Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Looking Back: What would you change?


Looking Back: What would you change?

Calling all veteran PE’ers!

I thought it would be interesting to ask this question of you. If you could go back to the beginning of your PE career, at the point where you had just completed the newbie routine (assume you did it, even if you didn’t) - what would you do differently?

What were the most major mistakes you made, or missed opportunities?

This could be very useful information for newbies and somewhat experienced people as well.

To start off (although I’m probably only mid-way in my PE career): I would have searched for EXPANSION while clamping, I think this would have gotten me past the stagnation in gains. I made a mistake when I assumed deoxygenation was the cause for growth, and it made my latter gains suffer.

What about you?

(This is not just for hardcore veterans, anyone with a year of experience should provide their input :D ).

Eating that candy from that hookers asshole.

Fyi, Vicodin does not cure herpes, but it sure as the shit stain on that candy makes bleach baths feel more comfortable.

OK, back on topic now.

Wishing and hoping for the best - yup your doing it wrong.


But for me, if I could go back I would make absolutely sure that I am using heat throughout each and every one of my sessions regardless of the exercise. The difference between using heat and not is night and day for me.

Jan. '08:----------------------------------------------------------Feb '19:-----------------------Goal:

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6.5 BP-------------------------------------------------------------8.5 BP-----------------------9.25 BP

Originally Posted by LongVehicle
Calling all veteran PE’ers!

I thought it would be interesting to ask this question of you. If you could go back to the beginning of your PE career, at the point where you had just completed the newbie routine (assume you did it, even if you didn’t) - what would you do differently?

What were the most major mistakes you made, or missed opportunities?

This could be very useful information for newbies and somewhat experienced people as well.

To start off (although I’m probably only mid-way in my PE career): I would have searched for EXPANSION while clamping, I think this would have gotten me past the stagnation in gains. I made a mistake when I assumed deoxygenation was the cause for growth, and it made my latter gains suffer.

What about you?

(This is not just for hardcore veterans, anyone with a year of experience should provide their input :D ).

Oh yeah I read that theory, Never knew you changed your mind about it till right now. I just thought keeping it expanded for as long as possible whilst being safe is for the best and I assume that still is true. Got any tips of expansion?

I’ve been PEing for almost a year, I barely warm up and have gained near to an inch.

I think heat just may just make things safer and get you to the post work out size quicker.

I don’t think I’d really change anything, with the lessons I learnt it helped me to progress. I read a lot of things here, asked plenty of questions and got involved in the community thus learning from others experience.

I do wish I could get a bib hanger to help gains. So that’s not a regret more a wish..

Oh I would have loved to discover PE like at the age of 14, I’m 20 now so during the growth stage would of grown way more I guess.

Future regrets I think I’ll be saying I wish I had done turkey neck prevention/fixing exercises but I’ve read they just make things worse so won’t be doing them I can live with a little turkey neck with a monster dick just, I’ve seen horrific cases where theres hair half way up the shaft. I pray that won’t happen to me!

Originally Posted by Audacia
Oh yeah I read that theory, Never knew you changed your mind about it till right now. I just thought keeping it expanded for as long as possible whilst being safe is for the best and I assume that still is true. Got any tips of expansion?

If you check out the other thread I have up in the MM forum, I sort of explain how I do it now (about the tips for expansion). Length of time seems less critical than expansion, as well. I misinterpreted the results of my work, big time.

Turkey neck and skin issues are probably going to be a big issue here, :D . I think I am already regretting the short time I spent hanging. Although I seem to be in the minority, I do NOT wish to re-create any foreskin!

I am glad I started during a simpler time when people just hanged and grew big. Now, your all wrapped up in mumbo-jumbo theories, heat and everything else under the sun. I would have started hanging 25lbs a lot sooner.

What I would definitely change is to not try so hard and use so much force. Either with jelqing or pumping, when I started I was just too gung-ho and by going overboard I caused broken capillaries and discoloration that just stagnated my progress. If you want the best results, you definitely don’t want to hurt yourself or cause visible damage or suffer erection problems.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Originally Posted by LongVehicle
If you check out the other thread I have up in the MM forum, I sort of explain how I do it now (about the tips for expansion). Length of time seems less critical than expansion, as well. I misinterpreted the results of my work, big time.

Turkey neck and skin issues are probably going to be a big issue here, :D . I think I am already regretting the short time I spent hanging. Although I seem to be in the minority, I do NOT wish to re-create any foreskin!

I haven’t seen your MM forum, I just saw a thread here on your theory, PM me the link to it and I would love to read it!! I’ve gotten back into clamping the past month since that injury. I’m a bit confused about the turkey neck thing.

I’m uncut so I think it’s easier to get turkeyneck right? But circumcised people can’t really get it but instead end up growing more foreskin, correct? I just need some method to grow more shaft skin as I grow length without making turkey neck worse.

First I would need to know what are the requirements to call yourself a veteran? Then I can answer :D

Started: 15.5cm x 12cm, Now: 19.5cm x 13.3cm, Goal: 21cm x 15cm

I'm going to reach my goal, and there is no one who can stop me! Yes, I'm a persistent bastard :D

My Pictures! I am back baby, and I will hang out with my wang out!

Originally Posted by Luka89
First I would need to know what are the requirements to call yourself a veteran? Then I can answer :D

I just meant anyone with a year or more experience.

What could you have done better? What did you waste time with? Was there anything that you said…Eureka! I wish I did this sooner? Etc.

Originally Posted by Audacia
I haven’t seen your MM forum, I just saw a thread here on your theory, PM me the link to it and I would love to read it!! I’ve gotten back into clamping the past month since that injury. I’m a bit confused about the turkey neck thing.

I’m uncut so I think it’s easier to get turkeyneck right? But circumcised people can’t really get it but instead end up growing more foreskin, correct? I just need some method to grow more shaft skin as I grow length without making turkey neck worse.

Clamping will most likely cause neither, from what I’ve seen. The culprits behind major skin growth seem to be hanging and pumping.

I meant my other thread in the Main Member forum.

Well, for starters, I wish my first knowledge of Pe was from Thundersplace and not from a variety of downloaded files.

Second, just like gprent, I wish I haven’t gone overboard - over training. A couple of times.

And last, but not least, I wish I was confident about my size then as I am now. It’s not a question of size but perspective of oneself and life in general.

:chicken: My chicken is on the path of becoming a big cock! :rooster:

Originally Posted by gprent
What I would definitely change is to not try so hard and use so much force. Either with jelqing or pumping, when I started I was just too gung-ho and by going overboard I caused broken capillaries and discoloration that just stagnated my progress. If you want the best results, you definitely don’t want to hurt yourself or cause visible damage or suffer erection problems.

What do you mean by pressure or force in terms of pumping? Using your pumped length as a gauge, how much would you have pushed the pumped length past non-pumped BPEL, ideally?

I would go back and change the times I was not consistent, back when I was making steady gains every month I wish I could go back and yell at myself saying don’t let up!

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

Originally Posted by LongVehicle
I just meant anyone with a year or more experience.

What could you have done better? What did you waste time with? Was there anything that you said.Eureka! I wish I did this sooner? Etc.

Ok, then I’m a veteran was a lot more then one and a half year on PE. Well the thing I would change is not to have the long PE pause I had when I was in a relationship. Hmm and I would buy the pump earlier.

Started: 15.5cm x 12cm, Now: 19.5cm x 13.3cm, Goal: 21cm x 15cm

I'm going to reach my goal, and there is no one who can stop me! Yes, I'm a persistent bastard :D

My Pictures! I am back baby, and I will hang out with my wang out!

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