Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Should PE be public The debate

It’s just like UFO’s: unless you have personal, first hand, experience with the topic, your “opinions” are just that- opinions.

PeterDick said something a couple years ago that really stuck. He basically said that PE takes so much dedication, intuition, time, and perseverance that, secret or not, only the strong will achieve.

It pissed me off at the time because I didn’t see myself as having what it would take back then. However, now I see he’s basically right. The percentage who will actually go on to catch and keep real gains is so negligible as to be non-important as regards the general population of males.

If you have or will achieve good gains.. Would you be more likely to tell someone how you achieved that, providing you just met them. Or would you say your where naturally huge ? I’m thinking the latter.. The lack of men out there with what a lot of women crave is exactly why I strive to achieve this.. Because if I obtain a larger dick I will be the diamond in the rough. Even if it becomes public and only a few achieve good gains, I believe it will lose it’s shine. If it’s common knowledge you can achieve a larger dick through hard work, they won’t be proud of the work, just the result. Your result will however lose it’s luster and become less than what it is now. It isn’t a ‘secret’ because if you are determined you can find this site, amongst others (worse ones). So the way it is now is perfect.. Not a secret but not a common known fact. PERFECT

FUCK THE RESt.. It is advantage, advantage over those who fail to put in the time. Though it has to remain little known, for anything so we can see those smiles on the girls faces as they see for the first time, the monster that will rock their world.


FUTURE - - nbp 7.5" x 5.75 =Success

Agree you could say something about it and huge numbers would still not believe it.

Agree there are still millions who don’t even know how to work the G-Spot, much less female ejaculation and rarer things. Hell, I saw a special on show time that had tons of women in it who were in their late 30’s and they had never even had a clitoral orgasm.

You lose track of how extreme jelqing really is.

I would not publish a book on it tho- the legal liability could be very high.

Pe is no secret.

The internet is public.

Google on “jelqing” and you will get a few hits in every language.

I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..

Originally Posted by maxo
Agree you could say something about it and huge numbers would still not believe it.

Agree there are still millions who don’t even know how to work the G-Spot, much less female ejaculation and rarer things. Hell, I saw a special on show time that had tons of women in it who were in their late 30’s and they had never even had a clitoral orgasm.

This is an extremely apt analysis. There’s no accounting for the amount of sexual/sensual ignorance which pervades our modern cultures. However, not being ignorant myself, I have to say that I’ve really enjoyed all of the chicas laying around who have never really been explored/turned on. Playing around with them is like throwing the switch on a dynamo.

Basically, ignorance is a sword which cuts two ways- on the one hand we get a lack of innovation, wars, and a planet in decline, on the other hand we get a surplus of undervalued chicas who’ve never been properly boned.

Fucking, squirting, and finger banging our way to armageddon….doom I tell you, doom….

Originally Posted by anon771
Pe is no secret.

The internet is public.

Google on “jelqing” and you will get a few hits in every language.

Good point, but, may I ask, why would someone who had never heard about PE type in “jelqing” to begin with? Is it something that they are likely to get in a dream or vision: “John, go to your computer, and search for jelqing”?

I say let things as they are. Then only the truly interested will find out about it and, of those, only the truly dedicated will follow through. I, for one, don’t want every chick I screw wondering if it’s natural or not. That’s the problem with fake tits ,too. Every chick that’s got a nice rack is suspect.

Then type “penis enlagement” and it won’t take long to get you to jelqing and stretching.

I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..

We may never see doctors endorsing *penis exercises*, for a rather simple reason.

There’s no money in it.

and I don’t mean that in the silly conspiracy theory “god damn doctor’s just want to make money! and they’ll hide things that help or cure, because there’s no money in it!”

The truth is, that doctors don’t like to promote or recommend things that haven’t been proven, and proven scientifically and officially.
And who’s going to pay researches and scientists, to take on the task, of proving that tugging on your wang works? no one, there’s no money in it.

Everyone has a pair of hands with which to exercise. So nothing can be sold.

So there is not, and will not be credible scientific documentation of these exercises working. Which is what doctors respect.

so “I can’t recommend that, as their’s no evidence for it” + the possibly intimidating idea of man handling your unit = something a doctor will not recommend.

Contrastingly, there are traction devices to be sold.

I’ve been reading about Peyronie’s for a while, because I believe it is a contributing factor in my ED. I read/heard about Dr. Levine beginning trials with Peyronie’s patients.

Now that the results are out, I think it’s something we should all read.

I realize not everyone here HAS peyronie’s, or ED, but even for those of us who don’t. The focus of this is about peyronie’s, but I think it’s still very relevant.

My vote is to keep it secret. That’s just because I am trying to make myself look as good as possible compared to other males for winning over a girl. I want every edge I can possible get….intelligence, money, muscularity, humour, and yes penis size. Call me selfish, but I want to be as high up the totem pole as I can.


Start: May 12, 2007 BPEL: 5.551" EG: 4.646" FL: 3.051" FG: 3.858" Please Fill Out My Survey: Click Me!

Now: July 13, 2007 BPEL: 6.250" EG: 5.500" FL: 3.346" FG: 4.488"

Goal: BPEL: 7.000" EG: 6.000" FL: 5.000" FG: 4.750"

Just because its public doesn’t mean everyone will do it or believe it. Just look at all the evidence for eating healthy and exercising….obesity is a huge problem in America. Personally I think its only a secret because penis size is just about as taboo as a subject could possibly be. Which I think is unfortunate, truth be told I’ve let some of my buddies know about Thundersplace just to let them know they could improve that part of there body if they choose. If BG is writing a book than….Awesome, as far as im concerned it can only help the people who choose to read it.

Starting BPEL and EG 7 x 5 as of 3/30/07. I'm sure it's bigger now but I'll measure after this tub of vaseline is empty =) of 6/10/07 BPEL 7.25 and EG of 5.6 GOAL: 8 x 6.5...I'm on my way.

I’m another who will reiterate that PE is public already - if you can find it through Google, the shit is public.

The thing about PE is, it’s kind of an elitist thing; if you don’t have the free time to do this, you won’t get the results you’re looking for. This makes me think, why tell people they can make their dick bigger, then tell them they probably WON’T be able to, because they don’t have enough free time? PE is something it is very easy to get obsessed about, and the last thing we need in this world is for more men to obsess over their dicks.

As it is now, it’s perfect - if you are obsessed enough about your dick to look for ways to improve it, you will find the answer that you’re looking for; if you’re not, you might still find it anyway, as ad’s for traction devices are starting to show up on the internet all over.

Think of it this way - breast enlargement is common knowledge now, but I’ve known girls who suffer because
1) They can’t afford it, or
2) They’re told so often that it’s unnatural and unhealthy, so they don’t pursue it, even with the knowledge that they COULD be bigger hounding them.

I just don’t see the point in making our entire country dick-obsessed, though I do see the benefits of men having knowledge of it. Leave it to the people who choose to find it.

Edit. I also realize that this is an internet-founded activity, so those without access to the internet will not find it, (once again, elitist activity) but I think people without access to the internet have more pressing concerns than making their dick bigger - a big dick is a luxury, not a necessity.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Originally Posted by CaptnMorgan
Just because its public doesn’t mean everyone will do it or believe it.

I agree with you, and don’t think anyone is arguing that one. Just if it is made public then indisputably MORE people will do it then if it is kept secret. Because I am sure there are tons of guys who wish they could increase their size, but don’t know about PE.

OH, and my definition of public is essentially not that you can find it through Google, but that 50% of the population knows the information off the top of their head. I don’t think many men out there think that the penis can actually be increased. Most probably know about the ‘magic pills’ and such, but think that they are all scams.


Start: May 12, 2007 BPEL: 5.551" EG: 4.646" FL: 3.051" FG: 3.858" Please Fill Out My Survey: Click Me!

Now: July 13, 2007 BPEL: 6.250" EG: 5.500" FL: 3.346" FG: 4.488"

Goal: BPEL: 7.000" EG: 6.000" FL: 5.000" FG: 4.750"

Originally Posted by Gimli
My vote is to keep it secret. That’s just because I am trying to make myself look as good as possible compared to other males for winning over a girl. I want every edge I can possible get….intelligence, money, muscularity, humour, and yes penis size. Call me selfish, but I want to be as high up the totem pole as I can.


Couldn’t have said it any better. The Spartan way.

Et... la nuit se continue. C\'est vrai. Elle est complètement dechirée - ma tête.

Originally Posted by Gimli
My vote is to keep it secret. That’s just because I am trying to make myself look as good as possible compared to other males for winning over a girl. I want every edge I can possible get….intelligence, money, muscularity, humour, and yes penis size. Call me selfish, but I want to be as high up the totem pole as I can.


Agreed. Besides, I really don’t want in the next 10 years the “average penis size” to be 7.5NBP and 6.2EG. That would just shoot me down. Let whoever wants to join join but I would not tell anyone about it. Thats my 2 cents.

Obsession is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated.

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I really hope it doesn’t go public.


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