thread.

Should PE be public? Should everyone know of the benefits of PE? Pros and cons?

In my opinion PE should be as public as it can get because I believe that PE is not only a way to increase the size of your penis, but also a very beneficial exercise in terms of health. Just like sports, fitness, bodybuilding, stretching, have their benefits on the male body, so does PE.
I understand that alot of people here have insecurities and believe this activity to be sacred, but on the other hand, why should it be? If people with huge penises start PEing, I don’t think that it would be the end of the world. Why? Well the size debate has been going on since the vets here can remember I’m sure, and in my opinion the steady conclusion is that size matters, but there is a limit to it as well.
A few days ago I had a female friend over, and we were discussing penis size. And she second the debate, but then said that she feels sorry for people with small penises because they can’t do anything about it(emphasis on “can’t do anything about it” not “sorry for people with small penises”).
I then decided to call her on that theory and showed her the forum. Needless to say she was shocked at the before and after pics posted here, and begged me to spread the word to everyone I know and stated:
“If men knew about this, us females would never complain again about penis size, and we would all be much happier”. I second her statement, I consider PE a vital part of my full body work out and think that we should knock the secrecy bullshit off and start considering the fact that PE is benefits to everyone.
In my opinion, doctors should start testing this because with science on our side, we could better the techniques, and make PE much safer then it is right now.

I would love to read every ones opinion on this!

Wishing and hoping for the best - yup your doing it wrong.

Will never be public like fitness, simply because the are still people out there who believe multiple orgasm doesn’t exist, female ejaculation doesn’t exist and other things relative to sex, this will always remain on underground. Who knows the day that sex become so popular that people do on streets or something like that, that day I think PE will be popular.

Very interesting. I like the secrecy of it. It’s just like if this were a forum to teach people to fly. I would want to have the special talent all to myself!!! I say this because I think you should have to get lucky to find this wonderful site because I never get lucky, so I want this to be the one lucky thing in my life.

Women would get bored if everyone had a big penis there would be no more bitching and it would be harder to have affairs because all women would be satisified let us keep this secret and stay amongst the elite.

Originally Posted by jessedr113

It’s just like if this were a forum to teach people to fly. I would want to have the special talent all to myself!! I say this because I think you should have to get lucky to find this wonderful site because I never get lucky, so I want this to be the one lucky thing in my life.

Where’s the talent in pulling your dick? I don’t quite understand that statement. This isn’t like flying or magic for that matter.

My concern with PE is that I can’t believe anyone who claims to have gained, because none of this is scientific, It’s hear say, yes even with the before and after pics. There is not enough data to support any of this in any medical book.

I’ve read on about how doctors negate PE. Some people here believe that is due to them not wanting people to be preoccupied with their penis sizes. But riddle me this:

Doesn’t slap stick comedy already do a great job at that? Every teenage comedy you will find nowadays has a huge dick connotation to it!

Get lucky to find this place? All you need is a bit of experience with search engines and you are golden. Just type “free penis enlargement forum” in Google and you are a very lucky bastard (if you consider luck having anything to do with it anyway).

Wishing and hoping for the best - yup your doing it wrong.

-PE isn’t that secret. Probably almost everyone in the world (who has a computer) has gotten spam about Penis enlargement by now.

-The fact that rigid medical evidence doesn’t support the ideas of penis enlargement does not mean a book can not be written about it.

Just look at any of the diet books on the market.

Horny Bastard

Should PE be public?

HELL NO!!! This is our “little secret” ;)

The public still don’t believe P.E. Only the believers like us can see the difference !!!!! So I don’t want the P.E secrets be exposed to the public.

Originally Posted by Phyriel
Will never be public like fitness, simply because the are still people out there who believe multiple orgasm doesn’t exist, female ejaculation doesn’t exist and other things relative to sex, this will always remain on underground. Who knows the day that sex become so popular that people do on streets or something like that, that day I think PE will be popular.

Phyriel - I lived in the US (San Francisco) from 1987-1989.

At that time every man my age (bit under 30 then) used to work out in the gym, run, bike, roller blade and so on. I got very enthusiastic about it and started to work out on a regular basis.

Back home (berlin, germany then) I was shocked that almost nobody used to work out.

No, there are so many gyms in germany as in the us, and people have completely changed regarding the sport/health philosophy. Sport has become a life stile, being not fat, athletic, not smoke, not drink is cool now.

So - habits may change over time I think. I have no idea what that means for pe, but probably a wider acceptance over time.

Thinking about pe become more and more public I am not sure if I really want that. There are few naturally born big dicks. Through pe a few other guys can reach there. Why tell everybody?

Later - ttt

Big Girtha - please comment on your book.

Later - ttt

Big Girtha hasn’t posted since July.

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by ThunderSS

We removed the Learning to Fly Forum. Too many Floyd fans showed up and then guys started talking about “will masturbation limit my altitude”.

:rolling: …well… would it?

Originally Posted by mravg

Big Girtha hasn’t posted since July.

And he stopped posting cause he`s writing that book?

PE club = Fight Club.

Stats: (10/24/04) : BPEL-7.25", EG-5.5" (01/22/07) : BPEL-7.6", EG-5.6" after 1 year of maintenance

Goal: 8.5" L x 6.5" G

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