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"Learning Curve" for Power Jelq

"Learning Curve" for Power Jelq

I just made my own PJ and it seems to be effective. The website ( says that there is a learning curve for the device. Does anybody have any comments about how they have learned to use their PJ better after using it for a while?

Also, I have an LOT of about 7, does this mean that I should jelq upwards with the device?


Many seem to agree that the power jelq can put too much pressure on the dorsal vein.

But I guess since you made your own, you’ll have to judge how safe it is.

Seriously does it really seem better to use a device to jelq than your hands?

If God is all powerful, then the devil must be nothing more than a darkness in the mind of God, however if the devil is something real and seperate, then perfection is impossible and God cannot exist except in the aspirations of fallen angels.

I’m not sure what you mean. What does it have to do with a “learning curve?”

I really like the device because it helps you to get more pressure with less effort and it’s even pressure. I’ve done regular jelqing before and for some this can create a baseball bat shaped penis. Another major benefit is doing the workout in the shower. The extra heat seems to help with the workout. Although I’ve only used it about 4 or 5 times, I’m happy with it so far.

When they mean learning curve what that refers to is a somewhat slow process of figuring something out. It takes a while to understand how to use it. Hanging always has a learning curve to it. You using different ergonomical exercises with a device and not just your hands, it takes a while for your brain to adjust to how to use it effectively. It is not like picking up leaves by hand and then getting a rake and immediately making the wok easier by using this device to drag the leaves to the curb or trash can.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Well, one thing I do with the PJ that I don’t see on the site is squeezes. When you have around a 50 to 90 percent erection, take the PJ and clamp it onto your dick as far in towards your abdomen as you can. Clamp down hard, and then very slowly pull the device outward, so your shaft and head balloon up. When you get to nice, shiny, engorged state, hold the PJ clamped firmly in place for 30 to 60 seconds. Rinse and repeat. 5 to ten times per session.

I’ve reinforced one of my home made PJs with surgical tape around the sides where the metal tongs snap into the rollers. That way I have a lot more confidence it’s not going to fall apart and impale my balls if I clamp down too hard.

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