Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Length: Practical Benefits Above 7 NBEL?

Length: Practical Benefits Above 7 NBEL?


I was thinking recently about this. Is there any point to being over 7 NBEL? I see a lot of guys pursuing over 7 on here and I’m not really sure why. At 7 (naturally), I’ve reached the end of a number of women before. I can’t see that being over 7 would be practically useful - wouldn’t you just end up keeping a significant portion of penis outside, and not being able to grind?

Any experiences or opinions on this? It seems to be that although above 7 inch length would look good, it might just be more detrimental to having good sex or pleasing a woman.


I think anything over 7” nbpel is just for show. I’m nearly 7.5” nbp and I don’t really feel I need that length since, as you said, I’ve bottomed out in every girl I’ve had sex with the past 4 years.

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

Originally Posted by Krowax
I think anything over 7” nbpel is just for show. I’m nearly 7.5” nbp and I don’t really feel I need that length since, as you said, I’ve bottomed out in every girl I’ve had sex with the past 4 years.

You too? I thought it was just some weirdly shallow selection of women I’ve been having!

So why are people trying to get over 7? What the hell does one do with a 9 inch NBEL (Non Base-pressed, I shorted it for myself :D )?

All women are built differently, some can take more than 7. I am only 6.75 nbp and have encountered a few women who I bottomed out in, and honestly it is kind of annoying.

I probably wont go much over 7.25 NBP if I can ever find a way to start growing again.

Also, why NBP? BP is what you max at. I wouldnt go over 8 BP just because im only 5 foot 8 and tend to date smaller women.

Starting (10 / 2006): 5.8~BPEL, 5~BG ----> Current: 7.6 BPEL, 5.6 BG ----> Goal: Pringles Can

I’m 7.25 NBP and its mostly the angle that prevents me from going deep. Right now I only have 1 partner and the rest is fuzzy and not so much experimentation so I can only talk about my experience with her.

I think over the course of our relationship she adapted to my size and can take all of me with no problem now (angle and position dependant) and I have a feeling she could take even more. Equine Rooster has experienced the same as me.

9 Inches would be too big.

Id say anything between 7nbp and 8 is close to perfect.

I’m just addicted to PE. I’m happy with my length and some what happy with my girth — I’m just addicted to PE.

2005: 5.5 EL & 5.6 EG, FL: 4in > Now: 7.5 NBP & 6.1 MEG, 5.8 BG (Goal: MORE !)

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Everytime I Visit Thunders, I Do 50 Kegels or More

Originally Posted by Stumpy1

I’m just addicted to PE. I’m happy with my length and some what happy with my girth — I’m just addicted to PE.

I agree with Stumpy1, I am happy with my erect length as well, but I am hooked on PE. I about to pump right now. At 7.5 NBPEL I do bottom out on my girlfriend face to face but she likes that I can hit certain spots deep in her canal. I don’t think another hard earned inch will hurt her any.

Big to bigger.

Originally Posted by LongVehicle

I was thinking recently about this. Is there any point to being over 7 NBEL? I see a lot of guys pursuing over 7 on here and I’m not really sure why. At 7 (naturally), I’ve reached the end of a number of women before. I can’t see that being over 7 would be practically useful - wouldn’t you just end up keeping a significant portion of penis outside, and not being able to grind?

Any experiences or opinions on this? It seems to be that although above 7 inch length would look good, it might just be more detrimental to having good sex or pleasing a woman.


Its a lot like a car…probably 60 horsepower is enough to get where you need to go, so why have 300 or more? Because its FUN! :)

I don’t even know why I PE anymore. I haven’t had sex in years.

I do know one thing, when I look at myself in the mirror, I see a very small,
undesirable penis that needs at least another inch in each dimension.

But that’s from all the porn and size queens that I have been with in my younger days I suppose.

Started: BP 7.1" x 5" MSEG

Now: BP 8 3/16" x 5 1/4" MSEG , 6 1/16" BG (4/29/09)

Goal: BP 9" x 6" MSEG

Originally Posted by sparkyx
Its a lot like a car…probably 60 horsepower is enough to get where you need to go, so why have 300 or more? Because its FUN! :)

But sparkyx,

I don’t mean that I’m against too much of a good thing -we’re all somewhat greedy. With girth, I want as much as I can get, because I know most women can adapt, and I know that there is some benefit to going above 6 for some if not most girls.

I am just trying to figure out if there is any benefit to going above 7 in length, because I can clearly see at least two downsides (can’t grind, might hurt girl and ruin it often) and can’t find ANY benefit (positions? but if you get some new ones, you lose being able to grind in old ones).

Originally Posted by OsamaBinGrowin
I don’t even know why I PE anymore. I haven’t had sex in years.

I do know one thing, when I look at myself in the mirror, I see a very small,
undesirable penis that needs at least another inch in each dimension.

But that’s from all the porn and size queens that I have been with in my younger days I suppose.

Why haven’t you had sex in year’s?

Anyway I am over 7NBP and most of the girl’s I mess with I can not bottom out in, I like girls with big legs I think that keeps me from getting my entire cock in though. I had sex with a girl that had very small legs and like no butt and I almost killed her in doggy style (not a good thing).
I think I need to mess around with a few more girls to really see where I would like my NBP to be.

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

Originally Posted by bluray
Why haven’t you had sex in year’s?

I was a jock in school…. Girls try to get to know you when you are popular, or really good at something. Now that I’m 21 and out of school,
I realize I don’t know how to approach women.
It’s to the point where I can’t approach women at all anymore. But that is another story and I don’t want to jack a thread.

Anyways, I’ve never bottomed out inside of a girl. But the last time I had sex I was about 7” BP.

Started: BP 7.1" x 5" MSEG

Now: BP 8 3/16" x 5 1/4" MSEG , 6 1/16" BG (4/29/09)

Goal: BP 9" x 6" MSEG

Originally Posted by LongVehicle
But sparkyx,

I don’t mean that I’m against too much of a good thing -we’re all somewhat greedy. With girth, I want as much as I can get, because I know most women can adapt, and I know that there is some benefit to going above 6 for some if not most girls.

I am just trying to figure out if there is any benefit to going above 7 in length, because I can clearly see at least two downsides (can’t grind, might hurt girl and ruin it often) and can’t find ANY benefit (positions? but if you get some new ones, you lose being able to grind in old ones).

It is a double edged sword. For some women it will enhance their sexual experience, and for some detract from it. Certainly for most women, I think a larger and HARD penis is a visual turn on, but it doesn’t always translate into a better experience overall.

Certainly as you go past 6 inches, you can’t just assume that you can “slam” it right in there. As your dick gets bigger, you need to learn to take a moment and see what she is capable of taking, when with someone new.

We have had guys here, having sex with the same woman as they start growing. Many report that their women start to have a much more intense sexual experience and enjoyment. Some report they have temporary discomfort while adapting to the new size. Some have reported the women say “enough” and when ignored, led to marital trouble.

Overall, I would say that if you learn to use the new length and girth, and learn to go slow when entering new “territory” that it is mostly positive. The one major exception IMHO is that girth can put an end to full length blow jobs, I’ve experienced it myself and it is a little sad. :(

Originally Posted by sparkyx
Its a lot like a car…probably 60 horsepower is enough to get where you need to go, so why have 300 or more? Because its FUN! :)

Yes, it is fun. But not so fun when you can only use 200 horsepower on the way. :)

Originally Posted by sparkyx

Its a lot like a car…probably 60 horsepower is enough to get where you need to go, so why have 300 or more? Because its FUN! :)

Hell yeah man, you hit the nail on the head. PE is like working under the hood and putting in long man hours to get the tuning just right. ;)

Big to bigger.

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