LOL, after 4 years, I finally figured out how to JelQ right
Now this is just sad. I’ve been around Thunders for over 4 years now, have seen some slight success with growth, gut would lose it shortly do to overdoing PE. What frustrated me was that I never had long or grueling PE sessions, but would inevitably feel a sharp pain in the head of my penis and I would stop the exercise. One time the sharp pain lasted for over a month and I did not PE that whole time, even masturbation was uncomforable. Of course episodes like this made me take a break from PE out of frustraion and I questioned how real it was. Then other times I would make noticeable gains, only to find my self eventually back in the same place…a hurt shrunken dick.
Well thank god I finally figured out what I was doing wrong, thank you Memento for your awesome thread, “Memento’s Rapid Gains”. In his thread he mentioned how the JelQ, while seemingly a simple exercise, takes many months to master, and he was right in my case. His statement made me go back to the basic tutorial and read up on JelQ’s. Lo and behold it mentioned to stop the stroke an inch away from the head to avoid damaging the dorsal. God damn I wish I’d taken the time to read that years ago. For the past 2 months I’ve been finally doing them right and not hurting myself, and my dick is bigger than it has ever been. I’m using Mem’s routine, I was just noticing my flacid tonight and couldn’t believe it was mine. Thank you Mem for inspiring me to go back to basics and do it right this time.