Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ideal penis size for women

Originally Posted by sheddinskin19
7”X6” NBPEL. I’m 6x6NBPEL and I usually hurt woman they say I’m too thick for them but when they are hot enough and so wet they want me to pound it in deeper that’s why I wish I had one more inch at 7”NBPEL. I’m at 7BPEL.


Stats: 5/9/05 BPL:7.1x5.8

Ultimate Goal: 8.5x6.5 (ideal)

After gathering statistical analysis in my long study of female preferences I have concluded that 8.3x6.2 is the optimal size for all women of all races.

My fourth-grade daughter uses words like 'penis' and 'vagina' without the slightest embarrassment, having learned them at school. This can be a problem at times. Frankly, I wish the school would exercise a little more discretion


What statistics?

Gone cementing - Started (2005): 7.25 NBPEL 5.7 EGMS. 5 years later (2010): 8.25 NBPEL 6.3 EGMS. 8 years later, 3 years with no PE (2013): 8.1 NBPEL 5.9 EGMS

Even the ladies at the extreme site claims that 8x6 is the best.

Having a goal of being bigger than 8" makes even the most "forward chatting" girls at the net saying it isn’t ideal.

Link to: "What is a sizequeen’s dream?"


Gone cementing - Started (2005): 7.25 NBPEL 5.7 EGMS. 5 years later (2010): 8.25 NBPEL 6.3 EGMS. 8 years later, 3 years with no PE (2013): 8.1 NBPEL 5.9 EGMS

Originally Posted by Swensk

What statistics?

From my own personal life talking to women in a natural environment.

My fourth-grade daughter uses words like 'penis' and 'vagina' without the slightest embarrassment, having learned them at school. This can be a problem at times. Frankly, I wish the school would exercise a little more discretion


BPEL or NBPEL, EG (mid shaft) or EG (base)?


Gone cementing - Started (2005): 7.25 NBPEL 5.7 EGMS. 5 years later (2010): 8.25 NBPEL 6.3 EGMS. 8 years later, 3 years with no PE (2013): 8.1 NBPEL 5.9 EGMS

??? Swensk changed his avatar :D

Anyway, this penissizedebate site mentioned in the previous page looks very good, and made me understand why length is important. Here is my new goal: 8 NBP x 6,25 :D

I recommend the site, it is a very good and informative link.

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

Originally Posted by Swensk

BPEL or NBPEL, EG (mid shaft) or EG (base)?


BP and midshaft.

My fourth-grade daughter uses words like 'penis' and 'vagina' without the slightest embarrassment, having learned them at school. This can be a problem at times. Frankly, I wish the school would exercise a little more discretion

Originally Posted by Swensk
Even the ladies at the extreme site claims that 8x6 is the best.

Yes, and if you read carefully at that site there are also reports - or complaints - that some women have significant problems with that size, and even as "small" as 6.5x5.5. In addition to the size queens, people are coming to that site for support in dealing with size problems with an 8x6 or smaller in long term relationships, and even in marriages.

I recommend that new posters to this thread look at the last couple of posts on the previous page (page 4), and at the more recent posts in the thread Question about the 8x6 legend .


Starting, summer '06: 6" EL, 6.5" BPEL, 5.5" EG / Currently: Approximately .4" length and .25" girth gains / Stretched ligs .5" - .6", increasing PBFL and flacid hang

Goal: 7.25" BPEL x 5.75" EG, currently over HALF WAY THERE! on length and ACHIEVED GIRTH!

Piercings: 4 Gauge PA (currently not wearing), Two 4 Gauge upper frenums, other non-genital

Wow, shockingly, that LPSG thread that Swensk linked to actually has a number of well-grounded and experienced women (or purported women :) ) commenting on size preferences and size frequencies. I’d recommend checking it out to anyone who needs a reality check on what even self-labeled “size queens” are into.

Originally Posted by Swensk
Even the ladies at the extreme site claims that 8x6 is the best.

Keep in mind that at LPSG, you have to watch for whether the posts are by women, or by men or gay men. Quite a few of the "size queens" are real queens.

Browsing the LPSG website over time, besides the drooling size queens (of both sexes) I’ve seen quite a few posts indicating that even 8x6 NBP is too big for some female partners, even given time and good technique. Here are a couple of sobering threads:

Too long to get it all in:
Sex With a Large Penis | LPSG

How big before u stop getting laid?:
Sex With a Large Penis | LPSG


Starting, summer '06: 6" EL, 6.5" BPEL, 5.5" EG / Currently: Approximately .4" length and .25" girth gains / Stretched ligs .5" - .6", increasing PBFL and flacid hang

Goal: 7.25" BPEL x 5.75" EG, currently over HALF WAY THERE! on length and ACHIEVED GIRTH!

Piercings: 4 Gauge PA (currently not wearing), Two 4 Gauge upper frenums, other non-genital

It’s a good point and one that I’ve been interested in (and have posted at least one thread about)— ‘how big is too big?’

It seems, from the second link, that it varies quite considerably from woman to woman, and that even the ‘conservative’ bone-pressed eight inches can be too big.

Another consideration is, how big is too big for oral sex?

It seems we may be creating a scenario where if we spend long enough at thundersplace we’ll need to register with LPSG.

Originally Posted by Mr. Fantastic
Another consideration is, how big is too big for oral sex?

That’s discussed quite a bit in various places.

6” seems to fairly frequently be “too big” for both oral and anal with female partners, sometimes but not always resolved when time and patience can be applied. Yet another downside to the supposed 8x6 “ideal”.


Starting, summer '06: 6" EL, 6.5" BPEL, 5.5" EG / Currently: Approximately .4" length and .25" girth gains / Stretched ligs .5" - .6", increasing PBFL and flacid hang

Goal: 7.25" BPEL x 5.75" EG, currently over HALF WAY THERE! on length and ACHIEVED GIRTH!

Piercings: 4 Gauge PA (currently not wearing), Two 4 Gauge upper frenums, other non-genital

Originally Posted by kaan
??? Swensk changed his avatar
Anyway, this penissizedebate site mentioned in the previous page looks very good, and made me understand why length is important. Here is my new goal: 8 NBP x 6,25

I recommend the site, it is a very good and informative link.

It’s time now when I’m not alone with Borat. This is Sacha Baron Cohen’s third character, Bruno, a gay Austrian fashion news reporter.

The Penissize website is bullshit propaganda from a unreliable source that don’t cover all aspects, some examples:

The claim that the eyes became bigger at the bigger penises is maybe right, but the eyes would probably be burning with fear and watered by tears when you annihilate any “normal” girl. It’s just eye candy to them, nothing more. The “Preference Chart” was partially made by this, trustworthy?

The 6.25+” Girth isn’t at all suitable for oral, anal or long(er) vaginal intercourse, the study (as mentioned above) only claims that their pupils became enlarged at the sight of these monster penises.

A 7.5” NBPEL x 6.25+” Dick is almost impossible to find, so how could this be ideal to anyone? (Read the quote from LPSG longer down)

I don’t want to disappoint you Kaan, I just want you to fuck every girl without leaving them torn apart. ;)

Originally Posted by FF
Yes, and if you read carefully at that site there are also reports - or complaints - that some women have significant problems with that size, and even as “small” as 6.5x5.5. In addition to the size queens, people are coming to that site for support in dealing with size problems with an 8x6 or smaller in long term relationships, and even in marriages.

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
Wow, shockingly, that LPSG thread that Swensk linked to actually has a number of well-grounded and experienced women (or purported women ) commenting on size preferences and size frequencies. I’d recommend checking it out to anyone who needs a reality check on what even self-labeled “size queens” are into.

I was quite surprised myself to find the thread, I’m a big lurker around those blocks and I find it funny to read all the BS about one’s length around there but the Women’s Issues department is always interesting.

Some of the female members are aware of a woman’s general perception, which I think isn’t so discussed at that site (or any site out there at all) which makes the thread more rational.

One of the women discussing at the LPSG thread measures by her hands when she attends swinger parties. She says that a 7” is rare, an 8” almost never comes up:

Originally Posted by va_lk_yr_ie (LPSG)
My $0.02 about the notion of size and preference stated.

Yes, I’ve had guys of that approximate size and also larger, which is why I can quite safely say that a little less than 8x6 is a comfortable - and probably ideal - size for me.

I know the length of my palm and approximately where on my wrist 8, 9 etc. inches end up. I know how much girth is required before I can’t close my hand around it and roughly where my index finger ends up on my thumb for girths less than that.

To date the only man I’ve ever measured in real terms is SO (at his request), and I know that if I verify his measurements by using only my hands I’m quite close to the real numbers. Obviously - measuring with my hands only will never give exact measurements - but it will sure as heck allow me to judge if the guy is in 6, 7, 8 or 9 territory.

Yes, 8x6 is a large guy by all means. I don’t know the exact number of men I’ve seen naked, with erections that I’ve touched (not necessarily had sex with though) - but they certainly number well above 100, perhaps even up towards 200, as we’re active swingers.

Out of all those guys - getting up to 7 (or the precise length of my palm) is a relatively rare occurence but does happen from time to time (and is always a nice surprise). Getting up above 7 and up towards 8 (or beyond my palm) even more rare - I’ve seen perhaps 5-10 guys in that size range. Guys that reach further up on my wrist (or up towards 9) I to date count to the whopping number of two out of all those I’ve touched and seen - which should give you an indication on just how rare those sizes and up are.

Girth follows just about the same pattern. Index to joint on thumb (roughly 4.5) is easy to find. Index to midway between joint and tip of thumb (up towards 5.5) are there, but starting to get more uncommon - don’t really have numbers in my head - but guesstimate would be probably below 20-30 of the guys I’ve seen. Guys where I just put index to tip of thumb (a bit above 6) are about as rare as the guys that count in at 9 and above. I have to date met one man that has been beyond what I can get my hand around - somewhere between 6.5 and 6.75 by eyeballing the distance left between fingertips.

So - there you have my experiences from actual, visual observation and estimated (but still very realistic) measurements. I can with quite great certainty say that yes, I know what roughly 8x6 looks and feels like, and I know it’s a size that I personally would prefer and be comfortable with. Also keep in mind that preferences given by women on this site tends to be on the higher end of the scale as most of us here have a preference for big.


Check your own index to thumb ratio, I’ve got quite large hands, and my index to thumb ratio is even lesser than 5.7” (My EGMS: 5.8”), that means that her hands has to be bigger than mine! Unless she got real piano fingers (Edward Scissorhands style) she is even out of her own rational thinking. That means that her experience with 6” EGMS must be lesser than around 2-3 of ~100-200, where one man was 6.5”-6.75” (but probably more like 6.25” if even that).

Originally Posted by FF
6” seems to fairly frequently be “too big” for both oral and anal with female partners, sometimes but not always resolved when time and patience can be applied. Yet another downside to the supposed 8x6 “ideal”.

I think 7 NBPEL and 5.7” would be considered as an ideal. To my own paradoxical experience by PE, it was my own starting position, but now when I realised it, it’s too late. Hopefully I will find big vaginas that could take me as my life journey continues. The grass isn’t always greener over the fence.

Gone cementing - Started (2005): 7.25 NBPEL 5.7 EGMS. 5 years later (2010): 8.25 NBPEL 6.3 EGMS. 8 years later, 3 years with no PE (2013): 8.1 NBPEL 5.9 EGMS

Originally Posted by FrenumFellow

6” seems to fairly frequently be “too big” for both oral and anal with female partners

6” GIRTH, I meant


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