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Less is more or more is more?


Less is more or more is more?

For some people the “less is more” strategy works, for some the “more is more” strategy works. I don’t believe that there is a one size fits all model for PE, and that different things work for different people.

So where do you fall?

Less is more?


More is more?

I have tried both, and for me, I think that I fall under the more is more category. It is what has worked for me. I am also a very hard gainer.

Mods this question is directed more towards our more experienced PE’rs, so if you could move this to the main members forum that would be much appreciated. Thank you!

Less is more.

See that thread I linked to in my sig — Is starting out lesser necessarily better

Has some interesting stuff in it.

I understand the whole starting off light thing and I 100% agree. However, even the newbie routine recommends that you increase time and intensity over time. This question is not really directed towards newbies. My point being is this. There kind of seems to be two camps out there, the less is more group, and the more is more group. I think that more people on the forum lean towards the less is more, side on the side of caution, and be safe group. And that’s great, if it works for them. And of course safety always comes first.

However, there are also people out there that will never see gains, or there gains are very hard to come by. No matter what techniques they use. My point in saying this is that we are all built differently and different styles of PE will work for different people. If a person only has one layer in his tunica its probably going to be way easier to stretch than a person that has three layers. More force and time may be needed, thus, more is more.

Imagine a string and a rope side by side. It will take much more time and force to stretch the rope. Just a thought.

The simple answer is: Whatever it is we can’t tell you which is better. As it depends on how you react to it.

The only way you can be sure on how it affects you, is to try one, note what happens, then try the other, Noting what happens and decide from those results.

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I am not asking for advice, not that I wouldnt take it of course. Im just asking a simple question. Which camp do you personally fall in. I know which one I fall in. I am just wondering how many of us fall in one camp as compared to the other.

For me, I think, more is more, although I’m no vet and I have only been PEing for like four months.

Cause, I like to feel after a session the way I feel after a good work out… I like that feeling of being a bit sore but at the same time like I really did some progress. Also, I have done some pretty intensive sessions without getting any negative PI’s.

Of course, warm wraps are key for the “more is more” camp.

I guess it’s also age related, among other things… The younger you are, the better is your tissue’s ability to heal.

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This probably would be a good poll. Then to take it one step further, we could correlate gains as compared to each camp. That way we could see which side has been more effective over all. I did think about doing that, but for now I will see how this thread does.

I have been at this for almost a year now, and I have given most manual techniques a fair shake. I think hanging is next for me. I would probably put a hanger under the more is more crowd.

By the way, can we move this thread to main members forum? I think it would be better suited there.

Originally Posted by Mdrg
For me, I think, more is more, although I’m no vet and I have only been PEing for like four months.
Cause, I like to feel after a session the way I feel after a good work out… I like that feeling of being a bit sore but at the same time like I really did some progress. Also, I have done some pretty intensive sessions without getting any negative PI’s.
Of course, warm wraps are key for the “more is more” camp.
I guess it’s also age related, among other things… The younger you are, the better is your tissue’s ability to heal.

Same here I think. My month off strangley seems to have let me handle more.

I believe “less is more”, mainly at the beginning. The penis needs to rest. But, in advanced levels I guess it should be with intense workout and regularity (5 on and 2 off).

07/09/08 - BPEL: - 6.3” , EL: - 6”; EG: - 4.75”

Short term goal - EL: 6”; EG: - 4.85”

Medium term goal - EL: 6”; EG: - 5.1”

Long term goal - EL: 6.5”; EG: - 5.5”

Final goal - EL - 7”; EG: - 6”

Originally Posted by dlm4
If a person only has one layer in his tunica its probably going to be way easier to stretch than a person that has three layers. More force and time may be needed, thus, more is more.

I have always believed this to be the case. So one should start with a “less is more” approach and increase the intensity if there are no gains. Personally, I am a “less is more” guy.

I’ve always believed it depends on the kind of work you are doing.

Stretching requires more rest than hanging, because I think you are pulling with more force than you do when hanging (at least if you aren’t an ‘extreme hanger’). Jelqing requires more rest than stretching, I believe, because more tissue are affected by work, and different kind of tissues.

Also, pressure created via jelqing is even more effective on expanding tissue than stretching.

Finally, an ADS can be worn everyday, since it creates little or not tissue damage.

I hope this is an answer to your question, maybe you’re searching for something else.

Last edited by marinera : 09-11-2008 at .

I think it can either be more or less as long as you are consistent. Consistency is the key to PEing. As for me, I was PEing 5 days on and 2 off consistently until I found my knitch, because of an injury. I then PE’d 4 weeks straight with some days off, but not like a 5 on 2 off thing, then I took 2 weeks off to let the Ole One Eyed Wonder Worm rest, and started the the 4 week on thing again. I saw my fastest gains like I could never believe. In fact, they came so fast that I passed my goals.

Less or more than what? The Newbie routine?

The problem with more is more is that it is so easy to push it to the point of no or even negative gains. (Been there.)

The problem with less is more is you can fuck around for months or even forever with no gains. (Been there.)

But I would have to go with less is more based on the simple fact that until just recently I was doing less than the Newbie Routine, and made good gains that way. In fact I really still do less than the newbie routine in that I take more days off and do no stretching.

Sept. 4, '07: BPEL 6.875 inches, EG widest 5.25

Goal: Double digits


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