Length only or Girth only
As we’re coming to a new year, lots of people will be taking a fresh look at their PE and setting goals. I though it might be worth highlighting something that’s been mentioned before but put it in a thread of its own - length only or girth only routines.
The reason being that we start a routine which works for a while, then it stalls, so we look at time off deconditioning, try something else, and the discussions go on.
It’s worth reminding that the tunica is made up of *two* layers. There is the longitudinal and the lateral layer. If we work on both then they will both adapt and when gains stall it can be very frustrating.
If you train length only for 3 months, the lateral (girth) fibres will be getting a good deconditioning break. The next 3 months (or whatever duration you prefer) you can train girth with a good edge, and let the longitudinal fibres decondition instead. That way you always have fresh pastures to exploit.