Originally Posted by seyz
I need help gaining more length. I am currently 6.5 BPEL 6 NBPEL. For three months of stretching for I have gained very little length. Around .1 at most. I have a really low LOT at 6-7. I would really like some help with my length. This is what I am currently doing. These are the stretches I am doing. Only upward and side stretches, no down, A and V stretches, tunica stretches, and counterclockwise and clockwise stretches. Does anyone have any ideas? I would really like to pick up more length ASAP. My goal is 6.5 NBP by May.
First, it is imperative that you realize that gains may not come quickly. According to Bib’s LOT Theory, those with a low LOT will most likely, unfortunately, experience slower gains than individuals with a high LOT. Second, it’s also important to take Bib’s LOT Theory for what it is: a damn good idea based on observation, non-scientific experimentation, and a lot of hard-core thinking on Bib’s part. I believe there is something in it, which is why I wrote the Bib’s LOT Theory 101 article, but I wouldn’t recommend that anyone with a low LOT totally abandon lig exercises.
I suggest that you incorporate some lig workout into your sessions. As far as improving what you’re all ready doing, it would be more helpful for others to make suggestions if we knew exactly what you’re doing. Tell us what you’re doing, how you do it, and how long you’re doing it. ;)
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