In light of the fact that I am a hard gainer I have decided to change up my routine a bit and see how it goes. This routine is more of a hard gainer routine. It may not sound that extreme to many of you, because your already doing something like this or even more intense. What I have been doing is a modified newbie routine;
5 minute warm up/down
20 minutes of stretching
30 minutes of jelqing (started using Cheeva’s method of jelqing at a 10 to 20 percent erection straight down)
2 on 1 off, 3 on 1 or 2 days off.
New routine;
I just started hanging about 3 weeks ago. Started with 5lbs, 3 sets for 15 minutes. I am now up to 7.5lbs, 6 sets of 20 minutes.
And the other thing that I am going to do is Jelq like I was before, but with one major difference. I was doing about 150, 10 second jelqs per session. Now I’m going to cut that number in half (75), but I am not going to take any rest days until I see negative PI’s. If I see no negative PI’s I will slowly increase the number of jelqs. If I get negative PI’s too soon, I will reduce the number of jelqs and intensity. I will also throw in an ADS as much as possible.
I know there are some people that are way more aggressive with there jelqing, but these types of jelqs are very intense. Plus I do tend to get negative PI’s when I over do it with the jelqs. So basically that’s it. Pretty simple…hanging, jelqing (both everyday until I have to take a day off because of negative PI’s). and an ADS. My goal of course is to stay just under the levels of the negative PI. I want to be able to do this routine everyday with no breaks. I will let you know how it goes.
Feel free to let me know what you think. However, at the same time please remember the original goal of this thread…
Less is more? More is more? Are you an easy gainer or a hard gainer?