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Infrared Heat Theory and Info PE

Infrared Heat Theory and Info PE

I hope a dedicated thread will be useful and easier to reference regarding the biologic effects and products available for use in PE. You can search for the physics and definitions from the usual Google searches. For the purposes of discussion infrared is referred to as IR. Near infrared is generally included in that description whereas FIR is the acronym used for far infrared. I found this article to be of particular interest:

http://www.ncbi … 78/#!po=25.0000

Last edited by memento : 01-31-2015 at . Reason: Activated link

History and Development of TDP FIR Lamps

TDP is an acronym for “Teding Diancibo Pu” which loosely translated means special electromagnetic spectrum.

The TDP mineral lamp was invented in China in 1978 and exhibited at the 1986 Zagreb International Fair in Yugoslavia in competition with 560 inventions from 18 countries by the inventor Mr. Gou Wenbin. It was also exhibited at the 1986 Brussels Eureka World Fair for Invention. Mr. Wenbin died in the late 1980s.

More detailed info here:

I just bought a infared heat lamp is that the same as a tdp mineral lamp?

No. A heat lamp produces mostly in the near infrared. Typically a large dome shaped bulb. Most are red but can be clear also. If you read the thread above it describes the TDP lamp. It is essentially a ceramic disc that contains various elements like titanium, aluminum, etc. that is heated up by a heating plate. It is the vibration of these various elements and the ceramic matrix which emanate radiation in the FIR region.

This website has a photo-
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your infrared lamp will serve you very well for PE. I have a couple of those as well. But if you are a fastidious fool like me, you have to have everything.

Yes I thought they would be different ,there is an obvious price difference also I would like to hear how you go with yours

So is a TDP Lamp just as goid for PE heat? I have just received mine today to use in hanging.

Current routine - LG Hanger, 1 to 1.5hrs a day.

17-04-2017 to 19-06-2017 - 60hrs of hanging.

Well I’ve just started using a red heat lamp while hanging. Hopefully it will help with gains. If anything the heat feels great.

Supposedly, the TDP lamp has more positive benefits than the more common near infrared (red) lamp. The info is in part of the links I listed above. Which one did you get 256637?

A desk top version of the TDP Lamp

Current routine - LG Hanger, 1 to 1.5hrs a day.

17-04-2017 to 19-06-2017 - 60hrs of hanging.

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