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It's easy to overtrain, isnt it?


It's easy to overtrain, isnt it?


I have already posted this more or less in another thread but nobody answered, probably because I made the impression that the question was asked only to one member on this board. Or a lot of board members are still on vacation.

OK. Here it is again.
I was wondering again which things indicate that your are doing things in a too extreme way, so overtraining. And if you overtrain, can this make your dick shrink when you want to measure?

Overtraining, does it look like this? (In case you jelq!)
o your unit looks shriveled/shrinked during the next day
o it looks as it is not 100% flaccid but a bit “erect” or strained (and veiny)
o the skin of your unit feels like the skin of your hand when you have been in the bath for too long
o you try to start to jelq but it takes a lot of good strokes until you are able to “blow up” your head for the first time; and in the end, you are not really able to “blow it up”.
o your general impression of your dick is that the tissues are tougher inside. So not soft… which makes jelquing not very pleasant.
o after your workout you do not really look worked-out
o …

Finally, does overtraining make your unit shrink? I mean, from overtraining, your tissues are so strained (overworked) that you can not expand them to the maximum. Also, I do have problems to become and stay 100% erect.

40-50 min of jelquing, strong and slow jelqs, is too much I think. I really have to drop it down too max 30 min. What do you guys think?
(Short story: I was one week off from PE. Than I resumed it with a 50 min jelq session. Man, I can tell you, my friend hung so heavily, and I measured almost 0.4” more than what I measure now. Now, I have already one week of 40 - 50 min behind me. One day on, one day off. No joke, due to weak erections and whatever else it could be I measure 6.3”. One week ago it was almost 6.7”)

Need help, advices. Some of you have certainly gone through something like that. I have hit a 2-3 year plateau. My impression is that overworking is my decisive limiting factor. all the time, I always tend to do a lot too much.


Originally Posted by Miggelodeon
And if you overtrain, can this make your dick shrink when you want to measure?

Yes, I think so.

Originally Posted by Miggelodeon
Finally, does overtraining make your unit shrink? I mean, from overtraining, your tissues are so strained (overworked) that you can not expand them to the maximum. Also, I do have problems to become and stay 100% erect.

It has for me.

Originally Posted by Miggelodeon
40-50 min of jelquing, strong and slow jelqs, is too much I think. I really have to drop it down too max 30 min. What do you guys think?
(Short story: I was one week off from PE. Than I resumed it with a 50 min jelq session. Man, I can tell you, my friend hung so heavily, and I measured almost 0.4” more than what I measure now. Now, I have already one week of 40 - 50 min behind me. One day on, one day off. No joke, due to weak erections and whatever else it could be I measure 6.3”. One week ago it was almost 6.7”)

I am currently hanging, but I will be cutting way back after a poor month.

Originally Posted by Miggelodeon
Need help, advices. Some of you have certainly gone through something like that. I have hit a 2-3 year plateau. My impression is that overworking is my decisive limiting factor. all the time, I always tend to do a lot too much.


Have you tried an extended break?
If you have plateaued for that long, maybe it is time to try something out of left field. Like cutting back to 10 minutes, 5 on 2 off. What have you got to lose? Be radical, try something totally unconventional. You never know.

You can say all this because you have made the same experiences? Or at least similar ones?

I’m more and more convinced that less is more in PE, at least for me at this point in my history. I’ve had an injury, so I’m definitely cutting back to shorter jelq sessions—and no more stretching for a while.

It should be interesting what guys like Andy and I come up with. I think we both may have overtrained.


I think the biggest indication that I had overtrained, besides the obvious injury, is the reduction in the number of my rock-hard woodies. I don’t think this is coincidental. This may also have to do with the heavy stretch routine I was following.

"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


Miggelodeon ;

I use my erection quality as a gauge for overtraining. If I overtrain, the quality of my erection starts to fade. Also, it will take longer to achieve an erection.

I will cut back my PE till I start to see rock hard morning wood again. This has worked fairly well, for the last month, to keep my PE in check.

Like the vets say,….”Less is more” !!


I’m starting to think that perhaps the bast way to go about this is shorter sessions most the time, with the occational longer “shock” routine. So in this case 30 minutes jelqing, then perhaps once a week a 45-60 minute one.

I’m really trying to work on girth right now as I’ve just about met my first secondary length goal and it seems to be coming along nicely. I’ve found that simple 30 minute jelq sessions but everyday with no breaks has been slowing gaining me some girth. I think it takes a good month to solidify these, so I won’t call them gains yet, but I think you just have to keep the tissues stretched out, and over time it’ll stay.(or magically morph into a length gain… :confused: )

I generally don’t feel sore the next day so I find for me rest days are no longer a necessity.(No turtling, it never gets a chance to tighten up.)
However I’ve also tossed a second jelq/clamp session in after I hang(anti-turtling tactics), which would actually double the amount of time I’m jelqing in a day. So I may be flirting with overtraining; but as long as I’m gaining and not feeling sore the next day(which I used to think was good.) I’m going to keep it up.

But Miggelodeon, I think you just need to experiment and find what will work for you. A 2-3 year plateau is WAY too long to just keep doing the same thing, if I wasn’t getting gains in even a 3-4 month period I’d be changing my routine up for sure. You may also need a PE break to decondition(4-6 weeks off), sinse you’ve maintained that size that long it should be well cemented and you shouldn’t lose any of your gains.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

Originally Posted by Redwood1981
(or magically morph into a length gain… :confused: )

Thought I was the only one.
Started at around 6.5bp with newbie routine (don’t believe it, but that is what I wrote down).

Got small length gains from stretching.

Started erect jelqing for girth.
‘Gained’ 1/8” girth.
Then lost 1/8th girth and gained some length.

Started clamping for girth.
Gained some girth.

Before I knew it…7.4bp, but girth has remained.

If this continues I think I’ll become a pole vaulter.

I’m going back to newbie jelq routine. After all, the Sudanese didn’t have cable clamps nor Bib Hangers and according to the bible, they were packin’.

I’m going to cut down a lot. Overtraining was surely the problem.

New Routine:

Jelq (50%-70%) 30min

We’ll see what happens.

Originally Posted by penflex
Thought I was the only one.
Started at around 6.5bp with newbie routine (don’t believe it, but that is what I wrote down).

Got small length gains from stretching.

Started erect jelqing for girth.
‘Gained’ 1/8” girth.
Then lost 1/8th girth and gained some length.

Started clamping for girth.
Gained some girth.

Before I knew it…7.4bp, but girth has remained.

If this continues I think I’ll become a pole vaulter.

Well the first 1/4” girth gain I made has always stayed, but the last 2 times I came close to 5.5” girth I dropped back to 5.25” and then gained length.
I’m just going to keep at it, as I believe it has to stay as girth at some point.

Originally Posted by penflex
I’m going back to newbie jelq routine. After all, the Sudanese didn’t have cable clamps nor Bib Hangers and according to the bible, they were packin’.

I think somewhere in Genesis it says:
“And God bestowed upon Moses the Bib Hanger on Mount Siani, Moses was very grateful, and vowed to teach the good word of PE to all the men of the land. However, once he hath returned to his people, they were all jelqing 100% erect and hanging with noose type hangers around their glands. So in anger he smashed the Holy Bib Hanger and cursed these people for their transgressions.” So it was written… “and the people were cursed to not learn PE until the great second coming of Thunder….”
Praise the Lord for we have now been blessed with Thunder’s Place! :D :up:

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

Originally Posted by Miggelodeon

You can say all this because you have made the same experiences? Or at least similar ones?


Similar, but with hanging rather than jelqing.


I just found an ancient scroll in my back yard in the form of tablets. I spotted Thunder’s name on it!! I couldn’t believe my eyes. It’s the ten PE commandments!!

They’re written in some strange language/code. But since I’m somewhat of a linguist, I’ve figured them out. Here are the first seven. The last three were illegible.

1. Thou shallt do no harm to Willy.

2. Thou shallt hold no other PE prophets before thine eyes.

3. Thou shallt not “flame” thy brother PE’ers, as thou would not want thyself to be flamed.

4. Thou shallt not bear false witness against thy fellow PE’ers.

5. Thou shallt not covet thy fellow PE’ers significant others.

6. Thou shallt not covet thy fellow PE’ers hard won gains.

7. Thou shallt give freely of thy PE wisdom.



"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg



#2 has been revoked and replaced with “Thou shall do a warmup when possible.”

Also, a few additions to bring the number to 10.

#8 Thou shall do thine BC flexes.

#9 Thou shall strive to be honest in thy statements of gains, and not lead the uninitiated down the path of false hope.

#10 Thou shall hold the damn ruler in easy view when taking dick photos.

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Thank you, Thunder, for the final three. Numbers 9 and 10 were in my mind, but not on my tongue. I was going to phrase number 9 something like this: “This above all: to thine own self be true.” Moses and Shakespeare. We’re in good company, T!! :D


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


Seems some of the posts here need to visit the off topic crapper, hey fella’s?

Originally Posted by Andrew69
Seems some of the posts here need to visit the off topic crapper, hey fella’s?

No way, that’s some good stuff right there, me, Horse, and Thunder himself have tapped into the will of the Lord. :angel:

But seriously, overtraining is hard to define. Some guys think you need to feel sore the next day, I now beleive you shouldn’t.
And if you are sore then a rest day is in order. It seems each guy just needs to develope there own feel for when they have over done it,
and adjust their routine/rest time accordingly. And if erections are suffering it’s definately a sign of overtraining IMO.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

Last edited by Redwood1981 : 09-02-2004 at .
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