Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Should PE be public The debate

I like to think I invented or discovered PE.

Originally Posted by Vater

PE club = Fight Club.

Why? Scared to talk about it?;)

Wishing and hoping for the best - yup your doing it wrong.

Originally Posted by Thatcat
Why? Scared to talk about it?;)


It’s just that if every guy knew about it and did it, it wouldn’t be anything special.

And if mainstream women knew about it, can you imagine the incessant fucking nagging:

“Geez, you know Marie’s boyfriend, Bob, pumped for an hour a day all last month. How come you can’t be so committed, especially for me?”

No thanks. :)

Stats: (10/24/04) : BPEL-7.25", EG-5.5" (01/22/07) : BPEL-7.6", EG-5.6" after 1 year of maintenance

Goal: 8.5" L x 6.5" G

Originally Posted by Vater

It’s just that if every guy knew about it and did it, it wouldn’t be anything special.

And if mainstream women knew about it, can you imagine the incessant fucking nagging:

“Geez, you know Marie’s boyfriend, Bob, pumped for an hour a day all last month. How come you can’t be so committed, especially for me?”

No thanks. :)

Ah I see. Neither of which I find problematic. If my wife/girlfriend said anything like that she would be my ex in a matter of seconds. :)

Wishing and hoping for the best - yup your doing it wrong.

My personal opinion is that PE should be kept private. Jelqing in public is certainly rude—almost as bad a breastfeeding.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Originally Posted by ModestoMan

My personal opinion is that PE should be kept private. Jelqing in public is certainly rude—almost as bad a breastfeeding.


Wishing and hoping for the best - yup your doing it wrong.

When you see guys in the movies walking around with huge flaccid dicks on camera you will know PE went mainstream. Until then it is still underground.

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
My personal opinion is that PE should be kept private. Jelqing in public is certainly rude—almost as bad a breastfeeding.


Originally Posted by all4show

When you see guys in the movies walking around with huge flaccid dicks on camera you will know PE went mainstream. Until then it is still underground.

Huh? You do see that man.

Wishing and hoping for the best - yup your doing it wrong.

I think even if it were public knowledge, most people would lack the dedication to get significant gains and would be “dis-proven” back into the underground. I mean, look at gyms. There’s always a good percentage of people that sign up, shell out a ton of money, but only use it every now and then. And then they wonder why they’re still overweight and slobbish. PE’s the same: you can give men the tools, but most of them wouldn’t have the commitment to get results.

The reaper cannot claim you if the reaper cannot catch you.

Big Girtha is writing a book on PE ..

There is already one: (written in German: ‘Natürliche Penisvergrösserung - 5 Zentimeter in 5 Wochen’, Manuel Fargas, Dr. Med. Kogan). (‘Natural pe - 2 inches in 5 weeks :) ).

It covers stretching, jelqing, correction of bending and foreskin restoration, kegel, massage and heat, and some others but not hanging, pumping, clamping, and other advanced techniques.

Later - ttt

Sorry - what means Rofl?

Later - ttt

rolling on floor laughing.

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by Vater
PE club = Fight Club.

1.) You don’t talk about PE club.
2.) You do not talk about PE club.
3.) If someone says stop, goes limp, even if he’s just faking it, the PE is over.
4.) Only two guys to a PE; only one PE at a time
5.) They PE without shirts or shoes.
6.) The PE go on as long as they have to.
7.) If this is your first night at PE club, you have to PE.

Originally Posted by mravg
-PE isn’t that secret. Probably almost everyone in the world (who has a computer) has gotten spam about Penis enlargement by now.

He’s right. Virtually everyone with an email account has had this sort of spam sent to them at one time or another (whether they have a penis or not).

Then you have to take into account those who actually take penis enlargement seriously and inquire about it (right there, the numbers of people would drop off).

Then you have to take into account those who decide to attempt these exercises, but do not stay consistent and/or lose patience and consider PE complete BS after a few unsuccessful days/weeks (if that) of doing the exercises (the number decreases even more now).

So what you have left are those lucky/determined enough to gain doing PE - a very small number compared to what you started out with.

PEing since Jan 1st, 2003


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