Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Should PE be public The debate


I think most of us here at thunder’s love to hear different views about PE. I found your posts here to be very interesting, but I do have to ask you a question. Are you against the privacy of PE or are you against PE altogether?

You stated that you don’t believe in gains simply because you say that there is no medical evidence to back up such claims made by members here. I have been a member here for a few years and still find it interesting when someone refutes length or girth gains. If I was going to lie about my gains, I would think that it would be a better and more interesting story to say something along the lines of “I gained so much that I have trouble sitting on a toilet because my penis keeps falling into the bowl”, rather than “after 6 months of hanging and pumping I was able to gain .58 in length!” or something like that.. I think you know what I mean.

Anyway, I respect and enjoy your views. I am not trying to be argumentative or confrontational. I just would like to know what is behind the “I can’t believe your gains” thinking. Thanks.


I think you misunderstand thatcat. He says in post #1 that he does believe PE is good because it can increas size and overall health. The point about medical evidence is just that it may be hard to have a book accepted as credible when there is no (not much) medical evidence to support the claims of PE, even if there is plenty of anecdotal evidence that people have had success with it.

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by Vater

It’s just that if every guy knew about it and did it, it wouldn’t be anything special.

And if mainstream women knew about it, can you imagine the incessant fucking nagging:

“Geez, you know Marie’s boyfriend, Bob, pumped for an hour a day all last month. How come you can’t be so committed, especially for me?”

No thanks. :)

I agree. Somethings in life should take dedication. You should have to want it enough to seek it out. Also, as someone else out there said” people are purposely ignorant about sex and most men , American at least, think that if they can keep it up for 15 to 30 min without the little blue pill and they got to pop their load they have done enough. I worked with a guy that actually thinks screwing the ol lady up the butt is halfway to homosexuality. I also worked with two guys that wouldn’t touch their wives when they were having their periods (imagined how grossed out they were to find out I had my redwings many times over!). Keep it for those of us who think there is more to life than just the minimum and are willing to seek it out.

The day PE is credible and public, we can expect a mass hysteria. Books, TV-shows, MP3’s, DVDs, you name it.

How many guys are insecure about their size? I would guess 50% of the male population.

It’s not the same as body building IMO, Penis size is a symbol of male virility and strength in all cultures, not muscles.


Gone cementing - Started (2005): 7.25 NBPEL 5.7 EGMS. 5 years later (2010): 8.25 NBPEL 6.3 EGMS. 8 years later, 3 years with no PE (2013): 8.1 NBPEL 5.9 EGMS

Originally Posted by mravg

I think you misunderstand thatcat. He says in post #1 that he does believe PE is good because it can increas size and overall health. The point about medical evidence is just that it may be hard to have a book accepted as credible when there is no (not much) medical evidence to support the claims of PE, even if there is plenty of anecdotal evidence that people have had success with it.

Thank you mravg! 10inch I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t believe in it would I? :)

Wishing and hoping for the best - yup your doing it wrong.

Medical evidence can be provided if people unite to cover the costs of investigations and engineers, ph.D and M.D. are willing to experiment will all the PE’ers that want to demonstrate the truth about PE.

But that’s just a dream, I wanted to design a method with videocamera and x-ray equipment to monitor penis growth by doing exercises every day and analyzing the data of the measurements, but that’s way to risky and I don’t have the money.


I think it would be great if someday penis size did’t matter anymore. Not because women would go celibate (that would suck) but because everybody would have big dicks. Wouldn’t be great if PE had taken the same course of breast implants, changing from taboo to ordinary? You would PE, your buddies also, your girlfriend and female friends know about PE and they are OK with it, because it just became a so ordinary thing. I think it would be a dream come true.

Originally Posted by Thatcat
Needless to say she was shocked at the before and after pics posted here, and begged me to spread the word to everyone I know and stated:
“If men knew about this, us females would never complain again about penis size, and we would all be much happier”.

even though, I think it’s not a very simple question to be answered…. my answer is just one point of view over the whole subject.

I wouldn’t like it to be public. The whole point for PE is so that I am bigger than you. I don’t want this much competition.

Originally Posted by unesp

I think it would be great if someday penis size did’t matter anymore. Not because women would go celibate (that would suck) but because everybody would have big dicks. Wouldn’t’t be great if PE had taken the same course of breast implants, changing from taboo to ordinary? You would PE, your buddies also, your girlfriend and female friends know about PE and they are OK with it, because it just became a so ordinary thing. I think it would be a dream come true.

It’d be great if cock size wasn’t an issue. Man, I’d be a stud if I were compared to some of the statues in Greek mythology.

Originally Posted by Makemelarge

I wouldn’t like it to be public. The whole point for PE is so that I am bigger than you. I don’t want this much competition.

Relay? That’s the whole point? I don’t really see it that way. So I presume it’s not the -whole- point to it.

Wishing and hoping for the best - yup your doing it wrong.

Originally Posted by Thatcat
Relay? That’s the whole point? I don’t really see it that way. So I presume it’s not the -whole- point to it.

Well it’s part of the point.

If every guy in the world was 4 inches and I was 5 inches then I’d be fine with it. In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

I wouldn’t be insecure if I was bigger than everyone else.

Originally Posted by Makemelarge

I wouldn’t be insecure if I was bigger than everyone else.

Unless the girlfriend likes smaller dicks.

I’m starting to sense a bit of a inferiority complex around here. I’m not chastising or trying to offend for that matter, but I am going to try and point a few things out, they are my personal ideals and thoughts so no one should take them as anything more then that:

We live in the 21st century, the dominant male factor isn’t only established by your physical appearance anymore. Granted both males and females still look for dominant features in each other, but many of us, also look for other factors which establish dominance, like intelligence and character. Being an inch bigger then the competition physically may give you an advantage in the short run, but if both aren’t balanced sooner or later that’s all you are going to be, a big dick.

Are we not suppose to evolve both mentally and physically?

Wishing and hoping for the best - yup your doing it wrong.

Originally Posted by unesp
I think it would be great if someday penis size did’t matter anymore. Not because women would go celibate (that would suck) but because everybody would have big dicks. Wouldn’t be great if PE had taken the same course of breast implants, changing from taboo to ordinary? You would PE, your buddies also, your girlfriend and female friends know about PE and they are OK with it, because it just became a so ordinary thing. I think it would be a dream come true.

Good idea, except that you forget the one rule that keeps us going; “The Cat and the Rope syndrome”. People want what they can’t have, and don’t care about what they do have. If 8” became standard, women would look for bigger. It’s all about supply and demand in every corner of life. Sex, drugs, cars, a good job, diamonds, platinum, gold, a big salary, a big penis… it all looks good from the outside, because you need to work hard to get it.

It’s in human nature. If you get something no one else have, it gets more precious. Our common goal here is a huge penis, even if it’s over dimensional for some women to handle, it’s more about KNOWING that we have and “advantage” over other men that makes us going. Other reasons are just made to justify this unconsciously. It’s the price we pay because of our creative minds. Women will forever look for the alpha male, a big penis, a huge wallet, a fancy car and a nice house to live in, because it gives them satisfaction to know that other people wants it to (less fortunate people).

Dick size will always matter, so will love, passion, friendship and everything else that is wanted but not gived for free.


Gone cementing - Started (2005): 7.25 NBPEL 5.7 EGMS. 5 years later (2010): 8.25 NBPEL 6.3 EGMS. 8 years later, 3 years with no PE (2013): 8.1 NBPEL 5.9 EGMS


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