Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ideal penis size for women

Condom sizes are more for girth than length. Most condoms are 7.5-8 inches long including the regular every man size and the Magnum XL. Unstretched girth on the XL is 5.5” and it works fine if your girth is over 5.5”.

So say I was 5.75” girth I should get magnums and not regular?

<------- You likey?

If you don't take the time to do the PE exercises how do you expect to gain? The fairy godmother of PE?

Ideal is a mindset. A pickup is good for carrying

mulch, an S.U.V. is good for carrying a family, and a

Corvette is good for carrying a retired couple.

What’s ideal? A mulch totting, family man might think

a Corvette is ideal.

I apologize.

Originally posted by FrenchOnion
Ideal is a mindset. A pickup is good for carrying
mulch, an S.U.V. is good for carrying a family, and a
Corvette is good for carrying a retired couple.
What's ideal? A mulch totting, family man might think
a Corvette is ideal.


<------- You likey?

If you don't take the time to do the PE exercises how do you expect to gain? The fairy godmother of PE?

Garden - I agree completely …

My wife says that I am a “perfect fit” for her - and has actually said (somewhat recently) that my size was one factor in her “choosing” me as a partner/mate. She has yet to add much in the way of detail to that, and I am curious as to whether her experiences with bigger and smaller dicks before me ( she was with at least one guy of 8+ long and “REALLY THICK” [her quote - dam near killed me to hear her say THAT!!!]) led her to that conclusion, or if she figured that my “in between” size would be sufficient for her “future” purposes. (she also said that my willingness to have children with her was a factor in her choice - was she just fukkin the other guys for the sake of fukkin ‘em???)

Nevertheless, my PE work is now for me. I anticipate (hope) that she will ultimately “enjoy” and additions to my appendage … and if not - oh well. I am tired folk of doing for others (as I often have to in my line of work) and am concentrating on doing THIS for ME!

I wish that I knew what her “ideal” size was. She claims it is my current place, but I really wish that she was more forthcoming about what satisfied her in the past. Surely she had some pleasure from larger dorks than mine. Guess I’ll never really know that, though.

However, here is a rehash of a question previously asked: do you ladies have a “penis memory” of you former sex partners? Do you remember their feel and your reaction to them? (if you feel better answering in IM please do so - your “secret” is safe with me) —> and <— if you have has smaller penises in the past, were you able to be “satisfied” by them if their “user” was competent in the sexual performance area?

Well - ‘null of this. For me, I’ll be happy at this point when I reach 7.0NBP X 5.5. If my wife does not complain about that, I may move on for more.

Keep on track -


"Treason doth never prosper; what's the reason? For if treason prosper, none dare call it treason." - Harrington


How does all this talk of dick size come up when talking to your wives/girlfriends? I have a feeling it’s the guys who are bringing it up more often than the women.

Why even bother asking? Why even care? Why are you gonna ask a stupid question like that when you so totally know you’re not gonna get the answer you want to hear? It’s pure masochism! If a woman likes something, she’ll say it on her own without you having to fish for a compliment.

Why complain of being vulnerable to women when you leave your self wide open? Why let them into your head like that? Why clue them in on what makes you insecure, why give ‘em the ammo?

Talking to your lover about dick size is just asking for it, ESPECIALLY if you inquire about PAST dick, that’s a serious problem. It’s kind of sick. Why would you want to hear intimate details about some other dude crashin’ your girl’s pissflaps? The whole subject is a downer and I guarantee you it turns women off.

Becoming.... Godsize

I agree with Prickle. It seems like it’s usually more important to the guy. I’m sure if your partner wasn’t happy, they wouldn’t stick around.

Originally posted by wan2Bbig
she also said that my willingness to have children with her was a factor in her choice - was she just fukkin the other guys for the sake of fukkin 'em???

Sounds like she was just sharing past experiences with you and that it just so happens that some of the guys were larger. I wouldn’t take offense or think that you’re not sufficient. After all, you’re the one she married. :)

I wish that I knew what her "ideal" size was. She claims it is my current place, but I really wish that she was more forthcoming about what satisfied her in the past. Surely she had some pleasure from larger dorks than mine. Guess I'll never really know that, though.

The link below is to a page on It’s supposed to be a way to trick your partner into admitting their ideal size. Not sure if it will work or if you should even try, but if you really want to know it might be worth a shot. Here’s the link:

Preferred Penis Size: A Trick that Proves Your Girlfriend Wishes You Had a Bigger Penis.

you said it out loud what I was going to say. Ofcourse I’m not married but I would consider it a big gamble and stupidity on my part to bring up the topic of dick size with a steady babe. The fact that she’s moved on to you says that she didn’t like her ex, who could have been a monster dick. So if she doesn’t give a fuck to him then why should I?

I think ideal size for women would theoretically be in terms of girth, not length. SO the question is what’s the average girth women consider comfortable and tight? Then there’s the sensuality factor, where length comes to play. But bigger girth means lesser oral sex for sure!! The babe would have to be a python to give head to something bigger than 6” girth I guess, or not???

I’ve said this before and might as well say it again… Vagina size for girls is all over the place, possibly even more so then penis size is found in men.. Pre PE ( not much past that now) I was 8 NBP x 6.5 midshaft girth and at that size I encountered a couple of girls who I COULDN”T FUCK, they couldn’t handle it and gave up.. Then again I encountered some COW pussy that I could slosh around inside of that was not phased in the least bit by my size…

I would say on average that 8” length by 5.75 - 6” girth is more then enough keep the girls happy sexually, especiall if it can last.. I know that length wise I’ve always been able to feel a womans cervix and if not watching what I’m doing could cause pain, also that at 6.5” of girth if you just try to slam it in, even if there is lots of lubercation it will also hurt them..

I know my wife can take at least 9” of length (not sure how long she could take that length) by 8” inches of girth if she has time to adjust.. My wife is small, Asian so she is not a 6 foot tall 175lb Viking woman by any means…

The personal history I provided should demonstrate that PE (if you are doing it for your wife / girlfried should be tailored to fit what they need - only if you are on the side needing more.. For those who are doing this for themselves then I guess the sky is the limit… I know for me after a year plus of training I have only a .25 inches of length to show for it so I’ve got lots more work to do to hit my personal goal…

Remember, no matter how big you are (or get) there will always be someone bigger and on the same exact hand it is not beyond the rhelm of possibility that you could have a very big dick and the woman you love can cheat on you because that is not the most important thing to her at that time…

Avoid cow pussy my fine Brothers and deal with everything else as it happens…

Woah! From what I read, I could totally handle large condoms. I could do XLs too, but they would likely be loose as they are 5.5” girth and I have around 6”. Not for long, though. I may have to increase my girth slightly, as it woud be totally cool to purchase XLs over the counter. I’d make sure that everyone knew what size I was buying! :P


I hadn’t read your post before vagina size, so I’m glad you posted it again. I had no idea that v. sizes varied that much. I am seeing a small asian woman now and have yet to have sex with her, but I assumed that I would generally be too large for her. To hear that your wife can handle an 9”x8” is quite astounding and really alters my perception.


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause


Facial expressions and general body language I got from my wife when we first started seeing each other sexually led me to believe that I was pushing the limits for the size she could handle, especially sice she was very tight @ the start… Time changes things however and I’m of the thinking camp that has wemon getting ‘looser’ over time… Post workout I’m around 7.5” midshaft girth and my girl can handle it just fine provided I give her some time to get used to it..

Just more evidence that there is no such thing as “the perfect penis size”.
One can play the numbers game and come close to determining what the “average vagina size” is and base the perfect penis size off of that.. To date I’ve never seen any studies going there and doubt I ever will. To be sure if something like that were to be done then as close as you could get would be a general number that would change with each sexual partner you would get… I say fuck it and determine what would be “too big” and work backward from there…

I hope you have better luck with anal with your girl then I have with my wife.. Nothing worse then having a nice smooth petite bubble butt in your face and not be able to do anything about it!


Let me be the two thousandth person to say this: dude you’re fucking huge! 7.5” girth? Sweet jeebus.

Hmmmm…. Perhaps I should go to 6.5” instead of sitting pretty at 6”. One for the condoms and the other for proportionality. My girth is (IMO) perfectly propertional to my length. If I advance another inch in length, my penis may appear to be skinny. Sorry, just thinking out loud, on-line.

Ok, here’s some questions: What are your dimensions now? (I looked in the PE Database, but found nothing.) What did you start with? When you first started fucking your wife, how large were you? Did she stretch over time, or could she always handle you?

If what you say is true, then the search for the ideal size for women is futile. Perhaps the question should be: Ideal penis size for MEN, as men are the only ones that seem to have a universal idea of what is large… :p


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause

This is one of those questions that

A. There is no definite answer to.

B. Not even worth wasting your precious mental energy on.

C. See answers A & B

Becoming.... Godsize

Best possible answer?

Originally posted by Dino9X7
Mine is the perfect size for all women, the rest of you guys should just give up

So are we talking numbers? Like the ideal size for x % of the women is a penis z” by y”? No way to have an exact perfect size for all ladies on the planet. I think that the better you are at communication, empathy, psychology, sex and making love, the more you will be able to get away with having an extra large unit. Even so, a 6X5 incher will be to big for a small percent of women. No way to have the perfect willie for all women unless you master the magick adjustable penis, and can shift from 5X4 to 12X8 and all points inbetween at will.

Running a Massive Co-Front.


Well said. Get in a woman’s head the right way and size is almost irrelevant. An 9”er can be repulsive if the girl is repulsed by you. A 5”er can be the perfect size if she thinks you’re perfect.


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause


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