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Long Term PEing cause ED

Long Term PEing cause ED

I was just wondering if long term PEing would cause ED. I have heard that it will improve erections, which I find to be true right through a few years of experience, but I have also read that it will cause ED later on. Anybody here been PEing for over 10 years? 15 years? Don’t know how long it’s been around.

Starting, Feb. 04' BPEL 5.5, EG 4.5, Feb 06' BEPEL 6.00, EG 5.0

Summer goal- 6.25 BPEL, 5.25 EG, HELP ME GET IT!

I have PE’d for well over a decade (started in 1992, but have done seriously since 2000). The only time I have experienced ED is when I overdo it. A day or two of rest and things are back to normal. As I have learned more, I know how to stay right on the edge to get the maximum effect without pushing the line too far. No fun if your efforts reduce your effectiveness in using your increased size.

Wow.. Over a decade. Could I please know your gains? It must be pretty damn big for over a decade :O

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