Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I've been jelqing for more than 6 months. This is what I have learned.

Originally Posted by pnglondon
Because of my academic/scientific background in Engineering I started PE with an open as scientifically rigorous approach.

As a fellow engineer, I’m sure you can appreciate my desire to just be able to get a datasheet on the subject.

I’d say 6 months qualifies you as an RKI (Reasonably Knowledgable Individual), as I believe it does me too.

I found that measuring the FSL weekly gave inspiration.

I agree with your assessment on measuring erections — they vary.

That's a good looking advice.

Hi Newbie,

Thanks for your advice. It looks cool.
I am a newbie and taking your advice to start my routines.
I will post my gains and opinions after few months.

See you guys later. Keep Working ;-)

Newbie problems

So I’ve been PEing for a month. And came across with a problem after 2 week 2on 1 off 30 min jelqing. It feels like the shaft is hard inside even when member is flaccid. The tension in comparison with what I had at the beginning while jelqing is much lower, so I started to kegel to create more pressure and actually feel the blood flowing through the shaft. Does it supposed to be this way or am I doing something wrong?

P.S. I think overdoing is not the case here. Even considering the fact I started with 30 min jelq doubt there was even 100 of them during first 3-4 sessions)

Thanks in advance,


Originally Posted by RocknRolex
So I’ve been PEing for a month. And came across with a problem after 2 week 2on 1 off 30 min jelqing. It feels like the shaft is hard inside even when member is flaccid. The tension in comparison with what I had at the beginning while jelqing is much lower, so I started to kegel to create more pressure and actually feel the blood flowing through the shaft. Does it supposed to be this way or am I doing something wrong?

P.S. I think overdoing is not the case here. Even considering the fact I started with 30 min jelq doubt there was even 100 of them during first 3-4 sessions)

Thanks in advance,


So 100 jelqs in 30 minutes? Must be very slow and intense…

Newbie was ahead of his time eh?!

Is anybody seriously recommending erect jelqing these days?


I had a 3 day off so that swelling doesn’t mess up my measurements.. + 1.7cm in girth no length).. That’s nice but I was aiming for length.. Well at least I know this whole Natural Enlargement works.. Need to rethink my routine to add length and to cement the girth gained.

P.S. Still don’t know why it feels so firm inside when flaccid even now when I’m off the routine for 3 days, hope no serious damage takes place.

I agree with him being ahead of his time Klayton. When I first started I got my best results when I was going 1 day on and 1 day off. I mostly jelqed though. I read someones sig that said “If you jelq hard and slow it will grow” and that just stuck with me.

I never PE’d more than 20-30 min though not counting warm up and cool down. I did however, due to misunderstanding a technique, make my curve worse than it was and gave up on PE for a while. Now I realize where I went wrong and am getting back into the mix slowly.

What are your stats now angelsrod?

For our demands most moderate are,

We only want the earth.

James Connolly

I’m gonna take it slow, I don’t wanna risk any damage potential.

I’ve just finished reading through the whole 10 pages of this thread and come out of it a hell of a lot more knowledgeable about PE than before I started it. It’s a great thread for newbies not because anyone seems to have the ‘correct’ idea about how to jelq or measure or whatever but because of the wonderful array of contrasting view points and well presented arguments.
Newbie looked like he created a few waves and when he started but after I kept reading it seemed like he really believed what he was saying because that’s what happened for him through experience so screw the rest of you (his headstrong idea, not mine), which can be worthwhile in a discussion.

I found this through stevie31’s favourites which is a bloody excellent collection. Ok yeah, sorry for reviving a thread that refuses to die but I needed to use my first post to thanks for the thread team, you guys rock. Also, to all the people that came in at about the 7 page mark talking to Newbie as if the thread was 2 days old, I hope your dicks fall off and are replaced with monkeys that eat all your breakfast. Use the search button or keep reading to see if your question was already answered.. Geeeeeeeezzzz.

/me being someone who had three posts on said page 7, I really hope your dick falls off as well ;) , falloutoftrees. Not that you’d need me for this. You’ll probably fall upon your face just by stumbling around like you just did in the post before. Good luck on your falling off dick :P

She said you had a small dick huh? Well just remind her of what Tom Arnold said about his soon to be ex-wife, Roseanne, when she said very publicly that he had a little dick - "Hell, even a 747 looks small when you put it in the Grand Canyon". START: 2004-12-06 EBPL 6.70" BPEL, EG 5" CURRENT STATUS: Full Healing Break (Plasticized ligaments need time to heal -- Beware the rotating manual stretches ;) ) 2005-01-07 EBPL 7.68", EG 5" GOAL: EBPL 8.5" (ENBPL 7.9"), EG 6"

threads like this are pointless, different things work for different people


When doing your routine, do you ever need to pause to increase the amount of blood in your penis (massage/rub), or does it just stay at that 50-70% level for you?
Also, are you seeing a lot of improvement in your corpus spongiosum (the bottom of the penis)?

Goals: 7.50-8.00'' EL x 6.00-6.50'' EG

Originally Posted by xamaranthx

When doing your routine, do you ever need to pause to increase the amount of blood in your penis (massage/rub), or does it just stay at that 50-70% level for you?
Also, are you seeing a lot of improvement in your corpus spongiosum (the bottom of the penis)?

I have to rub and massage sometimes while jelqing, but now I’m considering jelqing a little bit less erect. Maybe starting flaccid and going 20 minutes like newbie mentioned in the original post in this thread. My erections aren’t always so good since I started going harder with my girth routine.

Heeeey, go take a piss ys


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