I believe that ramping up the intensity levels of exercise is required as one progresses on their PE journey, but the question is: How much is too much?
When I’m totally relaxed, leaning back in my EZ chair doing a set of tunica fulcrum pulls, I am really generating some serious traction on my unit. I tend to go inward, ignoring pain & discomfort, and I can actually feel my hands becoming further apart….and then Fear comes creeping in, and I yield to it.
I keep wondering, “Is the frontier of those extra gains just another 1/4 inch away - or is that where diaster lies?” I have heard of guys “fracturing” their penis (usually one of the chambers of the CC), but I don’t know if it’s possible to actually tear one’s unit - but I sure as hell don’t want to be the first.
Or to literally sever a ligament.
Either would be a catastrophic injury, requiring surgery and rehabilitation - not to mention a lot of pain & humiliation. And there’s a chance that your unit would never be the same again.
Anyone else have these fears, or am I just paranoid???