Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Let the Flaccid Hang?

Originally Posted by Lampwick

You are more than your cock size, or your weight, or your hair, or how muscular you are.

You’re at the gym. You sweat. Take a shower. Wrap a towel around yourself when you’re not actually under the shower nozzles if you wish. You’re bigger flaccid than most, and bigger flaccid than many are erect. Work on being secure on who and what you are, and part of that is not making a big deal out of being naked when naked is what is appropriate - like when you’ve worked out and you’re sweaty and a shower is in order. They have showers there; why defer getting clean?

Good advice! But its just that I run very gossip prone circles.

2003: 5.75" BPEL, 3" Flacid /2004: 6.75" BPEL, 5" Flacid

2007: 7.5" BPEL, 5.5" Flacid /NOW: 8" BPEL, 5.74" Flacid

/Goal: 8.5" BPEL, 6" Flacid

I figured out why my flaccid doesn’t look right to me. It rarely hangs straight down. It points out slightly because of my ball sack. If I got a good sack hang its fine, but usually it point out a bit so when I look straight in a mirror it looks smaller. But from the side it looks fine.

Any suggestions?

2003: 5.75" BPEL, 3" Flacid /2004: 6.75" BPEL, 5" Flacid

2007: 7.5" BPEL, 5.5" Flacid /NOW: 8" BPEL, 5.74" Flacid

/Goal: 8.5" BPEL, 6" Flacid

Originally Posted by Tazbonito

I feel like I know so many people that go there that I need to be at least on the better side of average to shower there.
I vary from 5.5” to 6”.
I’ll be comfortable naked as long as I know people won’t be like: “look at that poor guy”.
I’m a handsome well built guy, a little cocky too. Have a sort of ‘lady’s man’ reputation.
I either hang with pride, or I’m avoiding the locker room at all cost.

You should reincarnate as a fat, ugly, un-hung guy who has to shower with hung guys every damn day. Maybe that will teach you a thing or two about pride and character. I’m sorry for sounding like a jerk but I have very little sympathy for this kind of drivel from a grown man.

Why don’t Get over yourself and your vanity.


Oh concrete, I completely agree with you.

How dare an individual be concerned with the appearance of his penis, on a penis enlargement site no less!!

For shame!


Maybe this isn’t the right site for you, concrete.

Originally Posted by Beginner91

Oh concrete, I completely agree with you.

How dare an individual be concerned with the appearance of his penis, on a penis enlargement site no less!!

For shame!


Maybe this isn’t the right site for you, concrete.

I’m just trying to help him solve his ‘problem’. When someone has a small flaccid I can understand his insecurities somewhat. This, however, is about vanity (as the guy is plenty hung) and I don’t believe that is something you need in the locker room. You are there to shower and change and so are other guys. If you let this sort of ‘problem’ be an issue when you are an adult and above average in size, then you should really reevaluate your priorities in my opinion.

Really just trying to help

Originally Posted by concrete
I’m just trying to help him solve his ‘problem’. When someone has a small flaccid I can understand his insecurities somewhat. This, however, is about vanity (as the guy is plenty hung) and I don’t believe that is something you need in the locker room. You are there to shower and change and so are other guys. If you let this sort of ‘problem’ be an issue when you are an adult and above average in size, then you should really reevaluate your priorities in my opinion.

Really just trying to help

Can’t disagree with anything here.


Considering you have a flaccid size that is generally regarded as the average erect size, is it not obvious to you that you have a larger flaccid than the majority of guys in the locker room already? Even if porn has altered your perception of what is big, I hope you can still make a visual comparison with a guy standing next to you.

My best advice is to go to the gym today and let loose. You’ll figure out pretty damn quickly how little everyone cares about your cock.


"Life's not a bitch. Life is a beautiful woman."

Taz just set your self free and stop thinking bout what other people might think of you.

I think that you have a big flaccid size but I also see where your coming from when you say it still looks small. Because it also depends on how big you are for example if your like the size of a body builder that that shit would look small but if you are an average size build then you have nothing to worry about let your thang hang.

Originally Posted by concrete
I’m just trying to help him solve his ‘problem’. When someone has a small flaccid I can understand his insecurities somewhat. This, however, is about vanity (as the guy is plenty hung) and I don’t believe that is something you need in the locker room. You are there to shower and change and so are other guys. If you let this sort of ‘problem’ be an issue when you are an adult and above average in size, then you should really reevaluate your priorities in my opinion.

Really just trying to help

I apologize. Friends?

Dude I wouldn’t worry about it. If I had your flaccid I’d be naked everywhere!! Haha

Flaunt it!

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

I think a lot of guys would like to have a flaccid that size. Including me!
While we’re on the subject, which is best for increasing flaccid size? Pumping or hanging?


Originally Posted by Tazbonito
Good advice! But its just that I run very gossip prone circles.

I would be willing to bet that even though you “run in very gossip prone circles” finding men gossiping about some guys unit they just saw in the locker room would be quite rare. Besides, you would make most of them self conscious with a huge flaccid like yours.

When I was 5 years old my mom told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down "happy." They told me I didn't understand the assignment, I told them they didn't understand life. ~John Lennon

I appreciate every ones encouragement….well,…almost every ones.

Concrete, I don’t think your in the right thread or website for that matter. In case you haven’t figured it out yet, this is what we do here on Thunders. We help each other get over our insecurities, no matter how insignificant those insecurities may be. Insecurities are very real and effect all of us differently. I don’t think you would appreciate someone calling your insecurities “dribble”. Some of the things your said, came from a very dark place. I wish you the best it getting past your insecurities and…you anger. Besides, when it comes to size, everything is relative. I base my perception on what I’ve experienced and seen in my life. I suggest you do the same. And like mother use to say: “If you don’t have anything nice to say…..”

I haven’t always had a flaccid this size anyway. I worked hard to get it there over 3 1/2 years. The last thing I needed was to walk in there and feel tiny all over again. Thanks to the ‘encouraging’ posts that most of you left, I built up the courage to test it out in the gym. The last time I was naked in a gym, I was the smallest guy in there and I’ll never forget that feeling. But this time was very different. I’m glad I went for it. Thankfully, now I have one less insecurity.

2003: 5.75" BPEL, 3" Flacid /2004: 6.75" BPEL, 5" Flacid

2007: 7.5" BPEL, 5.5" Flacid /NOW: 8" BPEL, 5.74" Flacid

/Goal: 8.5" BPEL, 6" Flacid

Originally Posted by Block617
I think that you have a big flaccid size but I also see where your coming from when you say it still looks small. Because it also depends on how big you are for example if your like the size of a body builder that that shit would look small but if you are an average size build then you have nothing to worry about let your thang hang.

I think your right. I have an athletic frame so when I looked from the front it looked small. From the side it looks good.

2003: 5.75" BPEL, 3" Flacid /2004: 6.75" BPEL, 5" Flacid

2007: 7.5" BPEL, 5.5" Flacid /NOW: 8" BPEL, 5.74" Flacid

/Goal: 8.5" BPEL, 6" Flacid


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