Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Let the Flaccid Hang?

Originally Posted by Tazbonito

I haven’t always had a flaccid this size anyway. I worked hard to get it there over 3 1/2 years. The last thing I needed was to walk in there and feel tiny all over again. Thanks to the ‘encouraging’ posts that most of you left, I built up the courage to test it out in the gym. The last time I was naked in a gym, I was the smallest guy in there and I’ll never forget that feeling. But this time was very different. I’m glad I went for it. Thankfully, now I have one less insecurity.

Good for you then.

Obsession is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated.

My Pics

AOM's training log

Thanx aom91!

2003: 5.75" BPEL, 3" Flacid /2004: 6.75" BPEL, 5" Flacid

2007: 7.5" BPEL, 5.5" Flacid /NOW: 8" BPEL, 5.74" Flacid

/Goal: 8.5" BPEL, 6" Flacid

Originally Posted by Tazbonito

I think your right. I have an athletic frame so when I looked from the front it looked small. From the side it looks good.

It’s one of nature’s cruel tricks: we only see our own dick from the most disadvantageous angle; looking down on it. We see everyone else’s dick from angles that makes it look larger.

Anyone have any suggestions on how to get a more 90 degree hang? My sack makes me poke out a bit.

2003: 5.75" BPEL, 3" Flacid /2004: 6.75" BPEL, 5" Flacid

2007: 7.5" BPEL, 5.5" Flacid /NOW: 8" BPEL, 5.74" Flacid

/Goal: 8.5" BPEL, 6" Flacid

Originally Posted by Tazbonito

Anyone have any suggestions on how to get a more 90 degree hang? My sack makes me poke out a bit.

Either do a bit of ball/sack stretching, or just wait until you are much older, when it will happen anyway!

I think a low hanging sack looks wrong on a young guy. Sure, it steals a little length, but it shows some virility; old guys seldom have high tight balls. So we end up with the stupid situation where many young guys want hanging balls, and most old guys would love to have a tighter sack.

We always want what we don’t have. (:

Originally Posted by firegoat
It’s one of nature’s cruel tricks: we only see our own dick from the most disadvantageous angle; looking down on it. We see everyone else’s dick from angles that makes it look larger.

It’s all part of Mother Nature’s plan to instill humility.

Originally Posted by concrete
You should reincarnate as a fat, ugly, un-hung guy who has to shower with hung guys every damn day. Maybe that will teach you a thing or two about pride and character. I’m sorry for sounding like a jerk but I have very little sympathy for this kind of drivel from a grown man.

Why don’t Get over yourself and your vanity.

Originally Posted by Beginner91

Oh concrete, I completely agree with you.

How dare an individual be concerned with the appearance of his penis, on a penis enlargement site no less!!

For shame!


Maybe this isn’t the right site for you, concrete.

Originally Posted by Tazbonito
I appreciate every ones encouragement….well,…almost every ones.

Concrete, I don’t think your in the right thread or website for that matter. In case you haven’t figured it out yet, this is what we do here on Thunders. We help each other get over our insecurities, no matter how insignificant those insecurities may be. Insecurities are very real and effect all of us differently. I don’t think you would appreciate someone calling your insecurities “dribble”. Some of the things your said, came from a very dark place. I wish you the best it getting past your insecurities and…you anger. Besides, when it comes to size, everything is relative. I base my perception on what I’ve experienced and seen in my life. I suggest you do the same. And like mother use to say: “If you don’t have anything nice to say…..”

I haven’t always had a flaccid this size anyway. I worked hard to get it there over 3 1/2 years. The last thing I needed was to walk in there and feel tiny all over again. Thanks to the ‘encouraging’ posts that most of you left, I built up the courage to test it out in the gym. The last time I was naked in a gym, I was the smallest guy in there and I’ll never forget that feeling. But this time was very different. I’m glad I went for it. Thankfully, now I have one less insecurity.

We should all play nice.

I appreciate the reality check, concrete, but maybe there are better ways to hand them out. I’m learning new ways all the time, myself.

Originally Posted by SpunkRat
Taz just set your self free and stop thinking bout what other people might think of you.

I like it! Well said!

Although it is easily said, not always so easy to do.

If it’s any consolation I have 5” flaccid and I hate stripping off in the gym. I have a decent body and I’m not ashamed of what I’ve got.

No, it’s mainly because of all the “activity” that seems to be going on in the sauna and steam rooms. I wish those fucking people would get a real room, instead of the using public facilities, but I’m old-fashioned that way. As it stands, the entire locker-room experience is about being cruised, which is tiresome. I find it makes a marginal difference in my life if I get a shower 20 minutes after a work-out or immediately thereafter, although it depends on what I’m doing. If I’m going out after lifting, I certainly take a shower. If I’m just going home to crash, I blow it off.


You don’t owe anyone a peek, Tazbonito. You want to wait to take the shower, I say it’s a fine choice.

Maybe eventually none of us will care, but I think even if I always had a 6” X 5” flaccid (as it is post-pump) I might be even more shy in the gym, not because people might see, but because they would be looking.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy

If I always had a 6” X 5” flaccid (as it is post-pump) I might be even more shy in the gym, not because people might see, but because they would be looking.

So true. A small flaccid gets a brief accidental glance and a look away. A big one gets an obvious double-take! Followed by more ‘did I see that right…. I’ll just have another quick peek’. Beware ye who would a large flaccid possess!

Originally Posted by Tazbonito

Anyone have any suggestions on how to get a more 90 degree hang? My sack makes me poke out a bit.

Stretch your nut sack like firegoat suggested. Try this if you havent been doing it already, wear loose clothing ex. boxers or boxer briefs instead of plain briefs. Even going commando can have your sack drop a bit.

Obsession is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated.

My Pics

AOM's training log

Originally Posted by Tazbonito
I think your right. I have an athletic frame so when I looked from the front it looked small. From the side it looks good.

Big is big! I’m not tall 5’9”,this makes my 6” flaccid look really impressive.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by firegoat
Either do a bit of ball/sack stretching, or just wait until you are much older, when it will happen anyway!
I think a low hanging sack looks wrong on a young guy. Sure, it steals a little length, but it shows some virility; old guys seldom have high tight balls. So we end up with the stupid situation where many young guys want hanging balls, and most old guys would love to have a tighter sack.

We always want what we don’t have. (:

Good point fire!

2003: 5.75" BPEL, 3" Flacid /2004: 6.75" BPEL, 5" Flacid

2007: 7.5" BPEL, 5.5" Flacid /NOW: 8" BPEL, 5.74" Flacid

/Goal: 8.5" BPEL, 6" Flacid

Originally Posted by aom91
Stretch your nut sack like firegoat suggested. Try this if you havent been doing it already, wear loose clothing ex. boxers or boxer briefs instead of plain briefs. Even going commando can have your sack drop a bit.

I’m noticing that after a nice hot shower, I get a decent sack hang. Could be better, but it does the trick.

2003: 5.75" BPEL, 3" Flacid /2004: 6.75" BPEL, 5" Flacid

2007: 7.5" BPEL, 5.5" Flacid /NOW: 8" BPEL, 5.74" Flacid

/Goal: 8.5" BPEL, 6" Flacid

I went to the gym this morning for the first time in forever. I had never really thought about it before, but since reading this yesterday it occurred to me. My flaccid is up to around 4”, so I was definitely flaunting today!

11 JULY 2007 - BPEL: 5.5" EG: 4.75" NBPEL: 4.5"

11 JUNE 2008 - BPEL: 6.75" EG: 5.0" Base EG: 5.5"

KingPole is my Sensei - Goal: Just a little bit more - Progress/Routine - My Pictures - Perfect Measuring Technique

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy

You don’t owe anyone a peek, Tazbonito. You want to wait to take the shower, I say it’s a fine choice.

Good advice Happy. But unfortunately because of my work, I live my life in a fish bowl. I wish I could just ‘not care’ what people think and say. My life use to be that way. But these days, I have to be very rumor conscious. Maybe even a bit paranoid.

But this morning was the second day at the gym and this locker room thing is getting easier and easier. Noticed some ‘peeks’ but it wasn’t a big deal.

I walked up to a sink with a large mirror to shave, and this body builder dude walks up right next to me. There we are both in the mirror,…in the ruff. Lets just say, that was the confidence boost I’ve needed since Middle School.

Long live Thunders!

2003: 5.75" BPEL, 3" Flacid /2004: 6.75" BPEL, 5" Flacid

2007: 7.5" BPEL, 5.5" Flacid /NOW: 8" BPEL, 5.74" Flacid

/Goal: 8.5" BPEL, 6" Flacid

Originally Posted by SideBanger
I went to the gym this morning for the first time in forever. I had never really thought about it before, but since reading this yesterday it occurred to me. My flaccid is up to around 4”, so I was definitely flaunting today!

Congradulations man! Letting the flaccid feels GREAT!

2003: 5.75" BPEL, 3" Flacid /2004: 6.75" BPEL, 5" Flacid

2007: 7.5" BPEL, 5.5" Flacid /NOW: 8" BPEL, 5.74" Flacid

/Goal: 8.5" BPEL, 6" Flacid

Low balls can be a pain in the ass. Big balls is where it is at, This gets you respect!

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!


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