Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I've been jelqing for more than 6 months. This is what I have learned.

I find this thread amazingly rich and informative. This is clearly a vibrant community of people, all full of ideas and suggestions for PE. Like the OP of this thread, I’d done jelqing for about 6 months when I first came to summarize what I’d learnt.

I think I wasted about 2-3 months initially doing the wrong form of jelqing. I didn’t see any growth at all, and it drove me mad. I kept getting little cuts and bruises, which forced me to stop and take a break for a week or two. So I never got any momentum. And never saw any results. At that time, I started to think: does jelqing work? - I was sceptical to say the least.

However, once I found the sweet spot (the right pressure to jelq with, the right amount of time, the right lubricant, etc.) then I started to see results - my penis got a lot thicker and felt and looked bigger and better.

I think it’s important for guys to start off the right way and not waste their time. That’s one of the things that makes a forum like this so useful - you can learn from other guys what works and what doesn’t. You can learn from other people’s mistakes, so you don’t have to waste time making those mistakes yourself. It will speed up the process and help you achieve your goal of a longer, thicker penis asap!

Different things work for different people. We shouldn’t bash people if they use a technique different than our own. Personally, I belong to the “more is more” camp, but this approach doesn’t work for many. In the long run, each of us has to listen to what our body tells us feels right.

My own experiences have been a lot like the first poster.

In a nutshell: I have gone from about 6.25” to 6.75” in about 25 jelq sessions! Its been over 2 years because I never seriously got into it as a routine thing.

Method: 10-20 minutes with quite a tight grip, 2-3 second long jelqs (20 minutes is about 400-500 jelqs!), leaving at least 24h before the next jelqing.

Complete No ob

I have tried jelqing because I am determined to get bigger. However, I am only able to go about 40-60 seconds before I get almost fully erect and it’s a little painful to squeeze down on the vein going down the right side of my dick. First of all, is my grip too tight if I am feeling that? Also, is it OK to wait a minute or two to become flaccid before jelqing again (for another minute)? Will this hinder my growth? Should I really be able to go 10 minutes straight without a full erection? Thanks in advance.

Originally Posted by plebian
I have tried jelqing because I am determined to get bigger. However, I am only able to go about 40-60 seconds before I get almost fully erect and it’s a little painful to squeeze down on the vein going down the right side of my dick. First of all, is my grip too tight if I am feeling that? Also, is it OK to wait a minute or two to become flaccid before jelqing again (for another minute)? Will this hinder my growth? Should I really be able to go 10 minutes straight without a full erection? Thanks in advance.

Should not hinder your growth. The penis adapts a little when you jelq, so after a while you dont get so erect as you did the first times.

Originally Posted by plebian
I have tried jelqing because I am determined to get bigger. However, I am only able to go about 40-60 seconds before I get almost fully erect and it’s a little painful to squeeze down on the vein going down the right side of my dick. First of all, is my grip too tight if I am feeling that? Also, is it OK to wait a minute or two to become flaccid before jelqing again (for another minute)? Will this hinder my growth? Should I really be able to go 10 minutes straight without a full erection? Thanks in advance.

You get used to touching your penis so that you don’t sport a hard on within the minute. I had troubles with that in the beginning as well. Before I started PE, I only touched my penis when I was masturbating or taking a piss, hence my body took it as a “heyho, its sexy time” when ever I touched my penis and didn’t have to pee. Keep jelqing, but let the erection go away if it happens. It’s ok if your workouts are bad in the beginning, it’s all about getting the right touch and getting used to handling your penis this way.

I can see how full erect jelqing may be riskier in terms of injury but i find it hard to believe that it would reduce your penis size and suspect that there may be an EQ issue there.

I’ve been on the PE forums for 7 years and whilst i’ve never stuck to a routine for more than 3 weeks i found erect jelqing to be extremely intense and have actually as of December 1st started 500 jelqs and 50 Slow Squash Jelqs each session, my penis is extremely pumped and my EQ is spot on.

I’ve also seen several people report gains from strong jelqing, infact Blue Whale once said “jelqing should be done at maximum intensity and close to comming”.

Life is great, enjoy it

Starting/Current Stats (BPEL*MSEG*BPFL) - December 2011: 6.4*5*4.2

Final Target: 9.6*7.6*7.2

I do my jelqs with at least %80 to %90 erect and with all the other stuff in my routine, it’s the only thing that is working for me to gain girth.

Well I don’t think his penis shrunk from the erect jelqing I just think his erection became weaker.

Originally Posted by majesticman
I find this thread amazingly rich and informative. This is clearly a vibrant community of people, all full of ideas and suggestions for PE. Like the OP of this thread, I’d done jelqing for about 6 months when I first came to summarize what I’d learnt.

I think I wasted about 2-3 months initially doing the wrong form of jelqing. I didn’t see any growth at all, and it drove me mad. I kept getting little cuts and bruises, which forced me to stop and take a break for a week or two. So I never got any momentum. And never saw any results. At that time, I started to think: does jelqing work? - I was sceptical to say the least.

However, once I found the sweet spot (the right pressure to jelq with, the right amount of time, the right lubricant, etc.) then I started to see results - my penis got a lot thicker and felt and looked bigger and better.

I think it’s important for guys to start off the right way and not waste their time. That’s one of the things that makes a forum like this so useful - you can learn from other guys what works and what doesn’t. You can learn from other people’s mistakes, so you don’t have to waste time making those mistakes yourself. It will speed up the process and help you achieve your goal of a longer, thicker penis asap!

I’ve just started jelqing so it’s a bit early to see results but I really want to increase girth rather than length. Can you please explain what you were doing wrong and how you now perform the jelq which is obviously getting results. There are always conflicting ideas on forums so you are never quite sure which is correct? Your help would be appreciated.

I gained .3125” girth from erect jelqs.

7/26/2013 (mid average) 6.9x5.9

8/26/2013 (" ") 7.125x6.25

I have been doing erect jelqs for over a year, no loss in BPEL, and increase in girth. I guess everyone responds different. I am all about erect jelqing.

When you erect jelq, how hard would you say you squeeze when compared to flaccid/sub-erect jelqing? I don’t go nuts with regular jelqing with my grip, but I grip hard enough to get serious expansion in my vessels, shaft, and glans.

05/06/2013: BPEL: 6.250" | MSEG: 5.125" | BPFSL: 6.250" | MSFG: 4.375"

10/15/2013: BPEL: 7.000" | MSEG: 5.375" | BPFSL: 7.563" | MSFG: 4.750"

Goals: BPEL: 7" ACHIEVED New goals: BPEL: 7.5" | MSEG: 5.75" | Brad the Bartender\'s Progress Log and Pics

I gained my first time jelqing, but never again. It might be because I was soft? Really great ideas, this is one of the most interesting concepts we should be exploring imo. - Hidden penis

I have only been jelqing for just over 2 weeks so no results as yet. I would like to think I might see some improvement after 1 month or is this too soon? I do around 100 strokes a time, usually once or twice a day - would this be considered enough?


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