Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Is mine too small?

Originally Posted by UpTo7

I like it. Is AFB hanger really that simple and that effective? I wouldn’t mind seeing a bit clearer instructions on how to make it and use it.

Thanks for the feedback. I am so deep into this that it’s all obvious; can you be more specific about where you’re stuck? This would realy help me, and. many many others.

Originally Posted by Tom Hubbard
Thanks for the feedback. I am so deep into this that it’s all obvious; can you be more specific about where you’re stuck? This would realy help me, and. many many others.

Actually, after reading the instructions few more times, it’s clearer, but bigger pictures (and maybe from more angles) would probably help people who don’t get it right away from the text.

Also, are you hanging without a wrap in those pictures (I assume that’s you)?

I did like the old one, but this works as well. I am an engineer, designer and an artist and I would personally make the first page of your NEW web page a bit catcher. Put some color in it, but what you

have works and it is simple. I do like it though. This is the first release, revisions can be done at a later date.

Originally Posted by Tom Hubbard
the meaning of the 90° twist is to put pressure only on the CC; the arrows are meant to direct your attention to the fact that the thumb of one hand and forefinger of the other are the contact points.

With just that sentence, it’s much more clear to me in several ways:
* I wasn’t aware I should hold only the CC during stretch!
* I read your site as holding OK sign while pulling!
* I never did the 90 twist because I didn’t know why (plus it seemed dangerous)

(BTW, this regarding CC and stretch might explain the dangerously deep purple head I mentioned yesterday in my “journal” here)


PE start Aug 25, 2013: BPEL 6.7" x EG 4.7" and BPFSL 7".

Paused between Dec 2013 and Dec 2014 due to injury. Careful with those rice socks!

Goal 7" x 5". Ideal is 8" x 6" but let's not even dream about that yet...!

Last edited by gregorius : 09-18-2013 at .

Originally Posted by UpTo7
Actually, after reading the instructions few more times, it’s clearer, but bigger pictures (and maybe from more angles) would probably help people who don’t get it right away from the text.

Also, are you hanging without a wrap in those pictures (I assume that’s you)?

Good observation. I was mobile-obsessed; also at first I didn’t understand how to get images to resize automatically (imported dimensions were overriding css).

Step 3: “Place penis into the wooden V, open side forward. (With regular use, you’ll probably want to wrap a soft cloth around your penis first.)” I have very limited privacy these days, so photo shoots are wedged into small increments of time. I obviously also, then, don’t find weight hanging practical. But when I did that picture, I did hang a couple of sessions for 10-15 minutes with absolutely no discomfort, which kind of amazed me. When I redo the image, I will include a wrap.

Originally Posted by tntjockey

I did like the old one, but this works as well. I am an engineer, designer and an artist and I would personally make the first page of your NEW web page a bit catcher. Put some color in it, but what you

have works and it is simple. I do like it though. This is the first release, revisions can be done at a later date.

If you browse my old sites in their original formatting, you’ll see how much I was into that: see this or this or Thunder’s fave or this or even the early web look. So maybe I’m just going through a minimalist phase ;-)

Tom, the pic of the black guy with a knotted penis is used in about any commercial pe site and many users believe it is authentic. I think it would be good to explain in your site how you got that.

Originally Posted by gregorius
With just that sentence, it’s much more clear to me in several ways:
* I wasn’t aware I should hold only the CC during stretch!
* I read your site as holding OK sign while pulling!
* I never did the 90 twist because I didn’t know why (plus it seemed dangerous)

(BTW, this regarding CC and stretch might explain the dangerously deep purple head I mentioned yesterday in my “journal” here)


I hadn’t read youtr journal; just bombed it with replies :)

I probably should clarify: the double-OK grip I illustrated is ONLY for stretching, meaning no movement along the shaft. And for that, the OK grip is probably just as good. The nice thing about using both hands is that you can put your forearms on hip bones and use that for leverage for a stronger sustained pull.

I’m not sure it’s even worth including; I thought it up and hadn’t seen anyone else mention it.

I appreciate the feedback.

Originally Posted by marinera
Tom, the pic of the black guy with a knotted penis is used in about any commercial pe site and many users believe it is authentic. I think it would be good to explain in your site how you got that.

I don’t know how I got it, but every single one of those sites took it from me, color and all (you’ll notice they’re all GIFs, a bad choice I made early in my web experience). But I think I recall seeing it when I was 15, in boarding school, in a poster catalog my roommate had. We really wanted to buy it, but realized it would come to the corridor master’s attention (and down) shortly.

Good observation; looking again I see it as gratuitous (your English vocabulary word of the day ;-) for my site. Also, given that association (I don’t visit commercial pe sites) and the fact that apparently it’s not true , I will remove it. I remember feeling it was cool when I was 15 and when I posted it in the 1990s, so memory was clouding my judgment when I included it again.

And, looking more closely, I notice that the last segment of his penis has a slight curve to it, illogical: it should be hanging straight down. Dusting off my mad (elementary) photoshop skilz, I "un-retouched" it, and it’s much more believable in terms of physics. Lad’s still nicely endowed, but more realistically.

(28.9 KB, 73 views)

Originally Posted by marinera

Well, let’s say that can be done better. I can help on that if you want but not anytime soon.

I’m sure I’ll be changing it from time to time, so there’s no point to a “fixed” translation. Just curious if something translated like I expect it reads in Chinese: “Put the stick of the pond in the dog’s ear.” When I first included the translator, I spent considerable time translating it back and forth and rewriting. Not the best use of my time right now, however.

I like the way you presented your re-done website to us and ask for our opinions.

You have done well with constructive criticism, and I really do like and appreciate that,

It will only make your web site a nicer site. Although, I is pretty dam good one.

Originally Posted by tntjockey
I like the way you presented your re-done website to us and ask for our opinions.
You have done well with constructive criticism, and I really do like and appreciate that,
It will only make your web site a nicer site. Although, I is pretty dam good one.

Thanks! I have thought over the years, as Thundersplace has grown, Why do I even bother with my site?, given the huge amount of information available. Though technically an expert, I can’t match the knowledge of 1,000 people here in terms of routines, techniques, physiology etc.

Though it appears self-evident now, it actually took quite a bit of thinking for me to resolve my who cares? question. As for the huge amount of information, the basics haven’t changed a whole lot. Gotten refined, sure, but how much (or how little) does someone new to the idea need to know in order to get started in a safe and effective way? Jumping into the deep end is not always the best way to learn to swim, and even with the newbie routine, Thundersplace is definitely like jumping into the deep end!

Getting this feedback (I don’t consider it criticism) is very valuable, and something I’ve never had. And I asked for it—why would I not take it well?

BTW, I dusted off Freehand MX (going back almost ten years). It will take me a while, but I think I’m going to eventually replace most of the instructional photos with quality line drawings, similar to my measurement diagram. I find looking at a real dick a little distracting. Thoughts?

Originally Posted by Tom Hubbard
Thanks! I have thought over the years, as Thundersplace has grown, Why do I even bother with my site?, given the huge amount of information available. Though technically an expert, I can’t match the knowledge of 1,000 people here in terms of routines, techniques, physiology etc.

Though it appears self-evident now, it actually took quite a bit of thinking for me to resolve my who cares? question. As for the huge amount of information, the basics haven’t changed a whole lot. Gotten refined, sure, but how much (or how little) does someone new to the idea need to know in order to get started in a safe and effective way? Jumping into the deep end is not always the best way to learn to swim, and even with the newbie routine, Thundersplace is definitely like jumping into the deep end!

Getting this feedback (I don’t consider it criticism) is very valuable, and something I’ve never had. And I asked for it—why would I not take it well?

BTW, I dusted off Freehand MX (going back almost ten years). It will take me a while, but I think I’m going to eventually replace most of the instructional photos with quality line drawings, similar to my measurement diagram. I find looking at a real dick a little distracting. Thoughts?

Your last sentence, It is not distracting, in fact it is real and that is what a lot of members here want to see. Drawings are not the real thing. Do not replace the photos with drawings, that is what makes your site so unique. The pictures are worth a thousand words.

Originally Posted by Tom Hubbard
Thanks! I have thought over the years, as Thundersplace has grown, Why do I even bother with my site?, given the huge amount of information available. Though technically an expert, I can’t match the knowledge of 1,000 people here in terms of routines, techniques, physiology etc.

Its the difference between being a Martial Artist and a Soldier. A Martial Artist may learn thousands of techniques, many of which might be fairly useless in real combat. A Soldier on the other hand just needs a couple that he can do in his sleep that are very effective.

The problem with Thunders is that there is SO MUCH information, it can overwhelm a Newbie that just wants to start making his dick bigger. Thunders is like a Martial Arts school offering 20 different Instructors teaching 40 different arts. YOU on the other hand can just be a Drill Instructor in the Marines just teaching one or two ways to kill quickly!

THAT’S why you should bother with your site!

Thunders is the “think tank” of PE where some amazing minds can come together and discuss and experiment with all aspects of PE. Not everyone wants that, some just want a simple, “just do this” no debate and endless discussion, just a simple set of directions from someone who knows what the hell he is talking about. THEN if he doesn’t get results, throw him in the Thunders “mosh pit” to see if he can get something that will work for him…or die trying! LOL.

By the way, big thanks to you, Thunder AND Memento for all you have done for us!!!!

Last edited by sparkyx : 09-20-2013 at .

Thanks sparkyx…yeah, it’s me or the mosh pit! Now it all makes sense! Meanwhile, I’ll accept bronze but you have to sort out silver and gold between Thunder and Mem. May I suggest an alloy ;-)

No, serious, thanks. This is great feedback. Much appreciated.

Really. And you’re welcome. ‘Tis a pleasure indeed to be useful.


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