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Jelqs - Dry Girth Wet Length

Maybe true. It works out that way, but I am sure you could accumulate each thru each(get it)? I think it’s more about erection % than what kind of jelq.

I thought it was dry jelq not circumcised - wet jelq circumcised.

Jelq with 50% erection for length - jelq with 70% or higher for girth.

Well actually I just found out that jelqing upwards helps girth.

And everyone knows downwards helps lenght (I hope).

But probably it’s all about erection level.

Originally Posted by gprent101
I thought it was dry jelq not circumcised - wet jelq circumcised.

Jelq with 50% erection for length - jelq with 70% or higher for girth.

Not necessarily. I am cut and do both. But I would say 70% is for girth mostly, but I am sure some length could be gained as well.

I am uncut and can’t get wet jelqing to work for me at all. But I also think that erection level is the primary factor.

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