Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ideal penis size for women

I always get depressed when I hear ideal sizes that are more than 1” from my goal.

I’m such a perfectionist. It sucks.

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

Last edited by Krowax : 08-31-2003 at .

How tight are those pussies up in Sweden? Too much dick here in N. America. The women are all deep and loose, that’s why 8”x6” is standard… :)

Mmmmm… Swedish pussy…. I should go on vacation…


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause

I dunno, I haven’t tried any yet.

Blaaah.. I haven’t had any solid length gains in 2-3 months now when I think of it. Getting irritating.

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

Have any of you seen that spanish guy from bangbus or monstersofcock. His dick is huge, it looks like about 10 x 7.5 if i had to take a guess. Most women can barely get the head in their mouth! Imagine walking around with a 10” baseball bat between your legs.

Starting (June 2004): 7.5" EBPL x 5.5" EG

1st Goal : 8.5" EBPL x 6" EG

2nd Goal : 9.5" EBPL x 6.5" EG

Yeah curtdawg, he’s huge. I wouldn’t mind being close to that though.

I wouldn’t mind having a baseball bat cock except tatooing “Louisville Slugger” on it would definitely hurt.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

Ok, this thread asked for our ideal size. What is ideal isn’t what we get sometimes.

Wadzilla you asked about 7.2 x 6.2, that is a nice sized dick, to which I would not kick it out of bed. It’s fine.

Now, if presented with a penis of say 10 x7, I’m gonna be a bit more leery, I don’t want to give birth again :) So there can be too big as well.

Tug monkey, no not all American women are deep and loose, I for one found that comment offensive.

If you gentlemen don’t want to hear our honest opinions, quit asking for them.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

I want to hear ideal sizes. There are just too many of them, I dunno who to listen do.

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

I am going to say 8.5x6.2

Originally Posted by sparkyx
Mr B. Dog finds that if he whacks his dick with a hammer, it turns purple, and shrinks up for a week.

Originally Posted by Smallja
Mary was a dirty slut and that's why she got pregnant. She loved God's giant, holy penis.


Originally posted by tug_monkey
Too much dick here in N. America. The women are all deep and loose

Maybe in your porn movies. ALL women in N. America are not deep and loose.

This thread is depressing :( . I wonder if women think of their “ideal size” as usuable dick or BP??

The ideal size? …

…anything that hurts.

Nah, but seriously, a two-inch nub can give a girl an orgasm. Remember guys, you gotta compete with a baby’s shoulders, so anywhere between 2” and a baby’s shoulders should suffice. Fuck the head, I’m talkin’ collarbone here.

7.2”x6.2” is just “fine”?? If there’s anything depressing about this thread, that was it.

Becoming.... Godsize

Haha.. Sorry, it was meant to be a joke, not to be taken personally/seriously… I should use smileys better, but until then, apologies all around..

Yeah, that guy from bangbus was pretty huge. I think it was 9” as I recall someone mentioning on film. I’m not sure what it was girth wise, but I’d guess it was around 6.5”. A little big, but I bet there are those that love it.

Here’s a quick question. How big do you have to be to buy large condoms? How about XLs? I just measured around 7.2” EBPL yesterday, but regular condoms still fit fine.


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause

Last edited by tug_monkey : 09-01-2003 at .

The average length for most condoms seems to be about 7.5 - 8” and 2” wide. is a good website that gives you measurements & a brief summary of each one. So since they stretch a little, I would say that you would need to be 8 -8.25” NBPL to run out of room.

humm…already starting at 7.5 EBPL x 5.5 girth…come on 8x6.

Starting (June 2004): 7.5" EBPL x 5.5" EG

1st Goal : 8.5" EBPL x 6" EG

2nd Goal : 9.5" EBPL x 6.5" EG

Your EBPL shouldn’t count when sizing for condoms.

Becoming.... Godsize

This thread is kind of depressing. :(

<------- You likey?

If you don't take the time to do the PE exercises how do you expect to gain? The fairy godmother of PE?


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